Tusks and Dagger Part Twenty-Four: Back to the Rescue

Written in response to: Write about a professional who is called back to serve their community after retirement.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Friendship


The worn yellow parchment paper trembled in my hands, Clarice kissing my lips softly. These words shook me to the core, a chill running up my spine. Messy handwriting told a tale of utter chaos, Clarice’s slender hand snatching the note from my black gloved hands. Her heavenly voice whispered the letter, the panic rising in her voice. 

“Mr. Antler. One of the black hearts has appeared in our forest, and our demons are disappearing. We would like you to come back with Lottie to temporarily assume your position as the police chief. Please hurry! Sincerely, Sheepston.” She mumbled in a frightened tone, raw terror mixing with panic. This wasn’t great, a pregnant pause passing between us. My lips pressed into a thin line, my hands crossing. Sinking deeper into my thoughts, a knock interrupted us. Clarice’s ocean blue eyes met mine, her fingers wrapping around the black marble knob. Surprise rounded out my eyes, a soaking wet Lottie standing on our granite steps. An unimpressed expression met our nervous grins, her boots sloshing in. Standing by the roaring fireplace, she rubbed her hands together. A voice coming from her scythe made me leap back a few feet, her hair now cut short. The bitter look in her eyes seemed reasonable, guilt gnawing at me.

“I was taking a bath and washing my clothes at the same time when a whirlpool sucked me to your place.” She groaned darkly, shaking off some of the water. “I am assuming that this has something to do with a black heart." Clarice ran off to get her a cup of warm tea, her blonde hair dancing with each step. Dusting off my black robes, she jumped a couple of feet back with the clearing of my throat. 

“Many apologies to you, Miss Lottie.”  I apologized sincerely, my attention falling on the one green eye in her staff. “Who might you be?” Choking those words out felt odd, the eye flitting between me and her. Folding her arms across her chest, her eyes rolled. The two of them seemed to showcase a difficult relationship. 

“I am Dackworth, the guardian of her scythe.” He introduced himself proudly, his eye narrowing in my direction. “Well, kind of. She saved me, so I decided to help her out a bit. I am an ally not an enemy.” His nonchalant attitude threw me off, a growl rumbling in her throat. Sarcastic words sat on the tip of her tongue, her eyebrow twitching irritably. 

“I have some tea.” Clarice chirped excitedly, sensing the tension. “It is my own special blend of medicinal herbs that are good for the baby.” Her white robes danced around her white boots, Lottie accepting the tea graciously. Nursing the cup, water was still dripped off her emerald green wool dress. The echo of the water splashing onto her boots rang in my sensitive ears, my eyes watching her with concern.

“Do you have a messenger of any sorts? I would like to tell my friends that I am okay and will be with you for a bit.” Lottie asked politely, her face softening. “This tea is delicious. Thank you very much Clarice.” Gulping it down, her gentle smile made Clarice jump up and down with joy. Seeing her happiness made my heart flutter, my hood rustling as she hopped into it. Kissing the top of my head, a deep scarlet burned my cheeks. Lottie snatched a spare piece of parchment paper, scribbling down a quick note. A raven hopped over to her, her slender fingers tying the note around her legs. Ruffling its feathers, she sent it on its way. Drawing a circle around us, the strange symbols didn’t make any sense.  

“May I have the name of your town?” She queried simply, cutting her palm. “I just need a destination. I want to get this over with, so I can go home to my caravan with my friends. I am sure they are missing me right now.” Her grumpiness alarmed me, her hormones probably causing it. Claire shouted out Wendigo Fields, Lottie’s brow raising. 

“Take us to Wendigo Fields!” She chanted confidently, a flurry of blue rose petals changing the scenery back to our hometown. “Does that look right?” A sea of homes tucked into giant oak trees greeted me, Clarice growing more excited by the second. Her pointed ears bounced with pure wonder, the eerie quietness of the village scaring me. Red eyes stared out dirty windows, the immense buzz of fear and distress poisoning the air.  

“Clary, can you please put some feelers out for me?” I asked calmly, Lottie ripping her staff off of her back. “I love you, Clary. Don’t forget that.” Winking in my direction, her white boots disappeared into the trees. Lottie giggled warmly to herself, a wicked grin rested on her lips. Embarrassment burned my cheeks, her mood brightening. Cocking her head to the right, cruel words sat on the tip of her tongue. 

