Funny Drama Sad

By the time I stepped outside, the leaves were on fire. My own house were I spend my whole childhood was burning as a huge campfire and the reason is just me... no one else but me. I ran down the lane to find the fire brigade. The firemen heard the incident and they agreed to help me. When I had come before my house with the firemens, the fire had spread into my neighbours house too. By seeing the conditions I fell down on the street; Fainted.

When I opened my eyes in consciousness I was in a hospital, a nurse staring at me. She asked me some questions which they ask the people who get shocks due to a certain sad reason, I answered every correct answer then she left me by my own in the room alone. I reviewed the whole day which had started with much joy and excitement had turned in a dangerous and sad accident. All the past flew past my mind and I started to panic about what will my parents and my brother's reaction would be. I tried to remember each and every words I spoke throughout the day till now, and now want you guys to feel the accident and I want you to imagine each and every moment:- 


"It is fall atlast", I screamed.

My roommates woke up because of my scream and Mia yelled "Samantha, can't you keep your voice down specially on the weekend mornings. I really get tired of my schedule and I try to sleep in the weekends late so would you mind if I ask you to keep your mouth shut till 10:00 am?". Kelly screamed "Why did you ruin my sleep, I slept really late yesterday night, now I have to go to the pool party with a black spot under my eyes!!". Zia laughed and said "You are my little alarm clock Samantha, everyday you have some reason to shout in the mornings and I don't have to put an alarm as I wake up by your scream". 

I said a little embarrassed "Sorry guys, from my childhood I have a sore throat which makes me speak so rough and loud, and Zia has some help too... She can wake up by my screams". I put my hand on my hair and played with a string of it and I said again "Today I am really very much excited as I'm going back to my hometown... and after so long time I would see my Mamma, Daddy and Brother, so can you please forgive me for breaking through all of yours sleep??".

Zia came down from her bed and smirked. "What are you smirking for Zia?" I whispered. "You can guess the reason pretty good... Thank You 'alarm clock'..." My face began to grow red with anger and I spit out these words "Don't you dare to call me 'alarm clock' you flirting queen". Zia laughed as Mia and Kelly turned around to complete their broken sleep. 

I had packed my bags 2 days beforehand so that I don't have to rush in the mornings. I had given my leave notice for 3 days and had got the acceptance card and I only need to attend today's class and then I'm free to leave for Mamma, Daddy and Bro.

I checked the list I made and gave a tick-mark on the things I've done. In the meantime Zia peeped from her book and rolled her eyes at my behaviour and said "You are going to your own house Samantha not any examination, so why do you prepare what to take and what not to in a 'to do list', I'm really seeing a person so nervous while going to her own house the first time".

I just merely gave her a faint smile and went back to do my work. 

When I had finished all my classes for the day, I had a quick lunch with Mia and went off for my home...  


I booked a cab and told the address to the driver and he picked up the speed, I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. On the way I buyed some fruits for Mamma, she loves fruits so much I cannot elaborate it. 


In a short time I reached home. But the house was empty and my phone was out of juice. I had a spare key of the backdoor and I tried to enter the house... But woah!! The back door was full of dust and spider webs as if it is not cleaned for a month or so...then also I entered the house. As soon as I had entered my stomach started growling with hunger. I had instant noodles so I went to the kitchen with a pack of them hurriedly. But my luck was so bad I didn't get a lighter to light the stove for hot water, my hands were rolled in a fist till then as if I'm going to hit someone and I said to my own "Why does this bloody shit house has nothing neither of any of my people nor any lighter to light the stove...". I searched through my bag to find a box of matchstick. It took a minute or two when I got the lighter and lit the stove to boil some water. I didn't pay attention to the matchstick and threw it outside the window in my kitchen. Then I took out a bowl from the cupboard washed the bowl neat and clean. Then I poured some of my drinking water and boiled it to pour off in the noodles. I ate the noodles searching my bag for a charger but 'Oh Shit' I forgot... I wanted to slap myself but I controlled my anger. When I had finished the noodles I was feeling so tired, I went to the couch to rest for a while... I had fallen asleep, but I was woken by a smell of something burning. I went to the kitchen and saw that I had turned the flame off... But the smoke was there outside the window in the kitchen. 

I rushed out and saw that near the back side of the house, the heap of dried leaves were burning because of the half-burning matchstick that had landed from my hand to that heap of leaves and had caught fire... I was so shocked I couldn't understand what to do and what not to... An idea struck me... To call the fire brigade. I ran down the lane tripped two times hurt my elbow and a knee, but I still kept on running, blood dripping from my elbow as it was a big and deep cut... but my first mission was to save my house. In 10 minutes of running I reached the Fire Station. I explained them everything in detail and not wasting our precious time we rushed to our house...

