High School People of Color Teens & Young Adult

My name is Lu , short for Luisa . I'm 16 and was born in Japan but my parents divorced when I was 4 , so in result of that , me and my mum moved to the UK . Growing up , I never had much friends . When i tried to make some , they would call me names such as , 'Ching Chong Lu ' or ' dog eater'. Fortunately , I was lucky to have my best friend Naomi . She was dark-skinned with curly hair and was about 5'6 , and from the Caribbean . We were always there for each other . I'm an only child , so Naomi was like my sister . However , we were quite the opposite . She was confident , sporty , liked by most people and had a perfect family . A mum , dad , sister and brother (she was the youngest). Me however , I'm non-sporty , much prefer music and have a broken family . It's just me and mum. When I grow up , I want to be a lawyer so I can defend those who deserve justice , I know how it is to feel powerless and outnumbered . Naomi wanted to be a dancer , I promised her I'd never miss any of her dance competitions and will always be in the audience supporting her . Because that's what sisters do.

The end of year party was quickly approaching with only 4 days left to spare . I'm not a fan of parties , but I wasn't always like this . I used to party every weekend with Naomi and had a blast each time ! I guess you could say I was the life of the party . Since both of us were under age to drive , we would take a cab or one of our mums would pick us up . This all came to an end swiftly . It was the 31st of October 2017 . Me and a group of other friends went to a Halloween party not far from Naomi's house . It was great , the decorations , the lights and the food . We were living our best life . I needed to go to the restroom so I asked one of my friends to hold my drink . I wanted to ask Naomi , but she was dancing and I didn't want to interrupt her . When I came back , my friends were giggling secretly , I didn't think much of it , I thought someone had just made a funny joke .

Stupidly , I drank the drink . I felt faint like I was about to pass out . The room began to spin and the voices around me had become like echos , and before I knew it , I had blacked out . The next morning , I had found myself in a hospital bed with Naomi and my mum next to me . They said I had been drugged and sexually assaulted , but not sure who did it . I didn't even remember who I had given my drink too. All I know , is that someone was after me .

Therefore , I was nervous too attend the end of year party . Naomi tried her best to persuade me , saying "C'mon Lu , you know I will be by your side no mater what ."or "You don't want to miss this sis !" My reply was always ,

"I know you will be there with me and I know I won't want to miss it , but I feel targeted and afraid . You know what happened last time , I don't want it to repeat itself we can't trust anyone . It's us against the world ." The days went by and it was the night of the end of year party , I told Naomi to go because I knew how much she wanted to attend it , and I don't want to be the reason for her not going . We face timed and she was wearing a beautiful blue dress that suited her and her skin complexion so well . I guess I'd just watch people's Instagram stories of how amazing the party is .

I called Naomi to see how she was getting on , but she didn't answer , she must've be on the dance floor showing off her great moves . So I thought . Naomi was a great dancer and had been dancing since she was 4 . When we first met , she taught me how to pirouette and moonwalk ( I never got the hang of it tho ) . I was lucky to have her and didn't know what I would do without her . I just had to wait until the party was over to call her . It was late at night and my eyes were forcefully closing , I was sure sure I could check on her the next day. It was the next day and I went to have some food , my mum was downstairs with police officers. Silent .

"Good morning " I say

"Lu , I don't know how to tell you this , Naomi is dead ."

"What ! HOW !" I shouted . I didn't know if I was angry or devastated or both ! My best friend , my sister , my everything . Gone. I broke down completely , my body felt weak , with tears running down my face .

"She was drugged and sexually abused at a party yesterday , the offender is still unknown but we are doing our best to seek justice for your friend " The officer said . I knew I was being targeted , but Naomi ? Who would want to hurt her . She was such a friendly soul , never had problems with anyone .

"I'm so sorry Lu , I know how much this has an affect on you , but you can't let it destroy you and eat you up inside ." Said my mum.

"How am I not supposed to , Naomi , the only person that was there for me when I needed someone the most , the only on that would wipe my tears , the only one that would pick me up when I fell . I loved her !" I was sobbing , on the floor , with mum and a random officer staring at me . I wanted to die . I wanted to be with Naomi .

This is why I was nervous to go to the party .

May 08, 2021 19:40

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