Funny Drama

¨ Come on, we are going to miss our flight.¨

¨ I´m coming, hang on a sec.¨

My sister runs to catch up with me, holding much too many bags.

¨ Here, let me help you.¨

She gingerly hands me two big bags full of who knows what.

¨ I am going to open these bags, and I am going to hope that I do not find a body in here.¨

She rolls her eyes and I unzip the first bag. It was full of clothes, trophys from her dance competitions, brushes, a toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.

¨ Emily..¨

¨ What?¨

¨ This bag is clear.¨

Emily nearly pushes me over but I hold my ground.

As I go to open the second bag, Emily grabs my hand.

¨ We are going to be so late. Come on.¨

I give her a suspicious glance but reluctantly nod.

¨ Ok, let´ s go to Florida!¨

I feel a grin coming on as I walk inside the plane with Emily at my side.


We have bee sitting on this plane for almost four hours.

¨ Ok, this is taking too long. Are you sure we are on the right flight? It was only supposed to take two hours and thirty minutes. We are one hour and thirty minutes late.¨

Emily was just about to respond when the whole plane started to shake. Emily screamed. I might have as well but I was too in shock to do anything.

Then the plane started to turn sideways...

¨ Emily!¨

I find my sister holding onto a chair and I put her in her seat and buckle her up.

But before I could sit down and do the same to me, the plane fell.

I think I heard my sister scream my name but her voice was muffled by all the screams.

Then I am falling, straight threw a window that has somehow made it´ s way open.

I am practically flying, which would normally bring me joy since I have always wanted to fly, but I knew that I was falling to my death, which is nothing to be happy about.

I close my eyes and let the ground swallow me up.


Everything is dark. I don't know where I am.

¨ Emily?¨

I ask, the only response is the dark night sky and the stars staring down at me from above.

I try to roll onto my side but excruciating pain creeps all along my back, taking me by surprise. I moan, feeling as if I am broken all over.

¨ Yeah, I wouldn't do that if I were you.¨

The voice belongs to that of a man.

I stare up at a face I can't see since it is too dark.

¨ A little too late for that.¨

He chuckles softly and creeps up to my lay at my side.

¨ I..I was on a plane?¨

¨ Yes.¨

¨ My, my sister Emily was on the plane with me, do you know where she is?¨

¨ Unfortunately, no I just found you on the ground, looking really messed up.¨

¨ So..¨

I grunted, pain crawling up my arms and legs now.

¨ Comforting.¨

He laughed. Actually laughed.

I try to punch him but my arms won't move. Fear takes over me.

¨ Try to sit still ok? The whole city is out of power. Tomorrow I will take you to our hideout. They will help you.¨

¨ Hideout?¨

I think he smiles.

¨ You will see tomorrow.¨

¨ Ugh.¨

¨ So impatient.¨

He tsks.

¨ When I get better I am going to-¨

¨ To what? Punch me? I am so scared.¨

¨ If you would just let me get out a damn sentence, you would know that that wasn't what I was going to say.¨

It was totally what I was going to say.

¨ Sorry, please continue.¨

¨ It will be a surprise.¨

¨ Aww, your really going to make me wait?¨

¨ Are you really going to make me wait until tomorrow to explain where you are going to take me?¨

¨ Yes.¨

¨ Well, then, there's your answer.¨

He nods and then says,

¨ Get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow.¨


I awake to the sound of voices around me.

¨ I found her, lying still on the ground.¨

¨ So, you think she's one of us?¨

¨ Yes.¨

I sit straight up and then scream when all the pain I felt from last night comes flooding back through my body.

The guy from last night comes running to me.

¨ Lay back down...what's your name?¨

¨ Nala.¨

I can see him clearer now and notice that he has tanned skin, black hair, and...his eyes are hazel.

¨ Ok Nala, I am going to help you but I need you to lie back down please.¨

I listen, but only because I know it will help.

¨ Good, ok now drink this.¨

He hands me a green liquid that I definitely don't want to put into my body. I stare at him and shake my head.

¨ I am not drinking this.¨

I tell him.

¨ Yes you are. It will help and it tastes delicious.¨

Not sure if I believe him, I take a sip and immediately spit it out.

¨ That is disgusting.¨

He laughs and then meets my gaze.

¨ Nala, you have to drink this. You might die if you don't.¨

¨ How wonderful.¨

But I still take another sip, without spitting it out this time even though I really wanted to. It might just be best to chug it all at once, so I held my nose and chugged.

¨ Woah, I thought you didn't like it? Someone had a change of heart.¨

I hold back the desire to strangle him right there.

¨ I wanted to get it over with. It was almost as awful as you.¨

¨ Well you chugged it pretty fast so it couldn't have been that bad. That means I am not that bad either.¨

¨ You are even more self-obsessed and stupid than I gave you credit for.¨

He put his hand to his heart like he had just been stabbed.

¨ Ouch.¨

This time I did punch him, but I doubt it hurt since I am too weak to give him one of my good punches.

¨ Ouch times two.¨

I roll my eyes.

¨ Are you two done having your...moment?¨

A guy asks.

¨ Yep.¨

He starts to stand up but I grab his arm, stopping him.

¨ What is your name?¨

¨ Arsenio.¨

I let go of his arm and he walks over to his...I don't know, friend?

They start to whisper and it annoys me. After all, I still know nothing.

¨ Can someone tell me what the hell is going on and where my sister is?¨

I ask, and they both grin.

¨ Sure thing.¨

Arsenio says.

May 04, 2021 22:06

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