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Fantasy Fiction Speculative

There's been many stories, about the world under the ocean, but what is it really like? Can man really grow gills? and function on both land and sea?

Well, for Tatiana and her family, this was a reality, they would soon learn. Her family had escaped many years ago to the depths of the deep blue sea.

Their village was under constant turmoil, and wars were happening all around them. The bloodshed, was so horrific, that her father had been secretly concocting a potion, to help them breath underwater, and withstand the pressure from the low altitudes. He knew it was their only hope for survival.

He was a scientist, in the lab, before the king turned on his people, and began taking away their food rations.

He wasn't being outwardly cruel to them, he just was slowly stripping away at their freedoms, but without a land to govern, there would be no need for a king. He was a very selfish, and uncaring man. People tried to overthrow him, many times, to no avail. Their energy was growing slim from famine. It was a grey, grey land. Very sad times.

Tatiana's father planned months before to escape, to the sea, he gathered what he could, and made sure the family would be safe to make the journey, before the king closed off the entries to the beaches.

Finally the day had come. It was the middle of the night, her mother, father, brother and sister, and her, made their way to a small dingy, that he had used for fishing. He got them all safely in, and paddled farther and farther out to sea, on his map it showed where the graveyard of sunken ships were. He planned for them to take over and live in them.

They got to the spot, her father instructed them to all take a drink of his potion. They held hands, then on the count of three, he told them to JUMP!

Farther and farther they went, down, down, down, she could already feel the effects of the potion. This is so wonderful, I'm not scared at all, and I feel so light, like a fish in the sea. They swam a bit further, and she saw the shimmer of light, this must be it. Our new home.

They swam all around, in and out of the windows, and crevasses of the abandoned wreckages, taking in all the new sights and beauty. So many treasures, that no one but them, would ever see.

As they adjusted to their new life, and environment, Tatiana and her siblings started swimming farther away to explore other areas. The saw so many different kind of fish, and creatures, thankfully they didn't seem threatened by their presence. At first she was creeped out by the random skeletal remains, of who knows what, but she just had to look the other way, and keep swimming, cuz she knew she'd be having nightmares, if not.

The years passed, and their family had adjusted quite well. Her father had mastered making the breathing potion, from kelp and other plants, prominent in their area. They had started to evolve, no longer having legs. Their feet transformed into magnificent tail fins, she was so happy she could swim just as swift as the dolphins.

Flipping and flopping above the water, and plunging way down deep. She thought it was great fun, but her father had warned them of the fishing boats, and other predators of the old world, that might want to capture them and take them back. They had to be careful, not to venture too far away.

Tatiana had made friends with a tortoise, he was like her pet. She would ride on his back, and they would go all around, he showed her many new places she had never been.

She was having so much fun, she never thought much of the old world.

Then one day , as she was riding turtle, he took her farther then where they usually went. She was starting to get a little concerned if they should be this far away, but then she saw it, The GOLDEN CITY, she couldn't believe her eyes.. could this be true? I read about this in my history books, but I thought it was a myth.

There were broken ruins all around, of places that she was sure must have been so amazing, the city sank, with a giant earthquake, according to the books she read. They swam over to a seaweed covered sign. She swiftly pulled off the seaweed, and uncovered it. It read : WELCOME TO ATLANTIS, THE CITY OF DREAMS

Wow! Atlantis, it's really here, she got the chills, and was in such disbelief, but curious at the same time. So many thoughts and emotions were going through her mind. She wondered if there were any survivors.

Keep going, she encouraged turtle, she was so excited and wanted to see more, looking all around to see if anyone else could be there. She was kinda scared at the thought of what she'd do if she DID meet someone, but her thoughts were quickly altered with a thud.

What was that?

In the very center of the city was an enormous ROCK! they had run into it.

Turtle, are you OK? she quickly examined him, he had just hit the side of his shell, and no damage.

She wanted to get to the top, to see what was up there, but she didn't have legs anymore, so she couldn't climb it. The water was too low for her to jump on to it. Hmm.. surely there's a way to get to the top, she would eventually figure it out, but for now, she thought it best, that they go home.

She got back, and was too afraid to tell her father, of her discovery, but HAD to tell someone, she was bursting with excitement. So she told her brother and sister that she needed them to go someplace with her the next time. She told them she had something really cool, she wanted them to see. They had agreed to go with her.

When the day came, for them to go, she had them take the oath of silence, so as they didn't go blabbing, and get her in trouble.

As they got closer to the city, she had an idea, Turtle, let's see if we can get to the other side of the rock, see if you can find another passage, she instructed.

Turtle did as she asked, and found a long narrow valley, he skillfully swam through it to the other side. There were so many flowers, and colors, it was so beautiful.

Her brother and sister were so amazed, this is incredible, they were so excited, they couldn't look at everything fast enough, then all of a sudden, her brother shouted, LOOK! there's handles, going to the top!

Let's go try to get up there, he begged, his excitement growing. Never in his life did he see anything so magnificent.

We better not, just yet, it's still daylight, and father warned us of the fishermen and their nets. We don't even know where we are, or how far away land is. We haven't been up there in so long.

I think we should go get momma and poppa, her sister chimed in. I'm sure they would want to live here instead, it's so beautiful, the ships make me sad.

Indeed, they all agreed, and we can go to the top, at night fall.

Definitely! I can't wait!

They swam back, and were a little reluctant to tell their parents of their journey, but the excitement got to the best of them.

Oh momma! you just have to come with us, we want to show you the most magnificent place, there ever was.

What? What's this, you speak about? their father asked.

Please daddy, come quickly, we want to take you somewhere. You might want to bring some stuff with you, too. They all laughed.

They got on the turtles, and rode off to the new city, through the passage, and hopefully their new home.

Children, this is amazing! When did you find this place, and why didn't you tell us?

Well, turtle brought me here the other day, then I brought Lucy and Josh, we wanted to surprise you, but thought you'd be upset, for us being so far away.

Can we stay?? PLEASE! they all begged.

It looks like all these flowers here are just what we need to survive, I think it would be ok if momma wants to.

Momma just shook her head, and gave her biggest smile.

It's settled then, HORAY! they all hugged each other.

At night fall, just as she promised, after their parents were asleep, they made their way to the top, one by one flopping over the edge to the flat surface. They sat there silent for a moment looking up at all the stars, she laid back, feeling so small compared to the sky up above, something she hadn't seen in a very long time. Her brother and sister started naming the constellations, pointing to each one, the big dipper, little dipper, Orion, she commented, and so many others.

They wished they could just sleep there for the rest of the night, but knew they had to get back, before their parents woke up.

Tatiana knew from that night forward, that was her special place.

March 04, 2021 18:25

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1 comment

Donna Wayt
19:01 Mar 10, 2021

This is my favorite one yet! I love the Mer-people approach. You characters have so much personality. I really enjoy the build up! This is wonderful. I'd read this novel.


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