Contemporary Romance Mystery

Too-Cute Eclipse

Russell paced. Held the phone close to his face. Pinched the bridge of his nose between his eyes as he felt the tension rise.

“He's a grown man. He'll be alright. I'll do what I can but it could take all night.”


“I know, I know, I KNOW. I can't be there, you know.”


“I have a job. I have a life. I can't drop everything.”


“I'll talk to him. It's all I can do. I'm too far away.”


“What's that you say?”

“.............. ..................... ..................... .................... ....................”

“Well, maybe... I'll see.”


“Yeah, you, too. Will do.”

Ugh! That family of his! Won't they ever survive without his intervention. He lives a thousand miles away from them yet they still expect him to solve all their problems. Yet, maybe this time he could turn this catastrophe to his own advantage. If what they said is true just maybe...? Oh, but he would never get Chrissy to agree to something so outlandish. She is much too sensible. A stable sort of gal. She doesn't have her head in the clouds. She is firmly grounded. He searched for someone like her his whole adult life. Would he go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like...? Oh, but what a kick it would be if...! Should he risk it? Could turn out to be a lot of fun. Besides being beautiful and smart, Chrissy is fun loving.

Russell Koolridge, 'Mister Cool' to his seventh and eighth-grade science and math students, felt lucky getting to know his fellow teacher, Chrissy Merriman, better since Christmas time when they collaborated to help find the parents of five-year-old Carlson Conover after his grandfather suffered a fatal heart attack while at the same restaurant as Chrissy and her nana, Anna.

He cherished the quality time they spent together since. He knew in his heart that if he could ever be sure of her overcoming the one time resentment she felt toward him for the immature teasing he once aimed her way she would be the one. The only one he would ever want to settle down permanently with to start that perfect family he envisioned for his future. He adored helping with Carlson when they were pressed into service as temporary caretakers. He and the little tyke flew down a steep hill on a flying saucer sled, created snow angels and redecorated a pink room into a masterpiece space odyssey. Since then, Chrissy and he enjoyed the privilege of playing with the energetic little boy several times whenever Chrissy met with Carlson's publishing icon mother, Nora Conover, as they put the finishing touches on Chrissy's debut romance manuscript.

That life-time goal book was due to launch soon. Ooh, could that be the hook to get her to accept this wild notion he was hatching? He enjoyed success as a YA author that she was intent on matching. A travel opportunity could be exactly the spin and she would be all in. Careful, careful planning finesse would be needed to keep everything a surprise. He did wonder if that would be wise. Maybe he should conspire with Anna. She could be their chaperon. Chrissy would never go away with him alone.


“Oh, Russ, what a charming idea! Getting to meet your family, who you never talk about, and combining it with a promotion for my book. But the timing is all wrong.”

“Oh, not really, Chrissy. It would only add a day to our spring break that is a little off kilter because Easter is so early this year. And each of us can get the other same-grade teachers to cover for us since not a lot of productive work will get accomplished anyway on that particular day considering the special activity. So what do you say we get away. It'll be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Almost cosmic. You'll make me so happy if you say yes. Please! Anna can come along to be sure we behave appropriately. Besides, we'll be surrounded by family.”

“I would love that. But will they love me?”

“They couldn't help but love you. Please remember they can be...difficult.”


So as scheduled the three of them jetted away on the two hour flight to a warmer climate on a bright sunshiny spring day. They were met at the airport by two members of Russell's family, Rocky, his father and Conway, his older brother. They drove into the rolling hills, through the piney woods, passed by beautiful calm, crystal lakes and arrived at the Koolridge family campground where they were ushered into cozy cabins that would be their accommodations for the duration of the visit.

“Russ, you never mentioned your family owns such a relaxing retreat.” Chrissy exclaimed.

“It's been in the family for generations. There are lots of traditions and rituals that must be observed. I have been reluctant to follow the expected path and that's why I moved so far away. I hope you won't think less of me once you experience some of these customs.”

“Russell, it is time.” His mother, Lollie beckoned. “Your sister, Crystal, has been urging him to come out but he's insisting it will be too dangerous. It's going to take all of your scientific know-how voodoo to convince him otherwise. He is hiding in the basement of the lodge with a blanket over his head. Listening to the song...again.”

