White Tiger Elites

Written in response to: Set your story in a magical bookshop.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Happy

Today I decided that I wanted to go get a book from a bookstore, I absolutely love reading books, especially fantasy books. I head on over, which takes me a 25 minute walk, which is ok. I start looking at books, I look up and peeked inside this separate area that usually is closed off and someone comes through an empty wall and I hide while he closes the door. To that separate area. I must’ve stayed they’re hiding for at least an hour, how could a person walk through a wall. All of a sudden the door opens and the owner comes through and closes the door and I go and pretend I’m looking at a book. I then slowly make my way toward that area, looking at random books while the owner is off on the other side looking at another book. I slip into the room quietly it looks empty, but the wall he came through was a different painted color I go to it and I walked through. 

It’s a whole new world! It’s a giant library with a big area with a table. A cat comes over and it says “Who are you?” I freaked out, a cat can’t talk, I just walked through a wall, I backed up but I can’t get through that wall again so I start running through this library, and books are flying around like birds. Weird looking objects that I don’t know what the do. I see the restricted area and I go in there thinking they won’t find me in there cause people don’t go into restricted area’s I turn around and still continue walking backwards. I then dropped what looks like a glass necklace, and all of a sudden what looks like a giant white tiger spirit comes out and goes right inside of me and I get lifted into the air for a second then I get transformed into a giant white tiger. I still walk backwards terrified about everything. The book store owner come into view and he sees me, he looks like he was about to say something when the cat runs up yelling “HUMAN IN HERE, THERE’S A HUMAN IN HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

He then looks like he understands what has happened and so he comes up and introduces himself as Tirantas and apologizes and explains that there is this magical world inside the bookstore that no one knows or sees and that the magical world are filled with people who turn into giant animals and when someone doesn’t what it they store it in a glass necklace, but that the ritual can’t be done again and that I am now stuck with this animal. He then offers to teach me how to control it and to teach me how to keep the real world safe which is their duty and job to do. I agree to let him teach me, so we walk together to a door and go on through to a giant gym. He says that first if I want to change back I just need to run a little bit. So I start running around and sure enough he was right. 

I started coming there for months and I now got the hang of this whole turning into a giant white tiger, and Tirantas said I’m ready for my first mission. He continues with that a badger person has not been careful and is about to expose himself to the people and I need to intervene. I head to the location he gives me and I find the badger person, because everyone has marks on their faces according to their animals, I have tiger stripes on mine. I confront him and tell him that he’s getting to close and about to expose us. All of a sudden he pushes me into a mirror room, which I’ve learned which doesn’t affect the real world, and he transforms into a badger because he didn’t know I turn into a white tiger which happens to be the meanest animal an animal person can turn into. I transform and I see the fear forming inside him, but charges at me anyways, I get him with the first blow and I pin him down, and to show surrender he changes back into a person and so did I. I then break the mirror room and then take him into the justice room and they take over and I leave. 

I head on back and Tirantas congratulates me and then he bring other animal people who were also white tigers and he tell me these are the main protectors of the earth and they call themselves ‘The White Tiger Elite’s’ and they do so much more than what I had just done and they think I’m ready to start learning how to become one. I tell them that I am so ready. 

Training is way more intense now, a lot more fighting training. They tell me that we have to be ready for anything even wars, because people want to stop hiding and the only way they can is over running the justice systems which means they have to go through ‘The White Tiger Elite’s’ first. I keep practicing over and over for months on end. Finally they think I am ready to joining them and they say I have to pass this one test before I can join them. I have to do a one on one fight and win. I have to beat one of the “White Tiger Elite’ people to join, but they also say if I lose I can never try again and I would never be apart of their team. They give me twenty four hours to prepare for this. I go to the training center with fake animals and start practicing for twelve hours straight, I new a good sleep would be beneficial so then I go and sleep for ten hours. I then take the last two hours to calm myself and mentally prepare. I go and meet in the training battle field. They randomly chose a girl named Pitala who so happens to be one of the top three strongest of the group. I get a bit nervous but we start of circling each other. I go for the first blow, and I get knocked back. She then charges and I move out of the way quickly and I hit a blow and scruff her and throw her across the room. I run after her again but she get up and we are now brawling and we are at this for two hours. I finally hit a blow so good I knocked her out. I won the fight.

Everyone came cheering me on about it and hoisted me up on their shoulder to celebrate. Pitala woke up a half hour later and came and congratulated me. The told me to go rest up for tomorrow I get to join their group. I did just that and slept amazingly. I went into their ceremonial room and trumpets go off and I wank to the front and The leader of the group and makes me take an oath to always protect the people and to watch out for the team. After that we celebrating with food. I was now part of the ‘White tiger Elite’s’ of this magical world that came from a bookstore. I never could’ve imagine this being my life but I absolutely love it.

December 11, 2022 07:30

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