"such are not for the world to hear, not for the world to know"

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story where the power goes out on a spaceship or submarine.... view prompt


Adventure Mystery Science Fiction

 If you visited the 'MIT hall of the greatest', among hundreds of portraits of great astronomers you would see 4 distinct ones.

   What caught the eye of many when viewing these portraits was probably the great discoveries of some or the weird mustaches of others. 

   But these four stood out, they had nothing. Literally nothing. Only a black picture and some names underneath each. 

 Some say because those astronomers never returned, NASA considered them nobodies. Others assumed, "well they had no pictures of them." 

And others argue that perhaps the people hanging the photo were drunk and could not remove it after placing it, because of the great myth that 'anyone who took a photo of any person off that wall would... (and the remainder of the sentence was up to you to create the most horrific threat thing you can imagine. Like seriously.)' 

  But why would NASA leave such important information up to the public and news media to guess?

         - 20 years earlier - 

  The lights flickered once then twice then baam! Everything was pitch black. Within seconds the spaceship began to compress and in literal milliseconds everything would vanish.

    It was so intense that not even one of them screamed, not even one of them wailed in pain. Well, there is only so much compressed throats and constricted vocal cords can do.

   Countless lists warn of the dangers of space travel, astronomers try their best to do all they can to avoid these. But simply compressing and disappearing into nothingness had never been one of them.

   It was a particularly busy year in the MIT labs. Countless astronomers looking on to the matter of the space ship which compressed so much that it did not make it back to earth, only drifting in space. 

  And suddenly Dan, a student well known for his inventions and innovative thinking, crouched in looking rather disturbed.  

  We've spent Millennials looking for life outside planet earth, not knowing they've been right with us the whole time. 

    Everyone glared at him. Not knowing that what he discovered could change the look of science fiction forever. No more generic plots would be in the books or seen in the movies.

    "The space ship did not have a power outage," he continued.

  "Dan, we know this mysterious event has driven all of us nuts, but please let us look into the matter ourselves," professor Devance insisted. 

 "No, no let him speak. Young boy what do you have to say about this," Maya, one of the most reputable researchers said. 

    Dan did not say a word. He simply projected footage of the recorded incident on the screen.

  Everyone unsure of what to do simply looked at the walls. 

 " What am I looking at," the professor blasted in an outrage.

   Usually, when Dan was scolded like that he'd leave in outrage, but this time he silently walked to the wall moving all the empty chairs aside.       

   "This here was the spaceship gliding through space as it should have. When we look into the ship we see normal activities taking place. "

  "The crew members preparing for another sleep cycle." 

   Suddenly the lights flicker once then twice and then all we see is black

   " Thanks for the new information, " professor Devance interpreted sarcastically.

  Maya glared at him. "Give him a chance", she whispered. 

   This boy is just a waste of our--

  "It may have seemed like just an unfortunate Power outage, but once we apply the filter that I have been working on..." he put it over the wall.

 "We see gray right? "

The professor rolled his eyes at the edge of another outrage. 

   An outline of a creature suddenly formed on the screen. Features similar to that of a human but with a certain array of colors surrounding it. These creatures however appeared all over the ship. 

Everyone immediately stopped what they where doing in fright and wonder.

After months of analysis i found out that these creatures cannot exist in light. And so they darken whatever place they want to inhabit.

Darkness isn't just the absence of photons. It is the presence of things we would never see in light. 

  "It is only in the dark that we humans can ever have a chance to see these creatures. The ship did not just compress for no reason, that light yes the very light that helped us see these creatures was the compressing force."

   "However when we zoom in we see something even more peculiar. They leave the spaceship, but this time not alone. The crews of the ship became just like them." 

Everyone whispered among themselves, quoting some scientific books written a long time ago ,by an astronomer well known for his findings and a great mustache of his that he refused to shave off before leaving to mars.

   Wait wait wait young boy do you know what you are saying. Life isn't a Sci-fi book so take your novel plots away with you as you walk out!

       He does have a point though, hmm Lisa and Serena, I want you to have a research paper written about his findings. 

  "And Dan would you like to meet up with other more tolerant open-minded astronomers," she glared at Devance.

I think we need to look into this matter. Maya said. 

         - 20 years later -

 If you visited the 'MIT hall of the greatest people', among hundreds of portraits of great astronomers you would see 4 distinct ones.

   We don't understand them they don't understand us. They only exist in the dark but they can see us all the time. 

   We don't know who they are why they compressed the ship or why they only exist in the dark. 

  All we know for sure is that they are DARK MATTER and exist as long as there is darkness.

  So the next time you are in the dark. Don't see it as an absence, but as a presence of untold greatness. 

NASA refused to publish these findings even months after analysis and proof.

"Some things are not for the world to hear ,some things are not for the world to know." they said.

   -our four great astronomers we will forever remember-

... Rest In Extraterrestrial Peace ...

September 11, 2020 23:15

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23:18 Sep 11, 2020

Ooh, great first story! I really enjoyed it! Keep writing, Luse!


Luse Sidambi
15:04 Sep 15, 2020

Thanks so much. Really encouraging ☺️☺️


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20:54 Jan 11, 2023

Woah this is great I love it... did u really write all this yourself?


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