Fiction Romance Indigenous

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives when Fayaz first met Sara in the school and they promised to be the eternal fellows at such an early age. Though the promise of life long love became a matter of conflict yet the tale of affection go aboard at its run. The tale traces the tactics of love soaring life not in favors of Fayaz but seemingly not exactly against his lines of action.

There were five to six huts of barbers’ families in Fayaz’s village. These houses had a grungy and skimpy look as it would have been prevailing about the residencies of such people half a century ago. However, Fayaz’s village was a marvelous mansion like a few gleaming ones in the village. His father was serving in Kuwait and had accumulated a lot of property and wealth. In contrast, the barbers were living a poor life. A barber’s son named Assam had become a great annoyance for Fayaz. This was so because he would ever remain in his specific melodious style which was hated by Fayaz and it was a constant source of distress for him.

Assam was son of a barber Yousuf, Rosina was his first cousin and Fayaz was son of a millionaire Aziz Khan who was serving in Kuwait. The barbers had a lot of other children also but they are not a part of this story. The story embarked on its new horizons when Fayaz, Assam and Rosina were studying in Ninth Class in the same school. This story is still unremitting and has been pouring salt on Fayaz’s wounds.

A cute girl Sara was also their class fellow in the school. His father was Mr. Anwar who was a prominent doctor of the town. Rosina and Sara were fast friends and Assam would also use to enjoy in having the company. He would like to keep himself in touch with Sara. Although Sara possessed a higher social cum economic status yet she displayed intimacy towards Assam, an inferior caste in the society. This trend was highly abhorred by Fayaz. He hated Assam not merely for this reason but also because of his ever laughing style and mood. With his outlook of caste discrimination, Fayaz would always used to call him, “Oh barber ling!” Assam would never mind to be called like that but replied fairly in a pleasant laughing manner. Assam’s laughing chic was a source of invariable distress for Fayaz.

The time passes swiftly. All of them were now at the stage of adolescence. Many passions of love, sentiments of beauty and apparitions of future longings were now getting strong attachments with their heart throbs. Rosina could not pass her secondary examination. She terminated her academic career and sat at home. Fayaz, Sara and Assam got admission in the college to carry on the education career. In the advance ambiance of college, Sara and Assam had a lot of chances to enhance the joys of friendship. This was the worst turn in Fayaz’s life.

When closeness between Assam and Sara expanded further, Fayaz could not keep himself calm and he began to make plans for their severance. When he found himself helpless in this matter, he aptly decided to involve his father. He remained succeed in conspiring his father that a barber boy had no right to keep contacts with a girl of higher gentry. Further on, Fayaz’s father managed the measures to separate the status widen souls. His efforts proved fruitful in convincing Sara’s father regards the situation. A few months later, Sara was dropped from going to college and soon after that she was married to her cousin Rauf.

Separation got firm hold among Assam and Sara but this could not pacify the burning worries of Fayaz. Assam took part happily in Sara’s marriage and demonstrated no sign of grief over this. These very circumstances provoked a grim envy in Fayaz’s mind. His hatred for Assam was increasing day by day.

Mr. Aziz, father of Fayaz, had set up a sugar factory for his son. Hence Fayaz bade a farewell to education after Intermediate and joined the hands with his father in the business. Assam kept continuous his education and went to the city for graduation. He had also become a poet by then. He would often mail his fresh verses to Fayaz. The verses were free of woes or sufferings. Just like his pleasant behavior, his verses were also depicting a courageous and blissful picture of life. These verses added additional pains on life swings of Fayaz.

When his worries began to multiply, Fayaz planned a weird trick to imprison the echoing laughters of Assam. To tease him a lot, Fayaz decided to marry his first cousin Rosina. He was of the view to poison a barber ling through a barber ling. With a plenty of hard efforts, Fayaz accomplished the task of getting consent of his family in this concern. Hence he was triumphing for launching another trick against Assam.

 Like the previous ones, this trick too remained a false deal in imparting grief to Assam. His laughter was still echoing even in the wedding ceremony. He himself took away the bridal sedan of Rosina to Fayaz’s house.

The trick had entangled him conversely. Now he himself had to pass life with a barber ling. All the senses of hatred and abhorrence against the barbers had turned himself into a step son of a barber. He was at the most terrible corners of life long agony.

 A few years later, Assam became a university professor and then he went abroad on scholarship to get higher education. This brought a sort of pleasure among the worries of Fayaz. He had got rid of his presence and also of his laughter for time being.

The wheel of time kept on running faster and faster. Fayaz became father of four children. Sara had lost her husband in a road accident and she was living a widow’s life. She still observed her friendship with Rosina, wife of Fayaz. Hence both of them would go to one another’s homes to share their joys and sufferings.

Fayaz was nervous in his treatment with Rosina. He would consider her a servant rather than a wife in spite of her respectful behavior for him being a typical wife. He could not conform himself with Rosina. She was a daughter of a barber for him after all.

A decade later, Assam returned home with a Ph.D. He was a doctor professor by now. His hair had turned a little white and he would ever use to walk along some books under his arm. Though is laughing style had not changed yet his laughter had adapted an academic touch. With all of his higher status, he was still an odious stuff for Fayaz.

Assam would frankly and frequently come to Fayaz’s home. He could not stop him from it as he was the maternal uncle of his children.

One day Fayaz felt a burdensome pang of grief when he spotted Sara and Assam conversing and laughing together in his own house. Certainly, he remained failure in his efforts or tricks not only to take away the laughter of Assam from him but also became helpless in separating Sara and Assam.

Many days later, his wife informed him one evening that Assam and Sara were going to mount a wedlock on the coming Sunday. This news had fallen heavy bomb of pains on to him. All of his plans or ploys shattered and a wave of severe grief ran across his body and soul. After having been in shock for several minutes, Fayaz came back to his senses. Then being over-awed with terror, he threatened his wife, “Go and tell Assam; if he marries Sara; I will divorce you.”

In the meanwhile, the eldest son of Fayaz, Adel Khan, appeared on the scene from the behind door. He had gripped a pistol in his hands. He aimed the pistol towards his father and spoke furiously, “What divorce? Daddy! This pistol can shoot …………”

Though the son did not shoot down his father yet his hatred for barbers was shot dead. Now he had no notion to cease Assam’s laughter. He was immersed in the sweat of his horrible passions of hatred for Assam or against the barbers. He could not keep himself away from a barber ling. Fayaz was thinking in a lamenting way on his strange marriage decision but by then it was too late.


November 14, 2020 05:02

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Elisa Stone
17:57 Nov 22, 2020

Loved it!


Dawood Abbasi
22:50 Nov 22, 2020

Thanks for appreciation


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