Suspense Fantasy Fiction

A loud tapping on glass doesn’t sound like something that’s terrifying to hear by itself. But throw in some hard rain, maybe a couple lightning strikes, and the howling of the wind together with it into a night filled with darkness and you’ll have something much more nerve racking. 

And such is the chaos that awoke me and had me rolling out of my bed in the late hours of the night. The air was somewhat knocked out of my lungs when I hit the floor without being able to brace myself, landing flat on my back on the wood. The only chance I had to get my bearings was from the blinding flashes of light coming from the single window in my bedroom. Within those split seconds, I was able to make out the silhouette of the bed I had just fallen out of, the door at the far end of the room, and nothing else but the dark shadows of furniture that threatened to turn to monsters with the help of my imagination.

A familiar dread brought on by the storm was already filling my gut as I sat up slowly, trying to rub the sleep from my eyes. At first I thought the startling noise was just a branch from a tree hitting my window, but I was quickly proven wrong as it filled the air once again. Nothing more than tapping, as if a person was knocking. When I finally found the courage to look towards the window, my heart dropped out of my chest.

Sure enough, there was a figure visible on the outside of the thin glass pane that revealed itself with another strike of lightning. My breath caught in my chest. Part of me thought I must’ve been dreaming. Perhaps that’s the only reason I gathered enough courage to climb to my feet and tip-toe over to the window.

Despite the newfound confidence from who knows where, my hands trembled as I unlatched the lock on the window and slid it open. I squinted my eyes as I gazed into the dark at the figure I knew was now mere inches away from me. Inhaling deeply so my voice sounded less weak, I spoke over the pounding of the rain, “Hello? Who's out there?”

I was greeted with silence as a response. So of course, I spoke yet again. “Are you okay? Why don’t you come inside and get out of the rai-”

Lightning flashed again, lighting up the room and once again revealing the figure’s silhouette. It was now climbing through the window, its hand grazing my own. Chills were sent up my spine, and I quickly stumbled away in search of a candle. I vaguely remembered leaving one on the desk near my bed before I fell asleep mere hours before. I found my way to it as quickly as I could while simultaneously making sure I wouldn’t trip over any items in the dark. My hands felt about on the surface of the desk, feeling papers, a glass pen… and the base of the candle.

Behind me, I could hear the figure settle on its feet in the room. A few seconds later, the window slid shut, muffling the sound of the rain still pouring outside. Add on a few more seconds, and a soft light flickered to life as the candle on my desk was lit. I spun around to face my unknown visitor, and started as they took off a hood and met my eyes with their own. 

Their eyes were the color of rubies, their hair as black as coal and tied back, while their skin was unbelievably pale. There was a long scar across their right eye, undoubtedly from some sort of awful battle. A wicked grin spread across their handsome face, and a deep, somehow gentle voice filled the room. “Well, well, well...It has been quite a while since we’ve crossed paths, Sam.”

It felt as though my heart froze within my chest. How did this man know my name? That voice… It was so familiar, yet my tired mind was unable to remember how I recognized it. I tried to speak, but I couldn't find the right words fast enough.

The man approached me, chuckling as if my terror was amusing. “Forgot about me already, dear friend?” As I backed up to the wall, he placed a hand next to my head and leaned close enough for me to catch a hint of cologne. That was when I saw yet another feature that terrified me even more. His canines that he was so proudly showing off were elongated, almost as though they were… fangs?

Those deep red eyes searched my face before making their way to my neck. My breath hitched in my throat as the man - no, the vampire - let out another low laugh. He tilted my chin up with but a finger, my fear keeping me frozen in place. Without warning, his mouth opened and he moved to my neck, and I braced myself for the stabbing pain of his teeth digging into my flesh…

A few seconds passed without anything happening. I hesitantly opened my eyes as he moved back, now laughing loudly. I kept my back pressed to the wall, when finally a blurred memory rose from the depths of my mind. 

I was still young, maybe five years of age at most. Trying to pick a bouquet of wildflowers, I wandered into the forest and had gotten myself lost. It was getting dark, and I was alone and scared, nothing with me but the clothes on my back and the colorful flowers clutched in my fist. Then I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see a man in a cape, hood draped over his eyes to hide most of his face save for a large grin.

He knelt down in front of me, speaking in that gentle voice of his. “Are you lost, child?”

Tears flooding down my cheeks, all I could do was sniff and nod. He reached out with a gloved hand and wiped away my tears. “I’ll help you find your way home. What is your name?”

At that, he took my hand and talked with me as we searched for my home that then seemed so far away. Perhaps an hour passed before it came into view, and relief flooded my veins upon the familiar sight. Thankful for this strange man’s help, I pulled him onto his knees once more and hugged him. He had seemed so shocked at the gesture, most likely not used to anyone not being afraid of him with the scary cloak he always wore.

When I finally let go, he had the faintest of smiles. “That is quite a nice necklace you’re wearing. Where did you get it from?”

I looked down at the pendant that looked so large to be worn by a young child. It was held on a gold chain, and was circular with strange markings I didn’t understand carved into the pretty stone. “My dad gave it to me!”

“Ah, well did you know it’s a very special necklace?”

I turned my gaze upward to meet those strangely colored eyes. “It is?”

“Yes it is. It gives you the power to reverse curses. In fact, I’ve been looking for a necklace just like that. Would you mind if I borrowed it for a while?”

“Hm…” I slipped the heavy chain over my head and held it in my hand carefully. “Only if you promise to bring it back!”

The man bowed his head as if he were making an oath. “I promise I’ll bring it back.”

At that, I smiled and put it around his neck. “There you go!”

With a smile that matched my own, he responded, “Thank you. You know, you may have just saved the world.” He reached out and ruffled my hair, making me laugh. “Why don’t you head home now?”

I nodded, not once questioning what he had said. I turned and started running to my house as he returned to his feet. I only paused for a moment to ask, “Hey, mister! What’s your name?”

And with a wave of farewell, he told me.

At that, the memory once again faded into a blur. My eyes widened as I saw the familiar necklace hanging around the man’s neck. I took a step away from the wall, no longer feeling the need to keep my guard up. I turned my gaze to the ruby eyes that were dancing with excitement, one with a scar that hadn’t been there years ago, and said, “How’d saving the world go, Reyes?”

June 09, 2021 23:15

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