
there’s a Japanese legend that says "your present face is the face you loved the most in your past life"

"Tara" has resumed her words, looking at the mirror with great arrogance: Of course it is a myth, I don’t believe this beautiful face can be repeated twice 

Leed: Rather, I will tell you my legend; there was a brother who killed his sister because she talks a lot and I intend not to make it just a legend anymore .. "Tara" go out I want to sleep.

"Tara" straightened to prepare for her daily quarrel with her brother: Rather, listen, my brother... mother ordered me to wake you up, it is 2:00 pm.

"Leed "said with sleepy eyes: did the myths wake me up!

"Tara," said: Rather, hurricanes ... mom's voice will inter now 



mom’s voice came loud from the first floor as if it were getting closer

"she's coming," murmured"Tara"

"Leed" woke up , begging: Wait, wait ... tell her that I woke up, please.

"Tara": Of course, .. Then she resumed in a louder voice: Mom, "leed" didn't want to leave the bed and he hit me too

Traitor: He said

"Tara" ran out of her brother's room, with a sly smile

"Leed" reluctantly resembled the words of his mother

The family used to go for a walk together every Friday, so it is no wonder that "Leed" came down to the ground floor to find all his family discussing the location of the picnic this time.

"Leed" headed into the kitchen overlooking the living room, preparing a pie to fill his hunger, indifferent to the family's meeting.

Father: to where?

Mirna: We agreed to go to the forest There is a festival today .. Don't break your promise, please

nour: the one on the top of the mountain?

Mirna: Yes

Everyone got silent and turned their eyes to "Leed" with concern

Without moving his eyes from the sandwich, he said: Don’t look at me like that.. go without me this time 

Then they turned to "Mirna" with an angry reproach

Mirna : What's wrong with you all ... you would like to go too

Mother: Never mind, I will stay with "leed"

Leed: I am not a Child

Father: Let's get ready

Everyone moved, except "Leed", with great joy, because the festival is important to them, and the forest has been deprived of them for years because of Leed’s Phobia of the mountains, even "leed" does not know the reason .. Every time he goes, he cries and screams to come back ... For him, staying alone is much easier than seeing the mountain, but why?

"Leed" went up carrying his sandwich to the second floor, where he headed towards his room, his favorite shelter, and as he walked past his sisters' room then his room, "Leed" heard a voice at the back similar to his sister's voice, "Tara" saying""Leed "... did you see my bag .. brown

I left it in your room .. well, spammer"

"Leed" turned to the sound, and no one was found... how close Tara’s voice was, and she wasn't even next to him !!

and abruptly he saw "Tara" coming to him 

"Did you see my bag?" she said

is "Tara" repeating her words, or is he hallucinating!

 What color? "Leed," said

Tara: brown

Leed: Why are you asking me?

Tara: I left it in your room

Leed: I don’t know

Tara: well, spammer

Then "Tara" went automatically to the room, leaving "Leed" with hurricanes of questions in his mind

is he mad? Has this happened before? This feeling that all people pass on, as if they had lived before, so they prophesy what is said, but how? He heard a real voice, not just in his mind

Except for "Leed", they prepared for today's trip, and they waited for each other in the garden, next to the car

Mother: You want to stay alone?

Leed: Yes, don't worry, mom

Mother: Well, your aunt will soon come to take the blender. Try to stay on the first floor until she comes; to hear the bell ... okay?

Leed: Okay

Everyone went and "Leed" stayed alone at home, just as he used to

What is better than staying without orders and annoying sisters, oh what a relief

While "Leed" passed to his room forgetting about his aunt, the bell was heard faintly, but the bell never reaches the attic!

 "Lody", sweetheart ... Did my sister prepare the blender for me?...let me in

"Leed" froze, and his faint aunt's voice broke into his ears, as if she was by his side, just as he had with his sister, and for the first time in sixteen years that he spent at home, he looked to his right, and saw a door of a room as if it was just appeared and emitted those faint voices widened his eyes and His heartbeat increased

So he ran towards the door to open it... was it really or is that haunted room ?

 as soon as he opened the door, he found his aunt ! .. She hugged him spontaneously and said: "Lody" sweetheart 

"Leed" resisted his shocked, he said: Hello aunt

aunt: Did my sister prepare the blender for me?

It was exactly as he heard .." Leed" was silent and did not utter a word 

aunt: Oh my dear, it seems you don't know where it is, so let me in

his aunt entered and took her stuff while leaving "Leed" was diving into his shocking questions

"Leed" closed the door behind his aunt and tried to collect his ideas... and the questions circulated in his mind: Is the room inhabited by demons? Um ... or is it recollecting the past... no, it is the future

 Is the speed of sound a flash, not a receiver? I mean, until the sound reaches the ear, it is the past!

"leed" went to the attic 

Well," Leed", be brave and go in

"Leed" took a deep breath, invoking all his courage and slowly.. slowly opened the door

he went inside with frightened, heavy legs

a glint hurt his eyes for a second, then it began to disappear

Until the view became clearer

Isn't this my room?

