Tusks and Dagger Thirty-Four: A Paws for the Heart

Written in response to: Start your story with a character being led somewhere by a stray cat.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Friendship

My chocolate brown haired boy squirmed in my arms , his mismatched eyes twinkled up at me. A rich chocolate brown colored his left eye while a shimmering silver colored his right. The fluffy hair tickled my skin, a tainted joy complicated my emotions. 

“Isn’t Mishal the most adorable thing?” Boran sighed tenderly, poking his belly. “You are such a handsome boy. How have you held up? I know it has been a rough couple of weeks but I do hope you are doing better.” Messing with his wool blouse, tears welled up in my eyes. That was an understatement, my lack of motivation was displayed by me not talking to anyone. My body bounced back in a week, the lack of eating probably assisting with that. Depressed, I felt depressed. 

“He is.” I uttered numbly, not hiding my depression from him. “Mishal Scarlet Tusk is the greatest thing to happen in my life. I am happy but still broken. I miss Mina. I miss her so much.” Clutching us close to his chest, his fingers wiped the tears from my eyes. A ginger tabby cat caught my attention, my emerald dress fluttered in the breeze. Squirming out of his arms, my free hand grabbed Dackworth. Passing Mishal to Boran, confusion dawned on his face. Tying Dackworth to my back, my boots followed the stray cat. A golden portal swirled in front of me, the cat stepping through. Well, at least it wasn’t a black heart portal. Poking my arm through, a gentle breeze tickled my fingers. A strange force yanked me in, a field of daisies broke my fall. The stray sat in front of me, its tail twitching. 

“I heard you were in the market for a pet.” A scratchy male voice mused playfully, his body rubbing against my face. “I was wondering if I could do it. I am Tommy the Tabby. Do you think you could allow me to mark you as my master? I would be purrfect for you.” Shaking my head, his pale green eyes narrowed in my direction. 

“I don’t know if I am ready for that.” I muttered in a distraught manner, his ears pinning back. “Now send me home.” A nervous grin twitched on his snout, his pink nose wiggled adorably. Ignoring me, his paws bounced away from me. A snarl curled on my lips, growls rumbled in my throat. Marching after him, he stopped on the golden sands. Turning his head back at me, tears welled up in his eyes. A skeleton lay buried in the warm sand, his head laying on the bleached skull. My heart shattered for him, the connection was obvious.  

“Okay, I will take care of you.” I sighed sadly, petting the top of his head. “No one deserves to be alone. How do we get out of here?” A flash of joy shimmered in my eyes at his small smile, his head snuggled into my palm. Leaping onto my shoulder, Dackworth’s eye snapped open  

“The portal is somewhere in the water but I can’t swim.” He admitted sheepishly, hopping onto my shoulder. “I want to move on even though my master loved me. He died a couple of months ago.” A loud growl from my stomach caused a tender blush to rise to his cheeks, my eyes rolling. My breath hitched at the glistening surface, his purr melted away my anxiety for a second. Setting him down, his eyes watched me walk into the water. Scales shimmered in the clear water, my own stomach growling. Seeing Tommy on the beach woke me up a bit, some of my depression fading away. Claws extended from my fingers, one swipe catching three fish. My hair clung to my face, the wetness of the wool made me feel alive. Laying them on a mostly clean rock, Tommy’s tiny paws bounced behind me. Reaching above me, the branch creaked with every tug. Untying Dackworth, his one eye rolled.  

“You are going to use me as a tool?” He snapped hotly, wicked laughter lumbered in my throat. Cocking my head, the branch whistled in the air as I tossed it up. His witty banter always made me smile, a bigger fit of laughter burst from my throat. It almost sounded foreign to my ears, the warmth bringing some color back to my skin. Swinging my scythe in the direction of the branch, it shattered into perfect pieces of firewood. Catching them all, my real smile never left my face. 

“'What level of usefulness are you if you can’t cut wood?” I joked lightly, his mood brightening. Setting the wood down on the biggest rock, white flames roared to life on my palms. Delight twinkled in Tommy’s eyes, the flames devouring the wood. Sliding a couple of fish onto a nearby stick, his fangs picked up the raw fish. Plopping down next to me, a flame woke up my compassion. Getting on my knees, the stick shook in my hand. Hungry, I was so hungry. The smell of cooked fish told me that my food was done, Tommy kicked me a flat rock. Peeling the fish onto it, the steam only made my stomach growl more. Sliding out the bones, the fish was soon ready to eat. Taking a bite, the rich protein slid down my throat. Finishing up the last bite, the cold rock felt nice on my skin. Tommy bounced onto my chest, my hands curling around his tiny body. Lifting him up into the air, wonder twinkled in his eyes. A sense of belonging brought life back into his eyes, my real smile brightened my face. This cat was now my pet, and it felt so odd. The sensation of betrayal held me back, exhaustion weighing heavily on my eyelids. Insomnia sunk her claws into me, robbing me of any chance of sleep. Lowering him onto my chest, he curled into a ball. Sinking into a deep slumber, her arms swept me to dreamland.  

