A Light in the Dark Part Thirty-Eight: The Final Stand.

Written in response to: Write a story that includes the line, "I didn't see that one coming."... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Fiction


A darkness came over my dream, the pad in the dream version of my room glitching out. Scribbling note after note, everything felt fuzzy as I laid the notes on their pillows. If I wrote that I was going to attempt to assassinate him on my own, they would come a hell of a lot faster. Sending one down to my father, that was the final one. The edges of the dreamlike trap, a hand grabbing my ankle and scythe at the last second. A pair of shadowy arms tossed me into a sea of jet black sand, a loud crack snapping my spirit into my body. 

Sucking in a deep breath, thousands of shadowy beasts were heading my way. Struggling to my feet, the sand wasn’t helping. Sharp granules cut into the soles of my feet, the borrowed t-shirt from Matty was all that I had on me besides my scythe. This bastard was going to get it, my eyes scanning for any sign of life besides what was behind me. Kicking up a bunch of sand, my bare feet crunched into what looked like an abandoned temple. Tripping over my own feet, my body slid into the crumbling marble building. Cutting my palm, blood flooded my cupped palm. Lowering my hand, thick blood dripped onto the sand. Leaving a trail for my friends, their aid would be necessary in pulling off my plan. Praying that they caught up soon, the one thing I could do was press forward. Tearing off the hem of his t-shirt, I twisted my hair into a messy bun. Sniffing the air, his scent had me retching. Of course, he thought himself to be a damn god. Noticing a guard uniform, the black metal glinted in the light. Tugging it on, a silent spell had it disguised as a matching blade. Dropping the helmet over my head, another guard dragged me into a makeshift room. The helmet hid my paling face, the bastard having possession of every missing dark magic artifact. Wagging his finger in my direction, his shadowy form glitched a couple of times. The toll from the last battles showed on his face, a clammy sweat drenching my skin. Approaching him confidently, I bowed with the others. Seething on the inside, this was the last place I wanted to be. 

“Find that damn Lily before she becomes a thorn in my side.” He spat viciously, a bit of his spit getting into my eye. Mumbling out the quickest yes sir, I had to meet my family and friends. Pretending to search for myself, there were so many potential spots for traps. Perhaps the armor hid my scent, a commotion causing guards to rush to my side. Deepening my voice, they all turned to me. 

“I will check it out!” I spoke gruffly, all of them running off. Sprinting towards the chaos, the welcome sight of my family had me breathing a sigh of relief. Running up to them, every single weapon met my chest. Peeling off my helmet, all of them began to chastise me at once. Putting my hand in the air, an excited Boomer bounced up to me.  

“Sorry about the notes. I figured they would get you here a bit sooner. We should set up tr-” Matty clutched me close to his chest, his chin resting on top of my head. Mixed emotions soaked the top of my head, his grip getting stronger by the second. Cupping my cheeks, time stopped with his tender kiss. Our heartbeats echoed in my ear, voices calling for a status report. Releasing me from his spell, the madness ends tonight. Asking for one of their bags, several bombs and healing potions greeted me. One key ingredient was missing, Uncle Mike shot me an apologetic smile. 

“We found them smashed but we have Matty.” He assured me with a nervous grin, Dad shoving his way through. Befuddlement twisted my features, Dad burying me in a bear hug. Refusing to let me go, I let him have his moment. Death hugged me from the other side, the warmth causing tears to well up in my eyes. Peeling them off of me, eager eyes watched as I swiped a piece of chalk from the wall. 

Drawing out the layout for them, Matty went on to explain that the dust from his new lily powers was twice as powerful as God’s blood. Shouting out that it was a false alarm, the attention flitted back to me. Returning my scythe back to its original form, the matching suits of ivory armor caught my eyes. Smiling softly to myself, my father was a freaking genius. 

“I want Uncle Mike and Death to blow up these three exits. I hope my cousins are as kick ass as you.” I spoke calmly, a nervous chuckle tumbling from his lips. “Did you think I didn’t hear? Lucifer, Matty and I will get back into the throne room. Cool?” Shooting me thumbs up, Uncle Mike and Death were off. Sensing the other reapers in my life, Felix and Bella strode in. Dean came in with a sly grin, brushing past us to help out Uncle Mike and Death. Pausing for a second, a respectful gaze met mine. 

“Could you tell the others to cut their way into the throne room after?” I requested politely, Felix coming up to me for a second. Hovering in front of me, a secret rested on the tip of his tongue. Lingering for a bit too long, his warning sent chills up my spine. 