"Leed" found himself in the middle of his room, 

 A boy appeared at the age of "Leed", opening the door in anger

"Leed" was surprised by the shouting of this stranger who broke into his room

Hey, how did you get here, get out of ...

He did not complete his sentence until he found another person entering the room .. wait a moment .. he .. he is "leed" himself !!

As if he split into two halves or divided his soul... as if it was his reflection!

"Leed" approached amazed to his doppelganger

: Who are you .. I mean .. how do you look like me?

The stranger passed by him until he went to the bed, not caring about Leed's questions... as if he did not even see him

The younger said: Get out "Diler". I don't want to talk to anyone

Leed: Who is"Diler"? and You both have to leave, it is my room

"diler" said, leed's doppelganger, "You have to listen to me."

Nian: Stop cursing first

"Diler": you let them beat you and then come to pour your anger on us!! ?!

"Leed" stopped talking, there was no point .. nobody listened to him anyway.. Perhaps that is the curse of the room .. And until things become clear he won't say a word

Nian's tears sparkled and he said: They would have hurt my friend. What do you want me to do? Yes, I admit I'm weak and foolish

"Diler"calmed down shortly and said, holding his brother's hand, whose head fell between his hands to hide his tears: don't say that again.. we are together no one can hurt you anymore

"Nian" : don't even think to face them for me... 

"Diler" replied to him carelessly: What .. you're worried about your brother, you fool .. Don't you know that I've been facing those fools for a long time?

Nian laughed, wiping his tears: Well, conceited... but I am not joking, you have to promise me

Diler: trust me 

Leed: Can someone explain what is going on here?

Nian: How cloud I justify those bruises at my face to mom?

Diler: Tell her, as usual, that you fell ... liar

Nian: Did you ever know that I was lying?

Diler: Always ...but this is the only time I caught you

Lead: Hey ... I'm here

Diler: Why did they do that to you?

Nian: You know "Noah", right?

Diler: Yes .. he was their prey previous year

Nian: He have been looking after his family after the death of his father so worried for his family; He can't stand against them 

Diler: And you are defending him? weird, it isn't like you

Nian: but... He did me a favor that I will never forget... So I stopped against them until I became the perfect victim.

Diler: Will you stay like this forever?

Nian: They are much bigger than me, what can I do

"Leed", speaking to "Diler": Leave him, my twin, he is a cowardly boy

the door opens... it's "Tara"

"Leed" said with pleasure: Oh sister, you’re back, would you please tell me what is happening,i swear I wouldn’t forgive you if it is a prank

"Tara" said to "Diler" and "Nian",: Can you help me with my homework, brother?

Leed: brothers !! I'm your brother

Diler calmly: We have no time, "Ran"

Leed: Ran?

Ran: Annoyed

Then she left slamming the door behind her, leaving led in his anger: okay..that's enough

He turned his hand toward "Diler"to hit him... But..leed’s hand faded into Diler’s body as a shadow... He is not heard or seen

It's all from that diamond room ... where is the door?

"Leed" quickly rushed out of the boys ’room to find himself in front of the upper floor corridor, ending up between his room and his sisters’ room, despite the difference in the house scenery...There was never a third room !!

He descended to living room he finds himself in a new family, all of them were different, mother, father, and four brothers .. only who is called "Ran" is the familiar face to "Leed" that resembles his sister to a large extent, or she herself, even her talkative chatter is like "Tara"


For now, he will continue to follow the events silently, to know if it is a silly prank, or has that room moved him to another dimension?

The houses bell rang, so "Ran" ran to open it

it was a girl the same age of "Ran"

"Ran" smiled with joy and embraced her friend "Sawa" and said: thanks for coming..nobody here helps me

"I'm happy just to see you," said "Sawa" with a cheerful smile

"Leed" stared at "Sawa" well: One second, isn't that Tara’s necklace?

 "Ran" smiling : let's go to my room

Leed wearily: Where am I, my Lord

he took the advantage of his disappearing, so he went closer and explored everything new here from places and people to the mother who wasn't quite like his mother

Diler said to her: Mom, it's the time for our evening classes.The three of us will go

Mother: is "Sawa" still here?

Nian: Yes

mother: Take her with you

Diler: Of course

The movement of the four towards the school is accompanied by a shadow of "leed", so he can never leave his twin

 the three separated into different classes, and "Leed" remained with "Diler", following up his lessons with boredom.

After finishing, all students almost slept, except for"Diler"

Lead: Finally..why are you so diligent, shame on my handsome face

After going with "Diler"to the school hall, where the three of them decided to leave together, "Diler" took advantage of Nian's absence, so he said to "Ran": I will leave with my friend for the match..Go back with "Nian", don't wait for me

Leed looked happily at "Diler": Now you're acting like me

Ran : Well, annoying

"Diler" went with his invisible shadow, leed, out of the school, and while they were going, he went to talk to "Diler", perhaps he could hear him once: What a match, dude?

