A Deal with the Devil

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a story about an ordinary person speaking truth to power.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction

The door towered over me. I peered up and up, straining my neck to see the top. Where did the door lead, and more terrifyingly, what monstrous beast could be lurking behind it? My heart pounded deafeningly in my chest as I reached my trembling hands up to the enormous door handle. Taking a deep breath, I cautiously rotated the ancient handle. A creaking, groaning sound filled the air as the door slowly opened backward into the room beyond…

Suddenly, an evil odor invaded my nostrils; it smelt of rotting and decaying flesh. I gagged for breath and thrust my hand over my mouth and nose, trying to keep out the vile stench. I stumbled forward into the room as if I had been pulled by an invisible force. Without warning, the door slammed shut behind me, sealing me in. Shivers ran up and down my spine as I strained my eyes to see into the gloomy room beyond. From the dark depths, a deep threatening voice boomed, “Human, why do you dare enter my chamber?”

“W-w-what are you?” I stuttered nervously, my whole body quivering with terror.

“Isn’t that clear? I’m the devil.” from the back of the cavern came the sound of big claws scraping against cold stone, rapidly approaching. I instinctively took several steps back, hitting my back against the gigantic, unforgiving door. I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face in the pitch-black darkness, but I could sense an imposing presence overhead, just out of my reach. I could hear its steady breathing getting nearer and eventually felt forceful bursts of air upon my face as the creature smelled me.

The cavern suddenly exploded in a blinding display of light. I had to pry my eyes open once the light softened enough, and even then I could only squint. The first thing I saw was a massive, doglike nose inches away from my face. It glistened with white highlights and had deep nostrils. I gasped and flattened myself against the firm door, panicked. The creature slowly pulled back, walking just far enough for me to see its full figure. I was surprised to see that the light was emanating from the creature itself. Its face had a mask of fire with beautiful reds, yellows, and blues. The flames sat on the ridge of its back, making a stripe all the way to the tip of its tail. The rest of its body was covered in dark fur, giving the appearance of coal, save for a white V-shaped stripe on its chest. The flames licked at the air and stray embers flew. The monster’s proportions were both feline and canine, with petite ears, a hardy frame, and graceful legs.

Then it hit me: this creature was a Tasmanian devil. A very, very large one. It glared down at me, opening its slim jaws to hiss and grunt in an intimidating display. This is the monster that was whispered about across the world for its ability to make any wish reality; the monster everyone was too scared to face. The spirit of the island Tasmania, Australia. A unique place where carpets of moss and lush greenery mingled with charred, singed trees to create a harmonious landscape.  

“Why do you dare enter my chamber?” its beady black eyes stared directly at me as the echo bounced around the cave walls.

My brain couldn’t keep up with my mouth and I stumbled over a series of noises, struggling to speak.

“Come before me with courage!” It roared fiercely. The same force that tugged me into the room made my knees so heavy I had to kneel and ripped my hands away from my face. I felt completely at mercy to both the repugnant smell and this creature. I gulped and tried to muster every scrap of confidence I had left despite how my very core trembled. 

“I’ve come from far away to make a wish!” I said. 

The Tasmanian devil’s flames climbed higher, burning so hot my skin complained. “Do you know how many men have come to me begging for wishes? None of them have come out alive. What do you think makes you the exception? What do you wish for?” The monster lurked closer to me, “Power?” It asked accusingly. 

I flinched and felt sweat, caused by both the heat and my intense fear, dripping down my forehead.

“Wealth?” it said.

“I wish for kindness!” I blurted out.

“Kindness.” It repeated, seeming puzzled. “Why would you want that?”

“Kindness,” I said, my voice shaky. “For the human race to achieve anything, we must first master kindness. Unity will follow close behind. And with those, we can have peace.” I said.

“Not once has a man come wishing for kindness.” It rumbled. The fire on its back calmed. The sweet coolness of the cavern soothed me and I took a deep breath, wary. The pressure pulling me to the ground relaxed until I was able to stand.

I choked down my fear and said, “That’s what makes me the exception- what will bring me out of this cave alive.”

The Tasmanian devil lurked closer. Its gemlike eyes seemed to pry open my soul and examine the contents. We paused there, everything still except for the dancing flames on its back, for what felt like a lifetime. 

With a tone of finality, it said “You are worthy. Your wish has been granted.” The flames on its back suddenly branched off and hungrily covered every inch of its body. Within moments, the Tasmanian devil was nothing but swirling clouds of ashes. I stood panting while a great feeling of relief washed over me. I did it. Just as suddenly as the door had closed, it gave a shudder and screeched open. I fled outside, feeling as if I had surfaced after a long time underwater, gulping and drinking in the fresh air. When I was ready, I climbed out of the cave and into what I hoped would be a kinder world. 

April 05, 2021 12:58

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