New World Feline Friend

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic romance.... view prompt


Fantasy Funny Romance

Elliot Harrell, a boy in his early twenties, stayed in his underground bunker for several months after the nuclear missiles have made waste of most of the world, until one day he ran out of food and he is now forced to explore the new world that is to come, if there is one to come and he can't decide if being alive is worth anything anymore. He wanders aimlessly through the lifeless trees, under the gray sky, on the gray grassless dirt. He wonders until he comes to something he never thought he'd see; a Demi-Human,  judging by  her pointy ears, puffy tail and long whiskers, she's a cat. Something from the nuclear fall out must have changed these animals into their intelligent Human forms. For seconds Elliot and this humanoid Cat stare at each other with uncertainty.  "Hello." Elliot says as he stares at what he finds to be strange. 

 "Human... you wouldn't happen to have any tuna?" the cat girl asks with delight. "I don't have any food, what are you?" The cat girl just thought of that question as dumb, she wasn't even sure if it was a serious question. "I'm a Cat, obviously." "Oh, well a lot has happened since the bomb went off." The Cat girl glares at him, "I bet you was expecting..." She gets on all fours and walks around in a short circle and then kneads with her paw-like hands. "Something like this?"  "Well I guess a lot has changed, what's your name?" She answers happily; "Mimo, "I'm a member of the F.M cat village." "F.M?" Elliot questions. " "Fish Lovers." Elliot has nowhere else to go, so he thought he might as well... "My name's Elliot, do you think you can take me to this village?" "A Human in a cat village, I don't know..." Mimo says with uncertainty.

 Elliot rolls his eyes sideways and says what he needs to. "Take me with you and I'll do what I can to catch fish." Mimo is rather surprised about his attitude. "You sound like good material, you can follow me, but you enter the village at your own risk. So, Mimo and Elliot enter this village, a village of huts, a village where cats eat, sleep and not much else, the village is made of huts and scratches on the trees as marked territory. Elliot looks around and sees that all cats have been transformed. "Have all animals turned Human like?" "Not that I know of."  Several of the Fish Lovers crawl up to Elliot on all fours. "What do I do? "Elliot asked cluelessly. "They either like you, or they don't" The Cat people sniff him and then crawl away just as quick.

 Elliot was dumbfounded on their culture. "What does that mean?" he asked Mimo. "They're neutral, they're not sure if they like you or not." Elliot looks around and sees now that most of the Fish Lovers are in their huts. "What's everyone doing?" "They're napping for the hunting and sleeping they have ahead of them."

Elliot knew he sure didn't feel at home. "Is this all you do around here?" "What more to life is there?" Mimo asked, speaking the obvious. "I'm going to explore."  Elliot walks away as Mimo follows him. "I'm coming with you."  "Suit yourself." Elliot says as they travel away from the village.

  After only ten minutes of walking  Elliot comes to a place he recognizes, but everything is gone, not restaurant, not a store or building in sight, not the tiniest piece or ruble was left. "What are you staring at?" Mimo asked curiously. "I don't have a home anymore."  Elliots says in a sad voice. Mimo gets down on all fours and rubs her head and neck against Elliot's leg. "What are you doing?" "I'm marking my territory because I like you, you can have a home with me." A smile grows on Elliot's face. "It will be interesting enough, I guess I'll learn how to be a cat." But when Elliot returns to the village some of the female Fish Lovers are suddenly interested, Mimo's rivals can tell she marked territory.

 Mimo bears her claws against them. "Get away! he's mine you bitches!" The female Cats back down and walk away, and of course Elliot was confused by this. "What was that about?" "We have a male shortage, some of the women share a male, but i'm not putt'in up with that shit." Later in that day Elliot and Mimo went to a stream to go fishing, and Elliot was curious to see what Mimo's idea of fishing was, he soon found out as Mimo barely sticks her paw into the water to try and slap out a fish with her claws, but she misses every time she tries. "Maybe you should try to stick your hand deeper into the water." Mimo looks up at him likes he's stupid. "That's gross, I'd get my arm wet."  A fish in the water points his fin up at Mimo and laughs at her. "Just wait until I get my paws on you, you little smart ass!"

 Elliot then noticed that the stream wasn't too big or too wide, he starts grabbing large rocks and placing them in a line in the stream. The Cat people are disgusted by him and his strange behavior for getting into water, "Gross." and "Weirdo" they called him as they chattered to each other. But minutes later Elliot has made a wall of rock; wide and tall enough to block the fish on their path. Elliot grabs the trapped fishes and tosses them on the ground, only moments ladder his stack of fish pile high, the Cat people are shocked by his results, Mimo feels like the luckiest cat in the world. Mimo stammers as she tries to speak; "All of those fish, I'm so glad I marked territory on you, but you got all wet, now I'm going to have to do it again."

 Elliot steps out of the stream, The Fish Lovers stare at him in disbelief. "Don't worry I'm planning on sharing." The Cat people cheer happily as they hoist him in the air. Later after Elliot eats fish that he cooked with a fire that he made with a lighter;  The Cat people stare at the fire that's strange to them, many afraid to go near it. "Witchcraft?" many had questioned. "Let's not be too quick to assume Witchcraft" said one of  the village elders. The female Cats knew that Elliot was staying in Mimo's hut. The next time that Mimo went into her hut she finds a pile of dead mice laying on the ground.

 Mimo steps out of her hut and shouts, "These mice had better be for me you whores!" Mimo goes back into her hut to take a nap, another female Cat sneaks up to Elliot while her back is turned.

"Hello" She says kindly, but Mimo catches her red handed. "Backed down bitch!" Mimo yells.  but this Cat girl doesn't back down, she hisses at Mimo, and Mimo hisses right back as the both bear their claws ready to fight. Elliot steps between them. "Ladies please." Mimo and the Cat girl each grab one of Elliot's arms and pull. "You're hurting me!" Elliot yells, their cat claws begin to sink into his skin. "Your claws!" after hearing this shouting the two girls take heed and release his arms before they do much damage. Mimo growls at the cat girl, the cat girl becomes tired of the fighting and walks away.

The fish that Elliot had caught didn't last long, him and Mimo go searching for food, Mimo climbs quickly up a tree chasing a squirrel, she only makes a few branches up the tree before she realizes how high up the height is, she wraps her arms and legs around the tree branch afraid to fall. "I'm too high up she whines!"

"Then why did climb so far up?" "My eyes were on the squirrel." The Squirrel points down at Mimo and laughs at her. "I'll have you in my stomach you little bastard!" Then suddenly, a strange roar is heard, it was unfamiliar to Elliot, but Mimo knew it well. "Elliot, Climb up the tree now!" Elliot could tell by the worry in Mimo's voice that he should be afraid. "I can't!" Then his eyes grow with fear as he sees it, a large grizzly bear approaches.

But Elliot had one defense quick the bear, he draws the revolver from his belt and fires it; he makes a lucky enough shot that the bullet pierces through the bear's skull. Mimo is shocked by what just happened, she's so surprised that she forgets her fear of heights; she climbs down the tree and runs up to Elliot. "How did you do that?!" "What do you mean, I just shot it." "The others will be afraid of you for using Witchcraft." Elliot smirks and does a small laugh. "It's not Witchcraft, and at least we have bear meat now. Back at the village Mimo and Elliot sit in front of the fire that Elliot had built.

"I'm afraid of bears." Mimo randomly confessed. So, Elliot thought he should confess as well. "Yeah I know, my fears have already happened, my fear of losing everything has came true, but my fears have brought me to you Mimo." And Mimo was simply touched, their hearts pound as they share a kiss, and live happily ever after.

September 22, 2020 07:06

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