Leed: Will it be in the stadium...my life's dream is to enter any expensive place for free

*After 20 minutes*

Leed: Don't you notice that you're not saying anything, your face is absent?

*Half an hour later*

Leed: Didn't you say you were going with your friend?

Diler's face remained expressionless until they reached the forest on the surface of the mountain. It wasn't that kind of forest that visitors came to, which added some terror to the darkness of the night.

Leed was surprised by himself, as he wasn't even aware of going up the mountain like somehow he get rid of his awe 

Leed: One second, do not say you are going to these bullies

Then hold his hand: Let's go, please

Offf, hear me  

back to the school

"Nian" ran to "Ran": "I'm sorry for being late..., where's"Diler."

Ran said, "why you're late, annoying."

Ran: He left with his friend for the match and told me not to wait for him

Nian: what?...wait...a match ??

Nian said, talking himself, there is no match today, and the Scoundrels also did not bother me. Does it mean that he went to them?

Nian: call the police

Nian ran not aware to his sister's question, his only concern was "Diler"

In the middle of the forest on the top of the mountain was the place of the worst school gangs ever

"Diler"went hidden into a hut, with "leed", until they were hidden behind a tree.

"Diler" took out his phone to record everything that was going on inside the hut with caution, and sweat was growing on his forehead

The hut is inhabited by ugly men, who take money from school students for drugs 

taking some evidences for police, to save his brother from their evil forever.

"Nian" was aware of his brother's plan,so as soon as he reached the forest, he headed to their secret place 

While he was going, he saw no one besides the hut, or rather, he did not see the hidden "diler".

"Diler"saw him and said in a faint voice: what is he doing here

Leed anxiously: What did you think?

"Diler", waving to "Nian",tried to make him leave,but "Nian" didn't see him, seeing a member of the gang leaves the hut,make "Diler"more horrified.

The man went out, light a cigarette,"Nian" saw him so he tried to hide behind the trees

making a noise of his confusion which led the man's attention to the sound,so he headed towards him

Leed: fool

"Diler"moveed,making deliberately voice to remove the man's eyes from his brother

Then he ran behind the bushes

"There's an intruder, get out NOW," the man said to the gang 

Nian heard what he said and was surprised that the intended intruder wasn't him, but his brother

So he tried to follow his brother out of sight with fear

Leed, running alongside"Diler", remained afraid despite being unseen

The gang dispersed throughout the forest, searching for the intruder

On some spot in the woods near the summit, "Diler"stopped to catch his breath as well as leed: I got tired

And with their intermittent panting, they heard a sound behind the trees

Their heartbeat increased..the sound is approaching

and Here it was


Both boys relaxed after seeing "Nian"

"Nian" ran towards his older brother 

: why did you come here, brother

Diler: Don't worry, once we get out of here, we can destroy them with The video I took

Leed: How are we going to get out..? why am I always forgetting that I can't be heard

Nian: How are we going to get out?

Diler: Will find a way don't worry.

boycotted by one of the gang's member who came behind with a wry smile, holding a gun, "I love your self-confidence, boy .. Give me the video" he said

The boys took a step back ,and the man approached more

...until they approached the slope

One step separates "Diler" from falling 

both brothers did not pay attention to this except for "Leed",: "Stop", "stop", you will fall...please, just listen to me this time." said "Leed"

The man approached with his weapon, and they are stepping back, holding each other's hands

 "Diler"slid off and his whole body became suspended in the air, and his hands clanged to Nian's hand.

The police siren approached, so the man ran away quickly. 

 "Leed" kept watching with fear. He is the only one who can help the two brothers...But he does not actually exist!

Nian's body slowly began to move downward, and his left hand was gradually losing its strength

"Diler"said to his brother:Leave me

Nian’s face turned red from the pressure and his veins showed: no way

Diler: .. remember; you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart…I’ll always be with you.

"Diler" took a knife out of his pocket

" I love you"

Then he stabbed Nian's hand

so he let it go

The "Diler" fell to the long depth,


a hand colored with blood,

an eyes flooded with tears

"Nian" and "Leed" cried with one voice :  brother

The picture faded little by little until the forest and "Nian" disappeared, the voices shrank, so he no longer can hear anything.

"Leed" appeared lying on the floor of the attic where the place where everything started for the first time, he tried to wake up heavily and then quickly turned towards the door of the third room and saw it fading...

Then his eyes moved to the scar, which suddenly appeared on his hands, precisely on his palm, where "Diler"stabbed "Nian"

Everything turned out now

"Tara" approached her brother to help him stand up, but she said, after her surprise,of seeing a room emerged out of nowhere

"Leed" ... do you see this room?

Hello ... "Sawa"

"Leed" said

April 24, 2020 22:48

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