Somewhere at parallel world - Asher

Submitted into Contest #57 in response to: Write a story about someone who’s famous for something they never actually did.... view prompt






*Thundering and raining*

             ‘‘It is continuously raining today. Heavy flood is the result of it. It is said today comet is going to crash through our earth. And don't know when would this rain stop. Please stay at home there is going to be some kind of big disaster today and it is said that there is more chance that comet would crash somewhere at lidtrai park. So please be safe at home.‘’

Someone is calling me, ‘’Oh, it’s Faust. Hello !!! ‘’ my phone died.

‘I am here to get some foods. After a couple of minutes it began to rain in such a heavy way that I didn’t get other way except for taking shelter in bus stop. I moved there, unfortunately I even forget to bring light, that I should have brought in case of emergency just like today. I am waiting for rain to stop but it is not even thinking of stopping, it is raining so hardly and heavily that I can only wish for it to stop and wait for someone to help me.’

After this heavy rain every thing is so dark that I can’t see anything even not sky.

‘’ Why is it so dark suddenly ‘’.

But now I can see a thing that is slightly glowing in the sky like a star and it feels like it is slightly coming towards me. Wait I think it is really coming toward me. Wait What !!! ‘’.

‘I was clueless on what to do I tried to run out of that place as fast as I could even think. Fortunately it doesn’t touch earth but get beyond of it.’ ‘’I was totally afraid to death.’’ ‘Something unbelievable happened, my body is slightly fading away I feel like I am a ghost.’ ‘’Did I just die or what ???’’

‘And after a few minutes, slowly all my body part is coming back, like always, it used to be. After that I tried to look around and find this place so unfamiliar. It’s look like something has changed and it’s already morning here and it is not even raining.’ ‘’Why no one is here?’’

‘Then I saw someone’s picture in one of the building it is …. Me.. ‘’ME????’’. I am so confused right now.        

  ‘’ What is happening ???’’

‘Then I saw bunch of people running but wait…. they were coming towards me’

I don’t know what are they saying but it looks like they are screaming and coming towards me.

I looked over but here is no one except me. ‘’Why I feel like they are scolding me, have I done anything wrong, I have just bunk hostel to get some spicy and tasty food here. Is it wrong to get some tasty food outside here than eating that bitter food of hostel.’’

‘They are running so fast that I don’t have any other choice than running myself .‘

’’ Wait why are they so serious, I would never bunk hostel again please forgive me. Oh my god they are so fast are they athlete.’’

 ’ I was trying my best to run faster but No… they are so faster that they catch me.

‘’ I am sorry, I’ll never do that aga...’’ I said. ‘But they were looking so happy it doesn’t look they are here to beat me. They began to take my photographs ‘ ‘I was so unclear right now, No one has ever taken my photographs in this kind of weird way. I was the one who would always take the pictures of others. I was confused about the things until one of the girl told me that ‘’Asher you are the best actor I has ever seen.’’

‘Now I was confirmed that I am not in the normal world there is something wrong here and there is someone in this world who not only look like me but also have name like me.’

Then I feel like I should get out from here and so did I, I run away. ‘After running for sometime I saw one girl who looked like my sister. ‘

‘’ What are you doing here let’s go to home.’’ she said.

‘Now I don’t have any other option than going with her and like I feel so secure with her, So, I went with her.

And we get inside the car

Then I just ask her ‘’Where is my home’’ then she asked me ‘’ Are you fine, what happened to you??’’ by touching my forehead

‘’I am fine, I just… just.. Nothing Ok leave it. I was just joking.’’

‘’You have never joked with me like that before, ok leave it, we are already home.’’

‘I am so amazed, Is this her home, It is so big, Woahhhh…!!!’.

Then I move inside the house as the girl said and then she told me to go in my room and look at the documents. I am totally surprise she said your room. After she leave me Then I asked one of the sister who was working there about my room and then she showed me one room .

And then I proudly moved inside the room like it was really my room.

‘After moving inside I feel like I heard some noise from the bathroom, then I slowly try to open the door but before I even touch the door, door opened

‘And then there was a person'

And after seeing each other we both screamed.

That person looks like me

We began to stare at each other.

It seems like someone has placed mirror infront of me

Then suddenly .. Guess what happen … That girl came who looks like my sister

After her sudden appear that person who look like me moved towards her .

That girl look so confused

And after looking at her confused face I began to panic and after taking a long deep breath I asked them to take a seat and I told them everything that happened to me.

After that unbelievable story at first it looks like she don’t believe me and I was so afraid but fortunately another me = ‘’Asher’’ asked his sister to let me stay. Then she said ‘’Yes’’ then I was so relieved.

Then She told that ‘’ Yes you can stay here until you move to your own world but.. you should in this world being twins and work with him as an actor.''

''But I have never done that before. !!!'' I was literally panicking.

Then with smiling face she told me

''You don't need to worry about it, now my brother would handle everything including your name and fame, don't worry he would teach you everything about acting. He is very kind and gentle ok from now you both are my brothers.''

‘’I just wonder what’s going on in my world’’ I said.

But Who knew that the time in another world is paused and would only be able to resume when Asher would be able to come in his own world and it would be only after

20 years

Then after 20 years asher is gonna come back and every thing would resume in the real world from the time where it was stopped.

September 05, 2020 03:04

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Vincent Charles
15:58 Sep 10, 2020

This is a very interesting take on the idea of twins and the possibility of an alternate reality. You captured the sense of confusion well. I was waiting to learn more about the rain because there was so much emphasis early in the story.


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Patricia Adele
23:23 Sep 09, 2020

Hello! Your story line for this prompt was a good choice. I think you might want to re-read it and then try to put it together a bit more cohesively. Watch out for your grammar as well. Keep on writing


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