Adventure Fiction

Even on this train full of people, she felt alone. The others were laughing and enjoying the ride. Sure she knew most of them but she didn't feel a part of them. Always the outsider. The trip was a reward for a job well done. Sandy Brown, CEO of Park Smart a small company that specialized in travel wear wanted to show her employees how much she valued them. It was her first real job since graduating from college. She really had only worked for this company for about 6 months. It was her first real job since graduating from college. Sandy had booked them this group trip through Europe. They'd arrived in Paris two days ago and frankly, she was exhausted. Non-stop sightseeing had her bleary-eyed on the train. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, castles, and cafes. I mean how much history and how many baguettes can you pack into two days? A shit ton she thought.

They were headed to Switzerland now. Sarah had always wanted to see the Alps. The snow-covered peaks towering above her. Now was her chance and she could barely keep her eyes open. She wished she fit in with the crowd. They seemed to have so much fun. Joking and laughing with each other. She tried to hold a conversation or two but she mostly sat off to the side by herself. Just because she worked with these people, she didn't need them as friends. There were a handful of people that Sarah didn't know. Sandy had brought a couple friends along and her brother, Tim.

Tim had Sarah's interest. He was cute in an awkward sort of way. Dark brown hair that hung in his eyes and looked like it hadn't been cut in over a month. He wore round wire-rimmed glasses that kept sliding down his nose. Which in turn he would use his middle finger to push them back up. He was tall and had to duck when going in between rail cars. Sarah couldn't help but watch him and he couldn't help watch her. She was very aware of his eyes when they were on her. In fact, she was very aware of his eyes, period. They were so dark. Almost black and she wanted to stare into them. Get lost in them.

Sarah hadn't had a boyfriend in a long time. She'd really only had one serious boyfriend in her whole life. James. He was her high school sweetheart. Then she left for college and they just couldn't make it work. She'd always wanted the fairy tale. The prince charming and James was no prince charming. She immersed herself into her studies and graduated college having only a couple dates throughout the years. None of them giving her the butterflies that Tim was giving her. She felt as if every caterpillar in Switzerland just burst from their cocoon at once and were all fluttering around trying to get out of her. This was totally unexpected.

She stared as Tim walked towards her. Him staring back. The train disappeared and all she could see were those dark eyes. It was magical. "Can I sit here?" Tim asked. Sure she said, moving her bag to the floor so Tim could sit next to her. They never took their eyes off each other. As the Alps came into view from the train windows Sarah could see them reflected in Tim's dark eyes or maybe it was his glasses. She was under a spell she thought. How can this be? Does he feel this too? Having little experience with men she didn't know how to ask him. How to say it out loud. Luckily she didn't have to because Tim suddenly blurted out "Who are you? You are like a magnet. I can't stop looking at you. Can I touch your face?" With that, he brushed her blond hair away from her eyes. His fingertips felt electric and the butterflies started fluttering again. All she could manage was a little sigh.

The train's horn sounded as they rolled into the station. They'd made it to the destination. Bern. A flurry of activity started around them as the rest of the group gathered their things to disembark the train. Sarah and Tim continued to stare at one another. Completely entranced with one another. Sandy tapped her brother on the shoulder. "Hey, you two! Grab your stuff, it's time to get off this train." The spell was broken and they grabbed their things and stepped off the train. As Sarah looked around from the platform she felt Tim slide his hand into hers and she felt those little electric pulses connect the two. They stood there and took in the scenery. Bern was like something out of a fairy tale. So picturesque even down to the swans swimming around the little lake in the center of town. The Alps were a beautiful backdrop reaching into the clouds. Sarah was filled with wonder and hope for the first time in a long time. She felt connected and that was a beautiful feeling.

The group was led down a cobblestone street to the waiting hotel. It was the cutest building she had ever seen with gingerbread accents. They were given their room numbers and were told to find their rooms and to be back in the lobby by 5pm for dinner. Sarah looked at her key. The big plastic keychain read 202. She looked at Tim's. 203. Oh my, she thought. The group slowly dissipated and Sarah and Tim wandered down the hall to their rooms. Sarah stopped at 202, putting her key in the door. Tim smiled and walked to his door. He put his key in and rested his forehead on the door turning his face towards Sarah. He smiled and said, "Well isn't this interesting?" He turned the knob and walked into his room. Sarah did the same. The room was covered in warm wood panels with a huge bed in the middle. The fluffy white down comforter looked so inviting. She was so tired but couldn't think of anything else but Tim in the next room. That when she noticed the door between the rooms. She walked to it and put her palm against the smooth wood. He knocked just then. She opened the door and he appeared before her taking her face in his hands he kissed her slowly and the world disapeared.

April 23, 2021 14:52

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