“The scent of death is sticking to you.” He whispered with a broken smile, his hand dropping to his side. Catching up to the others, my ears pinned back. What the hell did he mean by that? Shaking off the impending doom bubbling in my gut, Dad and Matty ran alongside me through the halls. Explosions rattled the building, the exits being sealed off one by one. Rows of guards blocked our way, confusion flickering in their eyes at my armor. Clearing my throat as I raised my scythe in the attack position, it was my turn to experience befuddlement. Getting down on one knee, a strained what escaped my lips. 

“We vow to serve you without hesitation.” They chanted at once, my head shaking as the tallest one rose to their feet. “What do you desire us to do?” Was kindness all it took? Placing my hips on my hips, a gentle smile softened my confusion. Glancing around, an idea came to mind. 

“How about you leave the extermination of him to us and go home to your families?” I suggested with a quiet chuckle, the rest of them rising to their feet. “I’ll call you if I need you.” Thanking me as they brushed past me, leaving us. A long sigh drew from my lips, my steady hands undoing the armor. The fucking shit irritated the crap out of me, everything feeling so heavy about it. Gathering my wits, that plot twist was something else. Pressing my palms together, a tracking spell crackled to life. 

“Your blood helped us find you.” Dad spoke up with an apologetic smile, his fingers scratching at the leg of his suit. “What I don’t get is why you lied?” Snapping my fingers instead of answering him, the ball took off. Pounding after it, the dark energy became more suffocating. Skidding around corner after corner, we stumbled into the throne room. The empty room threw me off, my mind wondering how he could be everywhere but nowhere at the same time. A shimmering wall glowed to life in front of me, a single poke creating a series of rings. Crossing into another realm, the oil pastel picture created an odd atmosphere.  

“I didn’t see that one coming.” I mumbled underneath my breath, watching the others bang on the other side. “Nice illusion. The art is quite lovely but it is a bit drab.” Staring at the hand drawn trees, his scent washed over the illusion. Summoning inky black water, a swing of my scythe sent a wave crashing in. Erasing his work, an empty black space greeted me. Low growls rumbled everywhere, my work wasn’t done. Sending another wave into the invisible wall, a distinct crack had him sprinting in my direction. Repeating it until he was inches in front of my face, the blade of my scythe cut into his chest. Waiting for something to happen, panic twisted my features at his creepy grin spreading beyond his cheeks. Punching me in the stomach, a fountain of blood painted his face as I flew into the air. Snapping his fingers, the illusion was gone. A gurgle was all I could muster at the spike catching me, my family crying out in a mixture of shock and disbelief. Pressing the bottom of my feet against the smooth wall, a couple of strong pushes had me landing clumsily. Lilies! Matty was the key. Before I could ask, Matty had his palm on the wall. Spitting out a glob of blood, he needed time. A ruffle of feathers announced my uncle and father taking my side, Uncle Mike taking a second to heal my wounds. Thanking him with a gracious smile, the three of us flashing knowing smiles. Splitting up, sparks danced in the air with every violet clash. Flipping off of my father’s back, my sharp gaze picked up that his blade was aimed for the nape of his neck. Pushing off the nearest wall, a swift kick sent Dad into the floor, the Dark One’s blade nicking my cheek. Angling myself for a couple of back flips, the shrine rattled violently. Bones cracked as muscle groaned into what had to be the biggest hellhound in existence.  Towering over by tens of feet, the sight had me rolling across the floor. His glitching form shook with every menacing growl, Uncle Mike and my dad seeming unable to move. Popping to my feet, the Dark One raised his paw in the air. Sprinting towards them, my heart couldn’t take them dying. Felix called for me to stop as the others came in with him, his protests falling on deaf ears. Knocking them out of the way, his claws tore into my tender flesh. Pinning me to the wall, blood dribbled off of his claws. Slamming his other claw into my chest, the last claw sank into my heart. Dropping my scythe, all the energy I had abandoned me. Feeling my life force drain from me, the muscles of this form bulged out with every passing second. Smiling weakly in my dad’s direction, he had to know that I loved him. My vision blurred, flashes of ruby danced in my eyes. The sweet scent of lilies danced in the air, the pollen floating into his blade. Struggling to get his claws unstuck, his death had been signed on the dotted line. Roaring in his direction, Matty disappeared in the dark tunnel of his mouth. His claws began to bubble, Lucifer’s blade cutting into the Dark One’s arm like butter. Catching me in the fall, a jet black ribbon flowed from the corner of my lips. Feeling death upon me, his tears splashed onto my face. An explosion of ruby lily petals and golden dust drifted aimlessly behind him, his face blurring. Pleading with me not to die, Matty swiped him away from his arms. Clutching me close to his chest, Uncle Mike attempted to heal me. Sobbing at the failed attempts, my head shook. The venom on his claws was doing its work, the others towering over us. Smiling softly to myself, there was no better way to go out. Coughing up more blood, the toll had been paid. 

