Mystery Thriller Fiction

I do not understand those that commit offenses. Rather those that are part of the Upper-class and do so. We are all part of the Community, who has served to do nothing but help us. You may think I am biased, being a detective, but I assure you, that is not the case. Our Community is divided into two, the Upper and the Lower. We detectives and board members of the Community are part of neither of the two. We simply exist. I would understand why those of the Lower-class would commit crimes. They are subjected to a life of hard work and are forced to serve the Upper-class. The Upper class, on the other hand, have everything they want. They do not feel sadness. They do not feel anger. They are chosen to a life of happiness. Any food they desire, any pleasure they desire, anything. They are all free. Their only goal in life is simply enjoyment. They have no worries, no problems. 

But, what I am due to investigate, is that of a crime located in the area of the Upper-class. I have not yet the file, but I do know basic information. It had been the taking of a life. The third case of such in seventeen decades! There are no ways in which it would have been done by a Lower-class member. The two are separated through an insurmountable border. The culprit must have been an Upper-class. Quite frankly, it perplexes me. For there are no reasons for offenses. If they had wanted the enjoyment of killing, they could have simply ordered a Lower-class. There is nothing they do not have. 

I am now waiting on the file. It will soon arrive.


My eyes must be playing tricks on me. For the one that has been killed, has not been any ordinary Upper-class, but much rather, a past-due government official. Kéediel Mergötei. The old head of the Board of Lower. The man who had been in charge of the Lower-class. A large slash-shaped scar across the right side of his face distinguished him. I have recalled seeing him on television, broadcasts and newspapers. He retired from the Board recently and had joined into a class of the Community. 

The crime scene had been far from whatever I had expected. It seemed as if the man had been sleeping peacefully. His body lay, tucked into his plush bed. There were no open wounds. If I had to guess, my best assumption was that he had been either poisoned or choked. In any case, I have sent over the body to get an autopsy. I had been informed that nothing had been moved since the discovery of the murder by his wife. An uncanny woman whom went by the name of Jesnee Mergötei. She claimed to have been sleeping in the next room. It had been the night after a party. The welcoming of the Board of Lower’s new head. 

The party had been rather heartfelt. I had been there that night. Kéediel had given a big speech. Quite moving, from what you would expect of someone who ensures that millions citizens do not get to enjoy life. Do not worry, I have not a hatred towards him. For in all honesty, I admire him. He is the reason the Upper-class and I get to experience happiness.

During the time in which it will take to find the cause of death, I will be interviewing suspects. At this point in time, his wife and all attendants of the party are suspects. 


Notepad - Top suspects:

Bvesłk Cessqas; The current head of the Board of Lower

Alibi: He had been reported to have been at the party all night until three in the morning. There is video evidence of such, yet barely any witness had remembered seeing him. One or two people have claimed to have talked to him. 

Thoughts: He had most likely been quite drunk at the time and unknowingly spaced out. That would explain his silence and matches with surveillance. He too, has a likely motive. I do recall seeing him the entire time.

Noveas Gohhque; Lower-class attendant

Alibi:: Attending work. She is one of Bvesłk’s many attendants whom had been chosen to serve at the party.

Thoughts: She had told me in secrecy that she had been slacking off. Bvesłk had yet to notice. Noveas is doomed if he is to find out. She seems like a fine young woman, but her inability to work well is punishable by death. I do not want her blood on my hands, but she is simply a flaw in the system. I will decide on her fate soon. After all, as detective, it is my duty to ensure Upper citizens get the life they deserve. 


Up to date, the two are likely suspects.There are many others, but they have either alibis or have not been in contact with Mergötei. I had been incorrect in saying that it could not have been a Lower-Class. I simply thought that they would not have taken the risk of even thinking about slacking. For, they had been taught the consequences from a young age. The chance of Noveas committing the crime is quite likely. She is a top suspect. I have yet to question her about her whereabouts. She left in a rush after telling me her secret. My warrant gives me permission to search her living quarters tomorrow. 

