Teens & Young Adult Funny Coming of Age

mr.thompson's will stated that you mya thompson inherit  sweets n treats mam... mam...

im sorry he gave me a bakery?

yes mam it states right here in his will

mya looks at the will in disbelief

her dad mr.thompson and her had never been close

in fact they hadn't talked in years.

mam if you could sign here

mya snapped back into reality and quickly signed the papers and rushed out of the office

myas mom and dad had gotten a divorce when she was young, her mom won shared custody  of her so she only ever saw her dad once a week

he never had a real job he always said he was saving up for a bakery.

when she saw him they would spend hours just having fun  baking cakes, brownies, muffins and all kinds of things

still her mom and fought over what was best for her when she was about ten her mom and dad went back to court for custody her mom landed up with full custody. she still remembers the last day she saw him he had given her a box and said to open it later.

years past and soon her dad wasn't even a thought in her mind.

she had just graduated high school and got a job as a assistant it did not pay a lot but it was enough for a small apartment

back to the present*

mya didn't really know how to feel about her fathers death i mean she hadn't seen him in 11 years she tried to go to sleep but she kept thinking of the last time she saw him and she she didn't even know that he actually started a bakery she finally drifted to sleep.

she woke up to her phone ringing it was her mom she said she hear about what happened and was sorry mya said its ok then her mom said that she had something for her and to come over mya said that she had work but her mom said that she shouldn't be working mya gave in and called in to work.

on the drive over she was thinking about the time when she was making a cake with her dad and she accidently got flour all over then her dad started laughing and threw flour at her and then they had a full on flour fight she remembered there was  hardly any flour left.

when she got to her moms house they decided to go to lunch after awhile mya asked why she asked her to come over maya's mom stayed quiet. mya asked mom? myas mom began looking through her purse whispering where is it. she then said "AH HA" she the handed mya a box. mya asked whats this? her mom then said do you remember the last time you saw your dad? mya then said ya he looked sad and handed me a box... is this! mya sweetie calm down! YOU WAITED UNTIL NOW TO GIVE THIS TO ME! "MYA" her mom whisper yelled. i didn't want to upset you anymore. just open the box! fine, mya opened the box slowly it had an envelope and a note

the note read....

hey monkey  im not sure when you will read this but i want you to know i love you so much with all my heart and that i wish it didn't have to be like this but i want you to know that one day i will open a big bakery and we will run it together and we will have so much fun but until then i want you to know i love you more than you will ever know -dad

mya looked at her mom angrily and stormed off she got in her car and started sobbing there was still an envelope in the box she picked it up and opened it. in it there was  4,678 dollars along with a note that said

"for the future : )"

mya looked shocked she started to drive home. she was thinking about the future and about the bakery she decided she should at least check it out so she packed a bag and started driving she finally arrived.

it was small but nice it had lots of plants she walked in and someone greeted her, she said that her dad owned the place

they looked shocked. they asked what was gonna happen to it.

she said idk i was thinking of selling it but im not sure.

he said oh and asked if you wanted to try anything . she said sure a muffin please. she sat down and was admiring the place soon the guy brought the muffin it was blueberry she remembered one time her and her dad made muffins and watched movies all night and remembered how fun it was she started thinking of taking over as her dad but she thought "thats crazy i don't know anything about business " the server came back and asked ow the muffin was she said it was great.

he then said "im sorry i don't mean to be crass but do know if your gonna sell cause i really need this job a lot of people do"

she then said that she was thinking about it its just the thing is i have no clue how to run a business.

he then said i can teach you i was like your dads right hand man

he was a great person you know

she then decided that she was gonna keep it.

mya then said we have to rename it though

to what the man said?

to  Mr,thompson's Sweets N Treats

oh and also im promoting you to assistant manager

a couple years later mya was married with two kids one boy and one girl she married the assistant manager and moved closer to the bakery it was a hit loads of people came from all round

after 41 years of running the business she retired and passed it down to her two kids. she bought a house in the woods and lived the rest of her life with her husband in nature

November 06, 2020 07:15

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