
I sit alone in my room at the Inn. Suddenly my computer begins to act strange. There is an energy in my room, or is the blue-light just getting to me. Those squiggly lines you see when you try to fall asleep at night. They are over-taking me now. I am going to faint! I am falling, and then I feel my whole body, or is it only my soul, being sucked into a vortex. There goes my mug of coffee onto the floor! My cat, she runs and hides. The last thing I see, as my head hits the desk, is the brightest blue light I have ever seen! It is coming directly from the light on my laptop computer,you know the one that looks like a radio tower, above and to the right!

I am slowly awakening. Where am I? Everything is blue all around me,the squiggly lines are slowly fading, as I awaken. I hear my husband calling my name, from what seems like far away! As my eyes adjust, I see his handsome face. This face, I have not seen in almost eight long, lonely years! For he had passed of Parkinson's Disease, those eight years before!

Robert is that really you?"

"Yes Patty, I am really here!"

"But how, what?"

"It was me who pulled you through!"

"You pulled me through, where? What are you talking about Bob?

"The Blue light! I wanted to see you again! I missed you so much! I love you!"

"Oh my, I, wow! This is crazy! It's really you! Oh Bob, I love you too, and I have missed you, more than you can imagine!"

"Come take my hand, my love, and walk with me."

After a long walk, around a beautiful glistening pond,Robert and I decide whether I should go back or not and how. Robert does not want me to go, but I must. I am not supposed to be where he is yet. It is not time.

"How do I get back Robert? You must let me know."

"I am not sure!"

"Bob, you have to know. I cannot stay here with you just yet. Our daughter and our son still need me. Robert, is our David here?"

"Yes, he is here. Would you like to go to see him, before you must go?"

"Yes, of course! Where is our David?"

"Come with me, my love, and I will show you!"

Robert and I walk through a beautiful wood! Oh, it is so lovely and enchanting here! I think that we are somewhere near heaven. Yes we are! Across a marvelous meadow, I see our son, David! Oh, how happy I am! There is the most beautiful waters, that you see in paintings,ones that I have only seen on earth! I am where they are real! Here comes my David, walking toward me! He has the whitest of angel wings that I have ever seen, and his eyes, they are still as beautiful blue as they ever were. He got those eyes from his father a long time ago! He was only twenty-five when he came to this place!

I am not quite sure, I want to return! I must though, for my writing is so far from complete. I have many more words, stories, and things of love, yet to write!

"Please Robert, my dearest love, show me how to go, for I am still needed down there below! I will see you again, when it is time!

"Okay, come this way with me!"

As we, Robert and David, and I walk hand in hand together, I am led to an amazing indigo blue-lit portal, that is surrounded by the most beautiful of green vines, I have ever seen!

"Oh, I so wish that you were able to stay!", Robert says to me."

"Oh, Robert and David, you both do know that I must go, but only yet, for a short time. I will return when God says it is the right time for me!"

As Robert held onto my one hand and David to my other,I was slowly transported back to my room! Our hands, ever so slowly let go of each other's grasps! I made sure to grasp an angel wing feather from my dear son's breast! I had something to take back with me to forever cherish, and if ever need be, proof of where I had been!

There is a loud knock on the door to my room! I cannot answer it. I am not really here! I do not know how to go back. I must find my way!

I hear voices, but I am unable to see faces. They are saying things like,"She's going to make it, I think! She must have fainted, and hit her head. She's really out! She has this strange blue hue to her skin. I hope she will be okay!"

Who are these people? What are they doing in my room? Where am I, and how did I get here? As I think these things to myself, I hear those voices again. They are putting me into an ambulance. The blue light has now turned to red! These red lights are flashing, I must close my eyes! Maybe this is all just a dream!

"We are transporting her to hospital now, E.T.A. 20 minutes!"

I thought the words, I think. If I said them, they didn't hear me! What is going on? I am waking up. Will I remember where I had gone? I will tell no one! They will never believe me anyway!

As I lie listening to the doctors, who are standing all around me, I must try hard not to laugh! They might think me a serious mental case. I will not tell them of the place where I have gone, oh no, never. I think that I shall keep it to myself! Now that I know of the Blue-Light Portal, I will visit, if I am permitted to, again. From time to time, I may ask if I am allowed! This I will do in my prayers, in the nighttime, when I am alone again!

They say there is an energy that sometimes surrounds us when a loved one passes on. Oh yes,I do believe this to be true! And sometimes more than just one loved one! Shortly after our son David did pass away,our daughter and myself slept in David's room.The evening before, I specifically remember turning off a sound apparatus that always sat by David's bed. It was the sound of the ocean that he loved the most! I had even unplugged it! Well, it was exactly one week later, on a Sunday morning, at approximately the very moment they told me he passed away at the tree. It was an automobile accident, on that sad morn! The time was 3:00 am. My daughter awoke first and then, so did I. She would then tell me that she smelled David's cologne very strongly, and felt a cool breeze pass by her , on her left side! I heard the sound of the ocean from the sound apparatus, as well. The sound machine was not plugged in and it did not take batteries! We personally believe our David was passing through, that early morn, on his way home!

April 17, 2020 21:41

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James Offenha
21:23 Apr 29, 2020

Loved the beginning of this story. Very suspenseful. Please take out unnecessary words. For example, “I missed you so much.” Could be simply, “I missed you” which would be stronger. Also, I thought it would make more sense if she wanted to stay and the husband said it wasn’t her time yet. Just my two cents though.


21:23 Apr 30, 2020

Thank you James, for your two cents! Lol! No, really, thank you for that suggestion!


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James Offenha
21:23 Apr 29, 2020

Loved the beginning of this story. Very suspenseful. Please take out unnecessary words. For example, “I missed you so much.” Could be simply, “I missed you” which would be stronger. Also, I thought it would make more sense if she wanted to stay and the husband said it wasn’t her time yet. Just my two cents though.


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Roshna Rusiniya
19:28 Apr 26, 2020

Great story Patricia!


20:41 Apr 27, 2020

Thank you very much Roshna ! I appreciate your words !


Roshna Rusiniya
08:35 Apr 28, 2020

You are welcome😊


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