My story is entitled I didn't see the coming later did I realise that it was Satifu the Detective.

Written in response to: Write a story that includes the line, "I didn't see that one coming."... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

My story is entitled I didn't see the one coming , later did I realise that it was Satifu the Detective.

Once upon a time, Satifu the Detective helped the Police to catch and arrest a very dangerous and cruel criminal by name Mr. Nobody.

This incident happened on a Friday morning whilst everyone had gone to work so that they will earn for themselves some income to fend for themselves.

Mr. Nobody could possibly be described as a criminal who oftentimes dresses shabbily and he is very tall in structure.

Again Mr. Nobody is a man who often attacks and steals the belongings of people within the community especially money.

Mr. Nobody believed in the slogan that we have to steal to make ends meet and also to fend for ourselves.

The man Mr. Nobody believes that poverty makes us poor that our dear society tends to ridicule us.

Others also argue that when Mr. Nobody is arrested most of the criminal activities that oftentimes occur in our community will be reduced and stopped.

The report of criminal activities engaged by Mr. Nobody to the Police is very alarming.

Also Mr. Nobody is well noted in political circles to be very smart although he is not a Politician.

Others argue that sometimes when you try to arrest him he will either shoot you or maim you.

As a result Mr. Nobody engages in manslaughter and then fights all other individuals within the community.

Mr. Nobody could be described as a criminal who oftentimes engages in all sorts of nefarious activities and is well known to be very cruel within his community.

However , Did you recognize Youraba.? Sergeant Victor asked William. No it was absolutely dark within the community.

I realised that a tree had fallen across the road. Again when the Detective got out of the vehicle to move it, he fainted and collapsed on the floor till Wendy gave him water on the river bank.

It was then a woman"s instincts that tells Victoria your wife that it was Youraba that attacked you said the Sergeant.

Again they argued that Mr. Nobody also attacks people and steal their belongings, assets including money.

Mr. Nobody sometimes even goes to the extent of killing them or he injures them..

It can be noted that Victoria can be right but the Police must have some sort of proof and evidence by then.

Again Victoria is right because the Police by their own investigations had the proof and evidence that Mr. Nobody was a criminal of all means.

Mr. Nobody can be described as a criminal who steals others of their wealth including their possessions due to these issues and incidents he is always wanted by the Police.

Also do you know whether this Youraba had his finger missing.

No said William. We only knew that the knife probably fell on his finger and that the blood really poured out, but I also think that it is possible that the finger might be completely cut off or maimed by then.

Also there was also a mark on his head that was a scar on his head for being beaten by the inhabitants of the community for engaging in nefarious activities.

Other people argued that they can easily point out that the criminal Mr. Nobody, whenever they meet him.

Mr. Nobody the criminal was well noted to be tall and ugly. Also his eyes are evil and does not probably look the same always. It is believed that because of the criminal activities of Mr. Nobody and other nefarious activities engaged by him people and the entire society see him as ugly oftentimes yell insults at him by painting him black.

The Sergeant Victor also smoked his pipe silently for a while. Then he said, We will do as follows : tomorrow I will arrange for a lorry and we will go to the nearby town.

It was the Sergeant Victor who by the help of his Police Patrol team helped to arrest and then scare away all sorts of criminals within the community.

The Police Patrol team arrests and then scares away all sorts of criminals who want to engage in nefarious activities by stealing people of their possessions and other belongings.

Also the Police Patrol team are always alert to arrest criminals like Mr. Nobody who steals innocent people of their possessions and other belongings.

Mr. Nobody is also noted by others as a fraudster who steals others of their wealth and also sometimes defrauds them.

The Police nearly arrested him due to his activities of defrauding people and

stealing their money.

William will go to the hospital until his leg is healed of all infirmities caused by Mr. Nobody.

Joshua will then live in the Police barracks with the wife of Satifu. Also he will show himself in the community whenever he is on duty to arrest all criminals and others who engage in other nefarious activities.

Again the Youraba will come to the village to seek Victoria but until he hears that I have returned to town he will not come or be in attendance by then.

Also secretly, on the day after , he will come back here and then watch for him.

Satifu the Detective asked eagerly , May I watch for him tomorrow night while you are still in the town. ?

In addition the news of my return to the town will not have reached the Youraba by tomorrow night and he will not come so there is no need for you to watch .

Besides , it can be noted that the night is full of some sort of strange noises and you will fear to always sit alone when darkness probably comes.

Again he will take his bow and arrows and then J will not fear at all said Satifu the detective.

Also please let me watch, I will sit in the vehicle and then I will see and hear anyone coming to the house.

The Sergeant Victor shook his head then Satifu the detective decided on one last try with his investigations.

It can be noted that the news often travels very fast in the bush.

The Youraba may easily hear at once that you have gone and then come to look for Victoria by tomorrow by morning.

Very well , said the Sergeant Satifu. You may as well find out that watching is very monotonous and exciting but you are not to always use bow and arrow or gun or it wjll be the detective Satifu I shall be charging for attempted murder or assassination when a lawsuit is charged against him.

Thank you, said the Detective Satifu and he was so delighted by then for arresting the criminal Mr. Nobody and he kept him in custody.

July 24, 2024 16:03

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