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Funny Happy Urban Fantasy

Is this the Circus?

“Well well, this is an unexpected honour. None other than Andrew Hilton, editor of The Sentinel, is here to write an article on the opening of our new Art Museum. I was expecting a cadet journalist.”

“And under normal circumstances Martha that is who you would get.”

“So circs are not normal, how so?”

“I have a small pecuniary interest in the success of your new venture.”

“My understanding of that word only relates to money, which, to my knowledge does not relate to you having any such interest, large or small, in our Art Museum. Only Monty and I have any so called ‘pecuniary interest’.”

“Not quite so Martha. As I understand it Jennifer’s miniature mosaic glass sculptor works are your main exhibit. I am one of her major sponsors and have invested heavily in her success. It is very important to my financial situation.”

“As a journalist you must see how ‘invested heavily and small pecuniary interest’ does sound like a contradiction Andrew. Which is it? I would suggest the latter or you would not be here to write the pre-opening blurb.”

“True. However I believe I can help you to have the right people at the opening. So what have you planned that will set your Art Museum apart from the others? I expect Jennifer’s Mosaic Miniatures will create the most interest. At least that is what I am hoping.”

“I can’t say too much, you understand, it could spoil the surprise. However my partner Monty has just told me he has organized something rather grand related to Jennifer’s exhibit that could well be the talk of the town after the official opening, a real headline grabber which could well enhance the reputation of your prodigy.” (Thinking, ‘Or she may well sink without trace’.)

“You have me intrigued Martha. I look forward to writing the story”

Martha is thinking ‘What you are really looking forward to is your pecuniary interest in your prodigy being enhanced by her reputation being enhanced. Good luck with that.’

“Well tempus fugit Andrew, things to do. We will see you at the opening no doubt.”

“Can I take a quick look at Jennifer’s exhibit? It will give me a broad outline for the article?”

‘What it will give you is a fucking heart attack’ is what Martha wants to say, what she does say is “Sorry Andrew that is off limits to everyone. You have to wait like everyone else.”

“Understandable, worth a try, the journalist coming out in me.”

“I’ll see you out.”


“Has he gone?”

“Thankfully yes. Now Monty, tell me what planet you have beamed in from today? You cannot possibly expect anyone to ignore it. Everyone who has been invited to the opening, which I remind you does include our Patron the Mayor, will see the problem as soon as they walk in. It is a problem you brought on us, you just won’t admit it.”

“That is so not true Martha. I took great care to make sure what I asked for would be what Jennifer needed to complete her centrepiece.”

“Your interpretation of ‘great care’ seems to be a tad left of centre Monty. This is your lack of understanding technology rearing its head again. How many times do you have to be told to check your order before approving it? What did she specifically ask for?”

“I am sure I did check. Large and grey were her two major requirements.”

“Really?  How do you account for what has become the unintended focal point of Jennifer’s display? People will notice.”

“Yes I expect they will. It does stand out.”

“Stand out? This is a museum for Christ’s sake not a circus. Size wise it seems to be perfect, colour also fits perfectly, that much you did get correct, I give you that. Didn’t you look at a photograph of what you ordered? Blind Freddy would have picked up a clue that just being the colour and size she needs was not enough to warrant approving the order.”

“OK I got it wrong. I was a bit distracted last week. I had the wrong web site.  It’s a mistake anyone could make, Circus and Crates. Seriously it is far too late to change anything now so we say it is deliberate, a novel way of bringing attention to our Gallery. You know what first day guest invitees are like after one or two champagnes. They will accept the interpretation as Jennifer’s forward thinking. Outside the box so to speak.”

“Outside the box? Jesus wept. It is certainly normally outside something. Why did you accept delivery? It must have occurred to you it wasn’t what we expected when it turned up?”

“It was completely covered. I told the staff to move it into the Museum and put it as the centrepiece to Jennifer’s presentation of her Indian mosaic glass Miniatures.”

“No-one mentioned what it was when they uncovered it?”

“If they saw anything wrong it was probably a case of ‘is nobody going to say it’. I had told them to expect the delivery of a large crate. Can we stop worrying about what went wrong and concentrate on the opening?”

“How do we pass off the Miniature sculptures as the focal point now? Tell me that Monty? That bloody Editor Hilton has just left. He is personally going to write the article because he sponsors Jennifer. He has money at stake.”

“Oh. Sort of like a pecuniary interest.”

“Stop right there Monty. I have already been down that road. Does Jennifer know what you have done? Has she seen what is there?”

“No, but getting over that hurdle is simple. We cover the whole works and at the Official Opening Ceremony the Mayor whisks off the covering. That way everyone will believe it was deliberate. Jennifer is showing the diversity of her works.”

“Considering she is known for presenting Indian mosaic glass forms in miniature all I can hear is the collective voices saying, “There is a fucking Elephant in the room” followed closely by Jennifer fainting.”

“Exactly, India is known for its elephants.”

“And we have officially joined the circus.”

July 16, 2024 04:20

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1 comment

Kay Smith
21:20 Jul 24, 2024

I don't think the word 'pecuniary,' is used often enough in everyday language! I like it! :) LOL!! Funny story!


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