Contemporary Fiction Thriller

WhatsApp – 4:12 PM

[New Message from 🎩]

🎩: You there?

(Alex stares at the screen. Her thumb hovers over the screen. After everything, he has the nerve to text her?)

(She exhales sharply, then finally types back.)

🦊: Wasn’t expecting to hear from you.

🎩: Missed you today.

(Alex frowns. That’s not how this is supposed to go. He ended it. He was the one who freaked out.)

🦊: I’m sure you did.

🎩: Could barely focus at work.

(Alex rolls her eyes. What is this? Nostalgia hour? Does he think they can just slip back into this like nothing happened?)

🦊: What do you want, B?

🎩: Tell me something… what exactly do you love about me?

(Now she pauses. That’s… odd. Out of nowhere. A little too sentimental. A little too rehearsed.)

🦊: Ha! Where’s this coming from? Now you’re feeling sentimental? 🥱

🎩: Just humor me.

(Alex hesitates, then opens another chat.)

WhatsApp – 4:13 PM

[New Message from 🍷]

🍷: Girl, did you see my message?

🦊: One sec, talking to B. He’s being weird, messaging me today.

🍷: Yikes. Maybe he's finally feeling guilty?

🦊: I thought we were past that. I thought we were past it all.

(Alex switches back to 🎩’s chat.)

4:15 PM

🦊: Humor you? After everything, you think the next conversation between us is gonna be me humoring you? It would be funny if it wasn’t… I don’t know, stupid? Insulting?

🎩: Why does it have to be all that? You’re angry? You always knew what the situation was, now we can’t even have a chat?

🦊: Whatever, I think I’ve spent too much time humoring you, that’s all over now.

6:37 PM

🎩: Do you want to know what I love about you?

🦊: Why are you trying to have this conversation? I thought you were the one freaking out about getting caught?

🎩: I just like knowing what you think about when you’re alone. I never stop thinking about you, especially when I can’t see you.

(Alex switches back to 🍷’s chat.)

6:38 PM

🦊: Something’s off.

🍷: What do you mean?

🦊: He’s being… idk. Almost desperate? Asking random questions.

🍷: Like what?

🦊: What I think about when I’m alone. Where I imagine us.

🍷: Uhhh, okay. That’s weird. You think he knows?

🦊: I don’t think so…?

🍷: Be careful. Just in case.

(Alex hesitates before switching back to 🎩’s chat.)

9:22 PM

🎩: I need to see you. Tomorrow night?

🦊: Wait, what? Thought you were worried someone would see us.

🎩: I was. But I can't stop thinking about you.

🦊: Oh, so suddenly it’s fine? Thought you were busy making your wife feel wanted right now?

🎩: She went away with her sister for the weekend. No interruptions.

🦊: That’s convenient.

🎩: Meet me. One last time.

(Alex, frowning, switches back to 🍷’s chat.)

9:23 PM

🦊: Okay, I think something’s up.

🍷: Tell me.

🦊: He just asked me to meet. He was so panicked about getting caught before, now suddenly he’s fine?

🍷: You think it’s a trap?

🦊: Maybe. I don’t know.

🍷: Maybe he just missed you. Maybe he’s willing to risk more now.

🦊: Or maybe I’m about to walk into something stupid.

🍷: What are you gonna do?

🦊: I think I’m gonna say no.

(Alex starts typing a reply to 🎩… then stops.)

11:48 PM

🎩: What was the first thing I ever said to you?

🦊: You don’t remember?

🎩: Of course I do. I just want you to remember what we had in the beginning.

🦊: Oh, is that what this is? A fun stroll down memory lane?

(Long pause.)

🎩: Answer me.

🦊: You said… "I should buy you a drink so we can make bad decisions together."

🎩: Yeah. That was a good night.

🦊: Too bad he told me he doesn’t drink.

(Alex flips back to 🍷’s chat.)

11:49 PM

🦊: Something is REALLY wrong.

🍷: What happened?

🦊: I just caught him in a lie.

🍷: B?

🦊: Not B. That’s the thing. It’s not him.

🍷: What are you talking about?

🦊: He asked me what the first thing he ever said to me was. Like he was testing me. I played along. I told him what he supposedly said.

🦊: But here’s the thing… it was the wrong answer.

🍷: Wait. What?

🦊: Bertram doesn’t drink. He told me that the first night we met.

🦊: So why would he say the first thing he ever told me was offering to buy me a drink?

(A long pause.)

🍷: Maybe he can’t keep his story straight. You know how much he lies.

(Alex stops typing. Her mind is racing.)

12:27 AM 

[You have been added to a group chat: "Let’s talk."]

🎩: Glad you could join us.

🦊: Are you f***ing kidding me? Ensley, what kind of sick game is this?

🎩: Ensley?

🦊: Don’t act stupid. I know it’s you. You’ve been texting me this whole time, haven’t you?

🎩: Interesting theory.

???: Took you long enough.

🍷: Alex. Don’t freak out.

🦊: …You’re in here?

🍷: This has never been what you thought it was.

🦊: What the f*** does that mean?

🦊: How long have you been lying to me?

🍷: That’s the wrong question, Alex.

(A chill settles in Alex’s chest. Her thumbs hover over the screen, hesitant now.)

🦊: Fine. Then what’s the right question?

(A pause. A long one.)

🎩 is typing…

(Finally—one message appears.)

🎩: How much do you actually know?

12:30 AM 

🦊: What?

🎩: About him. About me. About any of this.

🦊: I know Bertram lied to me.

🦊: I know this isn’t him.

🦊: And I know that means I’ve been talking to YOU this whole time, Ensley.

🎩: Oh, sweetie.

(The hairs on the back of Alex’s neck rise.)

🎩: You still don’t get it, do you?

🎩: It was never just you and Bertram.

(Alex’s breath catches.)

🦊: What do you mean?

(No reply.)

(The typing bubble appears… disappears… appears again… then stops.)

🍷: Alex, don’t make this difficult.

(Alex’s stomach drops.)

🦊: Difficult?!

(Her mind is screaming at her now, trying to make sense of this.)

🦊: Why are YOU saying that?!!!

(The pause lasts too long. Then—another message from 🎩.)

🎩: Tell her.

(Alex stares at 🍷’s name, waiting, waiting, waiting.)

🍷: You weren’t the first.

12:33 AM 

(Alex’s throat goes dry.)

🦊: What?

🍷: This has never been what you thought it was.

(Her breathing is uneven. Her fingers go numb.)

🦊: What the hell is it then?

(No response. The group chat is silent.)

(Then—a new message appears.)

???: You’re about to find out.

(The typing bubble appears… disappears… appears again… then stops.)

[Group Chat Deleted.]

Alex stares at her screen. It’s empty. Like it never existed.

Her phone vibrates. A new message—an image.

She opens it. It’s her front door. Taken from outside.

[Message Read. No Reply.]

12:34 AM: Alex switches to the chat with 🍷

🦊:  Whatever this is, it’s not funny, stop f***in messing with me!

🍷: Oh, yeah, this is the part that’s not funny.  What about everything you’ve done?  Did you think there were no consequences for you?

Alex hears footsteps coming up the stairs.

February 09, 2025 21:32

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Rebecca Detti
20:03 Feb 17, 2025

Chilling Olivia!


Olivia B
20:06 Feb 17, 2025

Thank you :) it's my first time submitting anything. Really appreciate you reading it and making a comment!


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