Scarlet lay in front of me, his tail broke the surface of the silver water. His snout nudged my shoulders, tears streamed down my cheeks. Hugging his snout, a black smoke heart floated over my head. A wide grin danced across his snout, his tongue licking my cheek. 

“I came back for a moment to talk to you, my dear child.” He thundered, placing his claw on the top of my head. “You needn’t worry about Mina and me. She is doing wonderfully, and there was no way you could have saved me.” Wiping away my tears, my sobs only grew more violent. The depression had clawed its way back up to the surface, my heart breaking by the second.  

“If I was there one sec-” I began, his eyes rolling. Scooping me up, he lifted me onto his snout. Scratching at the top of my hands, the anxiety of saying the wrong thing ate at me. Panic twisted my features, my chest tightening. Each breath grew shorter, stronger tears flowed from my eyes.  

“Stop crying, my dear child.” He soothed me gently, his claw wiping away my tears. “I have to go now. Remember this. When the storm clouds brew , one must seek the rainbow after the storm.” His form glitched, the icy water soaking the moment he disappeared with a sad smile on his snout. Smashing my fists onto the surface, the rings spread across the surface. Fat teardrops joined the rings, another splash capturing my attention. Tommy leapt into my arms, his fur tickled the nape of my neck. 

“I forgot to tell you. I am the spirit guardian of my master. Well, I was the guardian.” He mewed, his paws cupping my face. “I need you to bond with me. Let me bite you. It won’t hurt a bit. A bond will form in between us, our joy swelling by the day.” How could something so adorable be so wise? Offering out my hand, his tiny fangs barely pierced my skin. Paw prints walked up my arm to form a circle on my shoulder. 

“All done.” He proclaimed with an adventurous twinkle in his eyes, his bold purrs echoed in the air. “We are now one. Wake up.” 

Snapping up, the silver moon bathed the beach. A frightened Tommy paced back and forth. Howls shattered the peace of the crashing waves, a pack of wolves skidded to a stop. Cold eyes glowered hungrily in my direction, the sand crunching with each step towards Tommy. Dackworth complained audibly, my boot kicking up a cloud of sand. Scooping him up, my trembling fingers tied Dackworth to my back. Jumping into the water, a current yanked us through a golden portal. A blast of water tossed us onto a forest floor, the sound of my friends’ laughter didn’t seem too far away. Wincing in pain, the feeling of being hit by a train made its familiar return. Poking Tommy’s body, a sigh of relief escaped my lips the moment he popped up. Licking my cheek, every muscle in my body refused to move. Regardless of the physical pain, a minor emotional scar had been healed. The sensation of having a companion again relieved me, Scarlet’s words keeping me going as well. Gazing up at the sky, the sun bathed me with its welcoming warmth. The crisp smell of a storm having passed wafted up my nose, a rainbow danced across the sky. He had been right, there was always the rainbow after the storm. Boran’s kind face gazed down at me, Darwin scooping Tommy up. His purrs rang in my ears, the desire to hold my son coursing through me. Reaching for Mishal, Boran plopped down next to me. Placing him in my arms, pure untainted happiness radiated through me at the sight of my baby boy smiling back at me. Glancing back at Darwin, Tommy played with him. His giggles twinkled in the air, my attention falling back on Mishal. His name meant the words bright light, his smile living up to his name. 

“I love you, my bright light.” I whispered sweetly to him, Boran pulling me into his arms. “I love you so much. I even brought back a friend who was just like me. He lost his master and I needed another guardian. Perhaps one day, he will be yours when you go on your own adventure. His name is Tommy the Tabby.” Fighting back tears, the raw emotion of it slapping me in my face. Where have I been for the past two weeks? Would he remember the two weeks I was gone?

“You lost so much that day.” Boran assured me, kissing me on the forehead. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You were sad because you lost two friends in one day. No one would be okay after that. I love you guys with all of my heart. I don’t care as long as you start eating again and joining us all.” Darwin climbed onto his back, Tommy hopping on top of my shoulder. Licking my cheek, his small body curled around my neck. For the first time in weeks it felt like everything was going to be okay.  

Alarmed cries shattered the peaceful moment, all of us leaping into action. Sprinting towards everyone else, my face fell at the miniature party in front of me. Turning back towards Darwin and Boran, shrugs was all I received. The twins called me over, Somata draping his arms over my shoulder. Playing with Mishal for a bit, he pressed a piece of bread into my shaking hands. Every part of me wanted to scream that Scarlet was dead but the secret had to be kept, Darwin’s hand wrapping around mine. Flashing me a sympathetic grin, he guided me to the head of the makeshift table. Plopping down next to me, their chatter faded in and out. None of this felt right, the depression rearing its ugly head. Setting the bread down, my appetite vanished like the fog after the early morning. Wishing the moment was over, Boran sat down behind me. Dragging me onto his lap, Somata fussed over me from the other side. The numb look never left my face, everyone fell silent. The silence swallowed me alive, a quake overtook my hand. Boran cupped my hand, every part of me wanted this feeling to just go away. Darwin’s voice faded in and out, a sharp crack snapping me out of my trance. 