“Sorry, Chrissy and Anna. This shouldn't take long. We'll need to get to the stadium soon. It's my younger brother, Little Rock. He is suffering a bad case of loss love. He continually listens to a song that captures the essence of love’s complexities. It reflects the universal human experience of longing, vulnerability, and the desire for emotional connection. There's a ceremony today at Arkansas Tech University involving virgins and nuptials that embodies the sentiment. We have to get him there to let him know there is hope.”

For whatever reason Anna had convinced Chrissy she should wear her white flouncy dress with the white sweater embroidered with spring flowers today. Chrissy was amazed at how many other women were wearing white flowing dresses at the event. But then as the light of the sun dimmed the light in her mind came on.

Russell, in his dark suit, got down on one knee, extended an antique ring and popped a very important question. “Chrissy Merriman, you light up my world like the moon and the sun. As they become one this hour, would you do me the honor of becoming one with me in a total eclipse of our hearts? I desire a deep emotional connection with only you. I pray you have the same longing for me.”

“Oh, Mista Cool, you really know how to make heaven and earth move for me!”

A kind of hush embraced the crowd, the temperature cooled as passions heated, birdsong ceased and stars came out while the earth stood still for four minutes. Along with 299 other brides and grooms, including his younger brother reunited with his newly re-found love partner, Russell and Chrissy universally pledged their hearts to one another as the moon totally eclipsed the sun in Russellville, AR, USA on April 8, 2024. A day not easily forgotten because of a too-cute eclipse.

April 12, 2024 01:19

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Ty Warmbrodt
07:09 Apr 12, 2024

Very sweet way to propose. Cute story, Mary.


Mary Bendickson
14:21 Apr 12, 2024

Thanks. See rest of story in my profile with too cute series of four stories. If haven't already.


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Michelle Oliver
04:42 Apr 12, 2024

Too cute indeed. Nice continuation of the romance. Not sure it want a mass wedding during an eclipse, but hey each to their own.


Mary Bendickson
05:44 Apr 12, 2024

It really happened. I thought since it happened in Russellville I would bring back Russell. Not really sure Chrissy would have been on board for the mass wedding but she got swept up in the mania. Cake and champagne for all.😜


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Martin Ross
16:01 Apr 18, 2024

Great use of the prompt, and of Russell’s very human superpowers. Sweet and affirming series and story!


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01:42 Apr 17, 2024

I don’t get it all right


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01:41 Apr 17, 2024

Am I going to be alright


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01:40 Apr 17, 2024

I took down my stories because I am about to publish. Willl I be alright


Mary Bendickson
04:25 Apr 17, 2024

I think when you publish something that you wrote based off a prompt from Reedsy you are supposed to acknowledge Reedsy for the inspiration somehow in your intro page(s).


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LeeAnn Hively
00:04 Apr 17, 2024

Perhaps Hallmark will end up buying the too cute series. It's definitely worthy :)


Mary Bendickson
04:21 Apr 17, 2024

Wouldn't that be something!


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Felicity Fender
16:26 Apr 16, 2024

I absolutely love this story. I wish you were able to draw it out more. This would have been a great slow burn romance. It was such a fun read and I love how you started it. Great job!


Mary Bendickson
17:04 Apr 16, 2024

Have you read the first four installments leading up to Russell's and Chrissy's romance. Too-cute series around Christmas time. My attempt at Hallmark story.😊 Thanks for following.


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Alexis Araneta
14:23 Apr 16, 2024

Mary !!! This was indeed too-cute ! Made me smile whilst reading this, a warm pleasant feeling in me. Lovely work !


Mary Bendickson
17:06 Apr 16, 2024

THANKS! ☺️Did you read the ones at Christmas time leading up to this one?


Alexis Araneta
19:00 Apr 16, 2024

Yes, I did !


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Quinn Schlehr
20:36 Apr 15, 2024

ummm grammar


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Philip Ebuluofor
11:23 Apr 15, 2024

That day signifies something good your part of the world? Cutting off sun and moon isn't all that good over here. Fine work.


Mary Bendickson
18:07 Apr 15, 2024

Really don't know if some still hold superstitions about eclipse. It is a rare occasion so people make a big deal out of it. Popular song from the 1980's 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' inspired this mass elopement party I wrote about.