“Clary?” She teased lightly, her laughter twinkling the air. “You must be Anty then.” The bemused grin ticked me off slightly, the thick prickly bushes rustling around us. Scuttling noises alarmed me, Lottie raising her scythe in the attack position. Disappearing into the trees, the glint of her scythe was all I saw. Horror widened my eyes, cold sweat dripping off of my brow. An army of translucent crabs marched towards me, my staff dropping into my eager palms. The sight of their throbbing heart sickened me, the sight of crabs unsettling. Spinning it above my head, all four elements combined into a swirling ball. Panic gripped my mind, the ball of elements would destroy the village. Sprinting away from the village, dried leaves crunched underneath my boots. Taking them away from the town, Clary landed in my hood. Her chest puffed up and down, her sword trembling in her hands. Mouthing a silent spell, blood poured from her eyes. An ocean blue water barrier protected the town, her head nodding. Slamming the ball into the ground, a blast of energy blasted us back. All four elements destroyed the forest, Clary crying out as several branches shot towards her head. A flash of emerald green and blonde flashed in the corner of my eye. Lottie slammed into Claire’s body. The crack of her left arm shattering at the impact of all of the branches broke the still air, Claire gazed warmly at her. Tears flowed from her eyes, her lips forming a rare frown. Leaning against a blackened tree trunk, Lottie took out the branches one by one. Her own blood painted her face, her good hand hovering over her shattered arm. Mouthing a silent spell, quiet tears flooded from her eyes as the tissues and bones became one. Struggling to her feet, wonder illuminated our eyes. Hanging her scythe over her shoulders, blue vines curled up her arm. 

“Why don’t you come out already!” She taunted menacingly, cocking her head back. “Your little crabs are dead. No one hurts my friends.” Shattered shells crunched underneath her boots, a lavender light catching my eyes. Another blast of energy knocked us back, a lilac nymph sauntering up to us. Lottie jumped to her feet, the black heart beating in her watery body. Long lavender hair floated behind her, cold black eyes piercing our souls. Water dripped onto the blackened ground, her  Blue lightning crackled off of her skin, the electricity bouncing off of her blade. 

“I am a simple nymph attempting to rid the world of all demons.” She warned icily, raising her hands to the sky. “You may be human, but you don’t stand a chance against my acid rain.” Dread bubbled in my stomach, Lottie turning towards us. A shimmering armor folded over her body, her polite smile dimmed her face.

“I need you two to get inside of that bubble of protection.” She ordered sharply, Clary parting her lips in protest. “Who else is going to protect your home! I can’t do it and fight her. You asked for my help, so you are going to get it. Also it will dissolve the two of you in seconds! Just go already!” Clary stomped her foot on the ground, her fists clenching. 

“How are you going to not disintegrate?” She demanded hotly, Lottie grabbed her shoulder aggressively. “Why can’t I help you?” The two of them were inches from each other’s faces, animosity growing in between them. Cupping her face, her long hair cascaded down her back. 

“I can’t have you dead!” Lottie blurted out desperately, silent tears flooding from her eyes. “My armor will protect me, so don’t worry about me. Besides, I am the only one who can stop the black heart in her anyway.” The nymph shifted irritably behind her, her bright blue lips curling into a snarl. 

“Nice touching moment!” She taunted cruelly, her patience wearing thin. “Acid rain! Dissolve all that is in my way.” Groaning impatiently, Lottie tossed us into the water dome protecting the town. Snapping her fingers, blue vines locked down the dome. Blood poured from her nose, Clary banged on the dome. Cupping her hands, her tiny body collapsed into my arms. Kissing the top of her head, her sword clattered to the ground. 

“I just wanted to help.” She whined softly, her arms swinging limply by her sides. “Now she will probably die.” Clutching her close to my chest, the acid rain began to bounce off the dome. Turning back towards Lottie, the two of them were dots in the sky. Blue electricity danced across the sky, vines snapping up towards the nymph. Lightning bounced off the dome, Lottie rolling to our feet. Cuts and bruises covered her skin, her teeth gritting in pain. Shooting daggers up at us, the lightning died down.  

“How do I defeat a fucking nymph, Dackworth!” She barked venomously, struggling to her feet. “I have tried electricity, and that didn’t work.” The nymph flew down towards her, a clear blade swinging down towards her neck. Moving out of the way just in time, the heel of her foot went through her chest. Clear hands gripped her neck, her scythe splashing into a pooling puddle of acid rain. A green glow protected the weapon from melting away, her feet kicking her scythe into the dome. Pinning Lottie against a nearby tree, her heel kicked the tree in a frenzied manner as she clawed at the watery fingers. A silver blade burst from her boot, the blade sinking into black heart. Clammy sweat drenched my body, Clary bursting from the dome. Crying out for her to stop, the acid rain burned her skin. The smell of rotting flesh poisoned the air, Lottie watching in horror at the sight of Clary sprinting towards her. Ripping out the heart from the nymph’s chest, the acid rain pattered to a slow stop. Blue flames devoured her hand, the heart decaying to a black pile of ash. The nymph melted into a puddle, all of the rain decaying to a flurry of icy blue rose petals. Falling to her knees, an unnatural amount of blood burst from her lips. The dome flickered out, Clary falling flat on her face. Groaning bitterly, Lottie stumbled to her feet. Scooping up Clary, she limped into town. Laying her down in the center of the village, her hands hovered over her.  