“I made this cake for you, mommy.” He sang, all eyes falling on me. “Won’t you have it?” Flashing him my polite smile, he fed me a small chocolate cake. Disappointment dimmed my eyes, the food tasting like nothing. Gulping it down, it had grown impossible for me to cover up my sadness. Rising to my feet, celebrations like this seemed so pointless. Walking away, Somata grabbed my arm. His hair had been twisted into a bun, his white wool shirt fluttered in the breeze. 

“I don’t understand what is wrong but I am here for my little sister and nephew.” He stammered brokenly, wiping away the tears that I didn’t know I was shedding. “You went through something and I need to know. You can’t keep it harbored like this. We are all worried about you. Tell me your secret.” A lump formed in my throat, someone else needed to know.  

“You can’t tell a damn soul. Do you promise?” I whispered so no one else could hear me, his head nodding solemnly. “I have been going to the dragon’s island and befriended the king. He held a contest. These two hunters killed him. His guts lay steaming next to him. I wish I could have saved him but the lava was coming. He tossed me up in the air to save me. Mina caught me and chose to become the queen in my place. I lost two friends that day. I can’t shake this feeling of sadness off. I must sound pathetic to you.” Bowing my head in shame, he pulled me into one of his bear hugs. Allowing me to cry into his shoulders, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off of me. 

“I won’t tell anyone. Can I show you something?” He inquired, my head nodding. “Come along. I think you will be really happy. Be sure to bring our bright light.” Guiding me down a pathway, the widest smile spread cheek to cheek at the sight of Mina and Viktor. Their hair had lightened to the purest silver, all of their wrinkles had faded. Running up to them, tears flowed endlessly from my eyes. Her white robes brushed against my skin, Viktor’s gray wool suit tickled my neck with his loving embrace. Sobbing uncontrollably, Mina hugged me from behind.  

“I missed you so much!” I cried out, their eyes falling on Mishal. “This is Mishal Scarlet Tusks. Isn’t he handsome?” Boran sprinted towards us, Darwin not far behind. Hugging them excitedly, he showed off Darwin. Spinning around in his matching outfit, Darwin bowed in their direction. My frayed nerves settled down, Viktor scooped him up. 

“I am Darwin, your grandson.” Darwin introduced himself, Viktor ruffling the top of his head. “I am so happy to finally meet you. My mother talks about you all of the time. You are just as she said.” My real smile brightened my face, this visit was all I needed to bring me back to a solid base. 

“Your family is beautiful.” Mina chirped cheerfully, kissing the top of Darwin’s head. “I expect you to take care of Lottie for me. She tends to take on too much. Your mother really was a handful as a child.” Hearing her talking about me to him made my sobbing worse, the clarity of it all striking me. I wasn’t alone in any of this, all my friends simply wanted me to get better. Sinking further into my own train of thoughts, a firm hand on my shoulder snapped me back to reality. Viktor's gentle eyes gazed into mine, his finger tracing my cheek. Wiping away my tears, his arms scooped up his grandson. Boran wrapped his arms around my waist, his next words sending chills up my spine.  

“I knew about the dragons this whole time.” He answered calmly, knowing that I was wondering about earlier. “I let you go because you looked so happy when you came back each time. I didn’t have the heart to steal your paradise away.” Spinning on my heels, his handsome face was inches from mine. Kissing my lips passionately, my body arched towards him. Time stopped, my heart threatened to flutter out of my chest. Releasing me from his spell, he spun me around. The tears slowed to a stop, my real smile illuminating my face. Watching the scene of Mina and Viktor playing with our kids made me cry tears of joy, a piece of my heart still begging to go home. Concern darkened Boran’s face. 

“These are tears of joy. A small light has shone at the end of the tunnel.” I wept, his fingers wiping away my tears. “I feel like everything is going to be fine for the first time in a while. Somata?” He waved from a distance, a silent thank left my trembling lips. Shooting me a thumbs up, the dirt crunched with each step away. Why was I so scared? My friends and family were always going to be my home.

“We have to go. How about we visit again next month?” Mina offered sincerely, her loving gaze never leaving my eyes. “Mishal is the most adorable child in the world. Darwin is a sweetheart. I am so proud of you.” Hearing those words made me cry harder, her arms clutching me close to her chest. Stepping back, a portal swirled behind her. 

“I love you so much!” I blurted out desperately, the two of them stepping through. Darwin passed me Mishal, my eyes gazing up at the sky. The white clouds floated across the blue sky. It was time for a new warmth in my life.

March 03, 2023 14:09

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