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Daniel Rogers
14:06 Apr 14, 2024

Sorry to use your story for this general question, but I'm curious if anyone knows what the two categories are that Reedsy uses for giving the total story count in a contest. For example: #245 "Heavenly Bodies" shows 241 contest entries/103 stories. What is the difference from "contest entries" and "stories?" Can anyone explain? Thank you in advance if someone can explain.


Mary Bendickson
17:45 Apr 14, 2024

"Stories" have not paid the fee to be in the contest as I understand it. You can post without paying but you still must use one of the 5 prompts (even if it doesn't fit the prompt) of the week in order to do that. Each prompt can only be used once in that week. So be choosy about which prompt you want to be in the contest. In my humble opinion there should be a post for free button available.


Daniel Rogers
18:48 Apr 14, 2024

Thank you, Mary.


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Darvico Ulmeli
05:29 Apr 14, 2024

Very nice and romantic. Like this kind of romantic stuff.


Mary Bendickson
17:22 Apr 14, 2024

Continuation of story I started at Christmas. Thanks.


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Rebecca Lewis
00:45 Apr 14, 2024

That's quite a romantic and detailed story you've got there! The family dynamics and personal growth add a nice touch, and the solar eclipse as the backdrop for the proposal is unique. One thing I noticed is that some of the conversations are a bit long-winded, which could slow down the story a bit. Maybe trimming them down a bit would keep things moving more. Also, it might be nice to see more of Chrissy and Russell's relationship development before they get to the marriage proposal. Some parts, like the significance of the eclipse and the ...


Mary Bendickson
17:21 Apr 14, 2024

Where you following me at Christmas? That's when the story started. Read what I commented to Daniel for more info.


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Daniel Rogers
00:36 Apr 14, 2024

My wife and I were in Walnut Ridge, AR for the eclipse. We saw traffic jams for hours, but no proposals. Laughed out loud at the 299 other proposals. I guess there really are no unique ideas left. Good story.


Mary Bendickson
17:16 Apr 14, 2024

I think most of those couples had pre-planned doing the nuptials. The event was called Elope at the Eclipse or Total Eclipse of the Heart. I just weaved my story into this actual event. The characters were from the series I did at Christmas so was following up on something that could have happened. Truthfully, I don't know if Chrissy would have gone along with this whole idea. In fiction one makes things up. 😉 Also, I gave all of Russ's family members names from that area because his name was Russell and this mass wedding was in Russellville...


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Myranda Marie
19:03 Apr 13, 2024

Awe! I loved this sweet and quirky story! As always, you knocked it out of the park, or should I say "campground."


Mary Bendickson
20:47 Apr 13, 2024

Ah,shucks,thanks. Did you read the ones at Christmas? I don't remember.


Myranda Marie
21:04 Apr 13, 2024

I'll have to go back and refresh my memory !! :)


Mary Bendickson
23:43 Apr 13, 2024

I looked. You had a comment on the first one of the four.


Myranda Marie
00:06 Apr 14, 2024

I usually read everything I see from you. I do know I took a few breaks this past fall and winter, so I may have missed some. I will go back and check them out though!


Mary Bendickson
00:24 Apr 14, 2024

Don't stress. I don't always recall what I've read. This series was my attempt at a Hallmark story.


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Luca King Greek
17:09 Apr 13, 2024

Same eclipse, very different outcomes! 😊


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02:08 Apr 13, 2024

'Won't they ever survive without his intervention.' Needs a question mark. Still time to correct? 'He is suffering a bad case of loss love.' Is this correct? Pretty soon I recognized this pair from your 'Too Cute' stories. Very cute indeed. Loved it.


Mary Bendickson
03:07 Apr 13, 2024

Thanks. Corrected, I think.


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Nina H
22:10 Apr 12, 2024

Cute story 😄


Mary Bendickson
03:29 Apr 13, 2024

Thanks. It's the latest in a series I did at Christmas time.


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10:18 Apr 12, 2024

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the title. Another one! What a treat. 😍


Mary Bendickson
14:19 Apr 12, 2024

Thank you. Glad you like it.☺️


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