
    "Breaking News!! This just in," you hear as you're making breakfast, so you quickly decide to turn up the T.V. to see what big news there can possibly be. As you're intensely listening, the only words that are processing through your mind are magic and portal. You know that there’s absolutely no way that you could’ve heard that right, so you decide there's nothing to worry about, so you go on with your day trying to forget about the so-called "big news."

    Trying to forget things doesn't happen easily for you, so of course, for the next couple of days, you're still thinking about those two words, magic, and portal. You quickly begin to question yourself on whether or not you should conduct more research on what it is the news could've been talking about, but you decide not to because for all you know it can be simply about some new children's movie coming out, but it's totally fine with you if you miss out on a children's movie just this one time, because there will be plenty more to come. 

    It wasn't until a week later you decided to get on social media and as you’re scrolling, you begin to see all of these posts on people asking if anyone has found the magic portal in their house, and of course, you laugh because why would there be a magic portal in someone's house? As you continue scrolling you quickly remember a week ago when the only words you could process from the breaking news were magic, and portal, and as you remember that your jaw drops. You quickly begin thinking to yourself, could magic and portal actually be not just two random words and be magic portal?

    That thought continues racing through your mind all night long, so first thing when you wake up you decide to go back and watch the news from the first day you heard about it. As you close your eyes to go to sleep for the night you see a strange purple and blue galaxy looking design on your wall, but you think you're just extremely tired and it's nothing to worry about, so you just go to sleep.

    The next morning as you're rewatching the news from a week ago, you're in shock because they mention that there's a house, one house in the area that has been scientifically proven to have a new magic portal. You began thinking back to last night and maybe you weren't so out of your mind, maybe it was actually something to do with this craziness. You continue on with your day constantly checking that same wall to see if anything shows up, but you begin to second guess yourself, once again as you don't see the weird design on your wall. It wasn't until you went to lay down in your bed you discovered it once more.

    You stare at it for a little bit wondering if you should go touch it. You give in and so you go touch it, but it makes you feel weird, almost like it gives your body goose bumps. You then begin to wonder where it leads, so you decide to be brave and more adventurous, causing you to try to walk into it. When you walk into it, it seems to take you through a weird galaxy tunnel extremely fast, to where you barely remember what you saw in it. It ended up leading you to a strange mysterious place you've never heard of called Mystery Island, where scary events weren't what it was about, it was more of about you never knowing what's going to pop or what you'll find. You decide to stay and enjoy it for a while, plus there's the bonus that everything just happens to be entertaining, yet it’s all for free.

    You continue to just aimlessly walk around trying to figure out what even this place was. A magical portal, that leads to some mysterious place. Your mind just still can’t process it, of all the houses in the area your house was the chosen one. You begin to feel so lucky and special to get to experience something like this and you honestly don’t want to go back to reality because you’re enjoying it so much. 

    As time goes by you realize the one thing you haven’t done is talk to anyone else there, so you decide to go talk to someone and see if maybe the same thing happened to them. 

    “Hi! Were you also brought here by a magic Portal?” 

    “Um no, but I can tell you one thing for sure, I’ve never seen you around here before,” the strange guy said. 

    “Oh, um okay, well thanks for the chat!”

    The guy’s voice that you had talked to was so high pitched and squeaky, he sounded like a mouse, maybe you were just better off not talking to anyone. As you continue walking around you seem to wonder if maybe some of these people decided to just stay here and not go back home, and when they made the decision, the portal closed and changed who they were, but that’s something no one will ever know because they possibly lose their memory too. You grow to believe that if you stay for too long, you’ll potentially get stuck there and you don’t want that, so you decide to limit yourself to only a couple hours longer. 

    After relaxing and spending some time there enjoying yourself and having fun, you finally decide it's time to get back home. It takes you at least an hour to find the weird galaxy tunnel thing, but once you find it, you walk into it. It then once again takes you speedy fast through the tunnel and throws on the floor in your room. As soon as you hit the ground, you wake up and realize, there really wasn't a magic portal anywhere, and the news wasn't real either, because it was all just a dream.


April 24, 2020 16:09

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