Submitted to: Contest #60

Y2K - Awake in Circuit City

Written in response to: "Write a funny post-apocalyptic story."

Funny Science Fiction Fantasy

Jason’s eyelids moved. Slowly his eyes opened and focused on his surroundings. All he could see was stainless steel; even his bedding was a metallic grey. Suddenly he heard a voice.

“Y2K - You’re awake. I’ll get you a coffee and let the others know, be right back.”


“You have been in a coma since the beginning of the 2nd ice age when the sun exploded. The instant freeze sent you into a coma; we have had you on life support for 350 years.”

“Where am I?”

“Oh, you are in the infirmary/ experimental building in Circuit City. I am cyborg 311, I will be bringing you up to speed once you get your bearings.”

The being handed him a pill.

“What’s this?”

 “Coffee. Oh, you were thinking it would be in a cup. No, we did away with that years ago. No dishes now, everything is taken in pill form. Water is still a rarity, so the pills dissolve in your mouth and turn into liquid so the body stays hydrated - just try it. I’d better alert the elders; they will want to study you and your ancient knowledge.”

Jason (at least he thought that’s who he was) placed the pill in his mouth. It tasted just like his favorite coffee from long ago; Jamaican Blue Mountain he was sure. Fascinating!

“I’m back. I will now monitor your vitals. All I must do is hold this machine up to your forehead and all readings are taken. It is a painless procedure I believe.”

“You believe? You’ve never had vitals taken?”

“Oh no, cyborgs do not have vitals - we have electric impulses. Doubtless this all seems overwhelming to you now. I will play some relaxing classical music; you will hear it and calm yourself. All will make sense in time Y2K.”

“Why do you keep calling me that?”

“That is your name. It was in your wallet when you were found by the elders.”

“When did the sun explode? Jason asked.”


“My name is Jason; Y2K was what we called the year 2000; everyone was preparing for it. The card in my wallet was the computer company I worked for - Y2K.”

“Well, as you will see, it was useless to prepare. The explosion wiped out all computers, electricity, most people, most livestock, all birds of the air, and most of the water creatures. Only genetically modified food survived the explosion and ensuing darkness, along with those who had eaten it. For a long time, it was only small bands of people living together in groups. Eventually, we formed a city. Our rulers are the elders - they have extensive knowledge that they got from reading books (whatever they are); I’ve not seen any myself, but I do not doubt the elders. You must rest now - you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Each day is 2 hours in length and the light comes from a new sun in the Andromeda galaxy. We were lucky to be able to turn the planet slightly to have access to even this small amount. There is hope that the amount of light will increase as the star ages. Eventually we hope to even grow things in soil. This building is on the outskirts of the city; the elders are at the center, but they will arrive tomorrow. They come on camels so they can only ride short distances each day before they need to take shelter. Beasts and elders would freeze otherwise. Rest now, we will talk more tomorrow.”

Jason could hardly take anything the cyborg being was telling him. She looked just like a nurse - even down to the upside down pocket watch on the starched white jacket that she wore. He was given two more pills - a chicken parmesan one and a custard tart one. Strangely, it satisfied his hunger pangs. The music was having an effect - his eyelids were heavy. He was feeling cold though as darkness was setting in. The moment he felt cold a metal sheet was fitted around him which raised his body temperature. Maybe he could sleep now.

311 would take copious notes on the dreams that Y2K had. Each scene and words if the dreamer were thinking would come across a monitor that was above the bed. A quick recharge of impulses was all that the cyborg needed to feel refreshed, although the occasional coffee went down nicely.

When the elders arrived the next day, they were given coffee and French toast pills, and each had their vitals taken. All the patients were propped up, but the elders were there to see only one person - Y2K. There was a female that they called Y2Ka - the female must have worked for the same Y2K company thought 311. She was still in a coma, so the elders decided to keep quiet about her existence for the time being.

After extensive questioning and Cobb salad pills for lunch, the elders left Jason. He could make out a figure in the next bed - whiskers, black fur, white socks - Felix! Jason thought he would never see his beloved cat again. 311 helped Jason into a wheelchair so he could go over to the sleeping creature. Felix stirred as soon as Jason stroked him. 311 was ready with a cream pill. The cat sniffed, pawed, sniffed again, then looked at Jason.  

“It’s okay boy.”

311 heard a strange rumbling and asked the human what was wrong.

“He’s purring, there’s nothing wrong.”

“Purr - okay. I have now added that to my vocabulary.”  

The elders were contacted as they were about to leave the building. They gave permission for Felix to stay with Y2K. They were pleased to see that his vitals improved with the animal’s presence. Felix continued to purr.

During the days that followed Jason attempted to learn all about his new surroundings and the way of life “post sun” but one thing he thought was sure - his interest bearing bank account must have a lot in it after 350 years. He asked the cyborg how to contact the bank (if in fact it still existed).

“Here, I can let you use my old fashioned cell phone. You can call the automated service at 888-555-1212 and they will let you know your balance.”

“You’ve been very kind to me 311, I appreciate your help.”

A nervous Jason dialed the number.

“At the tone, please state your account number... beep”


Jason was astounded that he could so easily remember his account number - it must have been etched in his mind.

“Thank you, Y2K, your balance is $1 million dollars and76 cents.”

“Yahoo! I’m a millionaire.”

“What’s wrong?” asked 311.

“Nothing! I am a millionaire, I never dreamed I would be one.”

Jason heard another voice.

“In order to continue this conversation your account will be debited $4 million. Agree?”

“No way Jose!”

“There is no Jose here, the call will be discontinued.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, you thought that $1 million was a large amount? It used to be, but there was a lot of inflation in the early days of our formation. Now we don’t even use money.”

A deflated Jason closed his eyes - it was all too much!

One consolation - he could still get a decent coffee and his beloved Felix was with him. Now to find Sara. To be continued...

Posted Sep 22, 2020

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15 likes 2 comments

Aisa M
15:34 Oct 01, 2020

Critique circle:

This is really funny. Cyborgs are learning about Jason while he is learning the new life. This is similar to us human beings, trying to learn about mummies and dinosaurs.

Nice story. I just couldn't imagine how 311 looks like. Maybe Jason could have described that being in front of him when he opened his eyes. Just a thought :)

Keep writing!


Debbie Teague
15:40 Oct 05, 2020

Good idea Aisa; thank you.


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