The results to the autopsy has come back. It has been shown that large quantities of cyanide had been found in his body. A large overdosing. Around seven times more than needed to kill off a man like him. Whoever had done so had largely overestimated their killing or simply wanted him completely dead. Most likely, an inexperienced man. Or woman. 


A stench filled my nostrils as I entered the small room. It housed seven Lower-class servants. To be fair, the Lower-class portion had not needed to be added. The only servants, or any workers were Lower-classmen. I must be rather hungover, despite it having been three days since the party. Pardon any inconsistencies on my part, my noggin simply does not want to co-operate today. Going back to the topic of the room, a nostalgic feel came to mind. Once again, the alcohol in my system. I tend to feel sentimental whilst drunk. The miniscule cots lined up, barely leaving any leg room. Small photos hung up on the walls, most likely being that of their family and friends. Digging through the belongings had not been a hard job. There had not been much.

I faintly recall Noveas standing behind me. Let me back up. I had a seizure during the search and had blacked out for a while. Thirteen hours and nine minutes, to be exact. I was soon tested, and doctors had found traces of cyanide in my blood. I should begin paying more attention to myself, otherwise this case may become the death of two people. 

As I was saying, I had seen the female behind me in the corner of my eye. I have no proof. It would be useless as evidence, especially as the cyanide poisoning had likely fogged up my vision. Although, if Noveas were to be framed, she should have no way of getting out. I am glad to not be part of the Lower-class. 


I brought Noveas in for interrogation. You should have seen the look on her face when I had told her. It seemed like a mix of fear, resentment and guilt. Although that might have simply been the suspicious part in me thinking.

“I swe’r on my life, I ain’t the kill’r! How would a, uh- low’r class like I ev’n get my hands on the uh, c’anede thing,” had been her response. To be fair, it had been true. Nobody would be willing to sell cyanide to a person like her. Especially with how emaciated she looked. There had no way for her to be passed off as an Upper-class.

“Well then, you tell me. What were you doing in the time you had supposedly been working.” I believe I may have spoken too loud. Her face lit up in fear. Noveas instantly became fidgety, playing with the hem of her dress. If that is not the face of guilt, I do not know what is.

“I- had been… Do you promise not to t’ll my sup’riors?” She refused to face me. I could not promise anything. It seemed rather bad. But I had desperately needed the information. 

“Yes. What it is, I can keep secret. I need the truth,”

“I had be’n… attempting to contact my family. Those that are still in the Low’r-District”

It had been yet another crime. Once again, punishable by death. Despite saying so though, she had no proof. No messages, or anything. I ended the interrogation there. There were still two more suspects. Two that had the ability to purchase cyanide.


The interrogations are no longer needed. Cessqas, the owner of Noveas had found a vial of cyanide missing from his study. He had kept it to have the pleasure of torturing others. Prints had not been found, but gloves were. I remembered seeing a pair in the room. In addition, the empty vial had been found in the trash behind the girl’s room. All evidence pointed towards her. It made sense. She despised Upper-tiers for stripping her of a happy life. Especially Mergötei. It all made sense.


The day of executioning has come. Noveas Gohhque, of the Lower-class has been charged with murder, as well as taking break from work and attempted contact between districts. She will die a quick painless death. But not before she had requested to speak to me. 

“I sw’ar, I’m innoc’nt!”

“It is too late for that. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye, broth’r, Beesnei Gohhque.

Thoughts came rushing back. I, Beesnei Neori, had not been born into the Upper-class. I, Beesnei Neori, am actually Beesnei Gohhque. I, Beesnei Gohhque, had been removed from my life. I, Beesnei Gohhque, was chosen in a lottery. I, Beesnei Gohhque, had killed Kéediel Mergötei in a fit of rage. I had stolen the cyanide. I had drugged the man. I had planted the poison. Why? Life isn’t fair. Who decides who suffers. The fate of the people. I was stripped of my memories of my old life. A fish out of water, I was on the verge of death. And so, I dragged the head out with me. Goodbye.

December 19, 2020 04:37

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