“Mina, grant me the power to heal my friend!” Her voice rang out exhaustively, a blue light blinded me. Childlike wonder widened my eyes, all of the animal demons coming out of their homes. Watching with bated breath, the light died down. Clary’s skin now one piece, her chest rising up and down. Collapsing into a heap, Lottie’s armor folded away. Scooping the two of them up, my boot drew a circle around us. Keep calm, I yelled at myself. Get them to safety. Get them to safety. Waving a final goodbye to my former home, panic haunted my mind. 

“Take me home!” I ordered sharply, a black circle humming away. “See you soon.” My hometown faded to my home, the sweet smell of the wood offering me no comfort. Flying up the stairs, my boot kicked my bedroom door down. Slamming the two of them onto my lumpy mattress, my attention turned to Lottie. Shuffling through my potion box, nothing would help the dying Lottie. Blood pooled beneath her body, the cuts growing deeper. An emerald green potion rolled into my palms, an anxious Sir. Acorn waving down at me. His nervous grin met mine, his red eyes welling up with tears. 

“I found this earlier, so please save my master.” He pleaded brokenly, his paws pressing together. “We need her and I don’t beg. Fix her, damn it!” His raised voice shocked me, my lips pressing into a thin line. Real tears flooded from his eyes, his tail drooping lower by the second. How peculiar? His god complex seemed gone, his heart having fallen for Miss Lottie. 

“Okay.” I uttered simply, pouring the potion into her lips. “Please wake up.” Getting down on my knees, Sir. Acorn did the same. Pressing our palms together, we silently prayed to the demon god to save our girl. Black energy swirled over us, the blackness lightening to a snow white. Watching the energy fly into her body, the two of us rushed to her side. No light blinded us, all of her wounds sealing shut. Sir. Acorn’s tail twitched irritably, his anxiety growing by the second. Gasping deeply, Lottie jerked awake. The wide smile on Sir. Acorn’s lips made the moment all worth it, her hands waiting for him to hop into her palms. Shifting around her pocket, a single acorn sat in between her thumb and ring finger. 

“Don’t you ever do that again!” Sir. Acorn snapped hotly, snatching the acorn from her fingers. “We rescued your staff by the way. Dackworth was less than pleased with your behavior.” Her eyebrow twitched furiously, her fingers ripping the acorn from his tiny paws. The corner of her lips quivered, her fingers grasping around his tail. 

“Did you come to yell at me, or chastise me!” She retorted uncivilly, seconds from flicking him across the room. “I am happy you saved me, but Dackworth can deal with it, can’t he. Now hug me and forget about our spat.” Bouncing up to her shoulder, his head snuggled into the nape of her neck. The sight of them being so close warming my soul,  Guilt dimmed her eyes, her eyes falling on the massive blood stain underneath her. 

“Don’t worry about that.” I chirped cheerfully, rising to my feet. “I have a potion that can clear that right up. I am just happy you are alive. Another bonus is that Boran won’t want to kill me or Somata for that matter. Can you keep this all a secret?” Smiling warmly at me, her hands crossed. Tilting her head to the left, Sir. Acorn gnawed on his acorn happily. 

“Sure thing.” She promised earnestly, scratching his head. “You had better do the same, my bushy tailed friend.” Nodding as he stuffed his face, the problem had been solved. Clary jerked awake, a deep gasp escaping her lips. Turning to Lottie, her body smashed into hers. Tears of joy flooded from her eyes, her wide grin spreading cheek to cheek. 

“You have to let me take care of you and give you a new outfit.” She babbled jovially, noting the shredded appearance of her dress. “Go and take a bath. Relax for me. I can’t thank you enough for saving me. Please spend the night.” Flashing her a polite smile, Lottie swung her feet over the edge of my bed. Snapping her fingers, her dress was like new. Clary feigned a bit of disappointment, guilt dimming Lottie’s eyes. 

“Thank you so much, so please don’t get offended!” She stammered nervously, waving her hands around. “I will spend the night, and would love to take some of your tea with me. It was really delicious and helpful. That was the best I had ever felt in a long time. You really should sell it to pregnant creatures and humans. You would really make a killing, hell you should open your own medical shop. Your knowledge of medical herbs is impressive.” The disappointment brightened to her adorable grin, the one that made my heart flutter. Leaping into her arms, her delicate arms refused to let go. 

“You really think so!” She blurted out excitedly, spinning Lottie around. “You are so amazing yourself. Oh forgive me, I have to make dinner.” Skipping down the stairs, Lottie fell back on the bed. Clutching her side, a small gasp of pain escaped her quivering lips. 

“Thank you for cheering her up.” I thanked her feverishly, looking around for an ice pack. “Are you sure you're okay?” Dismissing my concerns, a polite smile dimmed her face. Narrowing my eyes, it was time to give up the ghost. At least she was alive and okay.

December 09, 2022 13:17

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