“Thank you for making my life amazing.” I wheezed between coughing fits, Matty laying me down on the ground while begging for me to stay by his side. “Raise the kiddos for me and run that deli with all your heart. I love y-” A darkness stole me away, his broken expression being the last thing I saw. 

Rolling onto my side, fluffy clouds tickled my cheek. Remembering everyone’s smile, violent sobs wracked my body. Digging my fingers into the clouds, a familiar voice had me sitting up with a desperate smile. Matty’s mom waved at me, her hands running through her wild hair. The first mother figure in my life approached me with the biggest smile, her arms buried me in one of her famous bear hugs. Screaming into her chest, her hands rubbed my back. 

“Let it out.” She comforted me while resting her chin on my head, the memory of her death causing me to scream louder and longer. “I died doing what I loved and that was seeing you achieve your dreams. Life wants to see you.” Guiding me into his garden, Life sat me down on one of his nice benches. Wiping my tears away, he fished around his robe. Pulling out an emerald, he cupped my hands around it. 

“I want you to take my only revival stone. The world needs you to reap those rotten souls. Hell, your family needs you.” He urged with a pleading grin, the stone absorbing into my palm. “It appears that you don’t have a choice. The gem likes you. Raise Hell and protect the world for me.” Matty’s mother hugged me one last time, my soul glitching in and out. Wanting to ask more questions, my soul was ripped back into my body.

Sucking in a deep breath, a glass coffin shimmered over me. Fighting another wave of tears, the wounds on my body began to seal shut. Kicking at the glass, shards rained down on me with my success. Rolling off the bottom before it fell, one wave of my hand had my scythe flying into my eager palm. Staring down at my simple scarlet silk nightgown, the sounds of my father’s footfalls turned me into a sobbing mess. Noticing my waves hitting the floor, the question of how much time had passed flashed in my head. Skidding into the room, time slowed as his spell book hit the floor. Smashing into me, his hand buried my face into the velvet of his scarlet suit. Sobbing into his shoulder, neither of us could speak. Cupping my hands shakily, the calendar caught my eyes. How the hell did a year pass? 

“Do you know how happy I am?” He stammered incredulously, his lips kissing my forehead. Tears dribbled off of his chin, his ribbons whisking us away. Appearing in the deli, the sight of a memorial had me clutching my chest. Glasses hit the floor, Matty trembled with our kids in his arms. Both them had grown considerably, more violent sobs wracking my body. Passing them to a busted Uncle Mike, he rushed up to me. Spinning me around, the stress and grief had worn on his face. Lowering me down with feverish kisses, his arms refused to let me go. Swaying back and forth, his tears splashed onto my face. 

“Don’t you ever leave me again!” He berated me adorably, the tears splashing onto my face faster. “Do you know you have put me through! I love you way too much to live without you. We didn’t survive all those years for you to do this to me.” Cupping his cheek, my lips pressed against his tenderly, time slowing down for a second. A couple of adorable calls from my girls had me squirming out of his arms. Scooping them up, my lips brushed against the top of their heads. Playing with their silky waves, true love glistened in their eyes. Rubbing their arms, their ruby lace dresses made all the cuter. Rising to my feet, everyone swamped me to fret over me. Letting everyone hug me, tears soaked my shoulders. Smiling into the sky with silent tears, my second chance had to be grasped by the horns. Settling into what became a celebration, the hours passed way too fast for my taste. Happy for the long layers and perfect bangs from my hairdresser friends, everyone went on their way. Dad winked while promising a sleepover, Victoria and Toby excusing themselves. Boomer jumped onto his bed, his snores bouncing off the wall. Matty bowed in my direction, his broken smile shattering my heart. Draping my arms around his neck, his hands slid down to my waist. Snapping his fingers, our wedding song played out of nowhere. Spinning around the deli with him, his loving gaze never left mine. The last note died out, his finger lifting up my chin. Kissing my lips hungrily, his hand slid up to my flat stomach. My breath hitched at his lips hovering inches from mine, his tears splashing onto my face. 

“How about we make that big family? Reward me with our dreams.” He wept blissfully, his hands pulling me close to his waist. Succumbing to our desires in the office, the tender moments were deliberate and sweeter than they had ever been. Collapsing next to me on the floor, he pulled me onto his chest. Brushing his lips against the top of my head, everything felt right. Popping to my feet, our home was calling us. Getting dressed with me, a new heartbeat echoed in my ear. Pride swelled in his eyes, his ruby ribbons whisked us back home. Everyone was gathered on the couch, all of them lighting up at the sight of me. Taking the spot next to my dad, his kiss to the top of my head had me smiling softly to myself. 

“The future grows within you.” He whispered with a big grin, his hand resting on my flat stomach for a moment.  Mumbling quivering yes, my heart desired no more than what was around me. May the flames of hope burn strong for all of eternity!

July 25, 2024 12:24

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