But when we reached my house, for me everything was literally going to be over. My house and my neighbour's house was burning like a fireball or a huge campfire. My eyes were filled with tears, hands and legs shivering with many kinds of fears.

 I looked at my neighbours they were crying and saying "Our house gone... where do we go now... all gone... everythings are burning... with the arrival of fall came our end... where should we put our head to sleep..." I couldn't resist the tension anymore, my head became dizzy and I fell on the street. I had fainted...

I woke up and saw the room, it was so hazy. I rubbed my eyes and saw that I was in a hospital and a nurse staring at me with eagerness. When I stood and sat on the bed with a supporting pillow, she asked me many questions and I gave the correct answers.

"Who are you?",

"I'm Samantha Drew Laeno".

"Where were you at the time of the accident?",

"At my own house".

"Whom do you love the most? And his name?",

"My elder brother. Samuel Drew Laeno".

And many More...and More... and More... She said "You have no illness and your elbow is stitched... so remember to keep it dry the next few days. And one more thing... you will be discharged in a few hours", then she left me all by myself, alone in that room and that is when I started remembering the past hours. 


After I was discharged from the hospital, the same nurse asked me "Do you want anyone to come to pick you up or will you go home alone?".

I replied "No Thank You I'll go by myself don't worry". I headed towards the road, but I didn't know where from I was walking... I was walking on the main street and a car was honking from behind but I couldn't hear as I was lost in thoughts... "What will my parents think of me when they get to know the mess I had made?... Will they forgive me?...". Just then as the car was to hit me dead, Melissa my best friend came to my rescue and she pulled my hand bringing me on top of her laying down on the sidewalk. 

She screamed her tongue out of her mouth and shouted on the top of her voice "What the hell are you trying to do??... 'SUICIDE'? Are you senseless? What happened give a brief description of it please, and what happened to your arm and head?..." I nodded and gave her all the information, and she stood there with her mouth big opened. I asked her why she is looking at me like that. She replied "don't you know that your family has moved to another locality?...". I nodded 'NO'. We both got up and from my back Zia came running and pulled me face to face to her. She shook my head vigorously with anger and shouted "Samantha have you gone crazy??... Are you out of your mind??".

I started crying like baby girl at the shouting of both my friends when Melissa asked us to go to a ice-cream parlour as her treat. We agreed. When we were eating our ice-cream my brother arrived 'Samuel Drew Laeno', he waved at me and winked at Mellissa I waved him back and I saw Melissa winking him back too. I asked them "What's your connection?", and both of them smiled and said "A secret". 

Then he started arguing with me as because not calling him directly on my way back home "Are you a Donkey, Monkey, Idiot, Bastard...??" and etc.. etc...he said me. I quarrelled back "Why didn't you call me about the issue that you all have changed houses? Was the balance in your phone over 'Bastard'?".

As we were shouting some people were seeing him and me both. A little boy of age 6-7 fell down the chair laughing with the ice-cream on his face. We all stood laughing seeing the boy's condition.

I and my brother left for home. When we reached home my brother announced my arrival to my parents as "Mamma, Daddy your idiot Samantha has arrived". I hit him in the arm when mamma stopped him from beating me back. By seeing my mamma's face I started crying again when she comforted me and brought me at the couch to rest. She also said that "It doesn't matter dear, that is not our living place anymore... don't be sad honey." I looked at my mother's face she had a faint smile on her lips. Then she said to me "I think you have learned your lifetime lesson 'think before you leap' if you would thought what can happen right at the moment you threw the burning stick from your hand outside the window, this would not happen...". By that words I was changed throughout my life.

October 15, 2020 12:00

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00:40 Nov 05, 2020

A very nice piece. Thank you for sharing.


Meghma Ghosh
05:09 Nov 05, 2020

Thanks Catarina... I appreciate you for taking out some time from your schedule to read my story... :) Stay Safe...


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Felicity Edwards
00:53 Oct 27, 2020

An interesting story. I think English is not you first language as you have a problem with tenses. You made a great attempt but work is still needed.


Meghma Ghosh
11:56 Oct 28, 2020

Yeah English is my 2nd language not my first one... Thank you for commenting on my story, rectifying my mistakes, and helping me out for a new step to succeed... Lots of love and happiness from me. Stay safe and Healthy.


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