Adventure Coming of Age Fantasy

A beautiful day in the kingdom of Everglade, looking through a window at the land below was the princess Jennifer, a beautiful sight she was, she was blonde with big green eyes. She watched through the window as she watched her father give a speech to all the people of the kingdom. 

Jennifer didn’t always agree with her father. The biggest disagreement that sparked was that there is something different about the land of Solis it is filled with magic, it is a land with dragons, unicorns, wizards, and witches. Jennifers father King Roman hated magic for magic was the reason his mother and father died. As opposed to Jennifer who loved magic, she quite enjoyed playing with the unicorns and the children who possessed magical gifts. She would sneak out of the palace to join her friends in the woods to play with the magical creatures. On moring, she was thinking to herself. How she could never truly be equal to her friends. All of her friends were magical, while she possessed no magic. Jennifer thought about it all day. That night, Jennifer was sitting at dinner with her father and questioned him on his reasons for hating magic. King Roman having heard this question for years from Jennifer. Respond with the same answer she had heard for 17 years. “Magic corrupts people, it causes the death of many innocent lives, this is why magic is forbidden in my kingdom.” then he followed with “it sickens me how the land of Solis and the other kingdoms allow such wretchedness.” King Roman then left the room in a rage. Jennifer sat there thinking, about the other kingdoms that allowed magic, how she longed to live in one, but she knew she couldn’t because she didn’t have magic. That night Jennifer had terrible dreams of her friend being killed by an army of the evil King Cal. She woke up in a sweat and shaking. She was so scared of the vision. She went to see the kingdom’s doctor, he just told her not to worry and calm down. he didn’t help her. She couldn’t stop thinking about it all day. Until there was a scream a body was found in the town square it was her friend she had dreamed about. Attached to her body a note from Cal. This sacred Jennifer she had seen the future. For months this continued the events in her dreams passed within the next days. Jennifer sought help from the doctor he didn’t help he knew what was happening to her but couldn’t tell her. Jennifer knew but didn’t want to believe it. How could she have magic her father hated it and didn’t have it. So it had to have come from her mother who died when she was 5. Her mother was a princess from the Kingdom of Noctis, a kingdom with magic. Jennifer deep down knew she needed to leave and get answers. But how. She devised a plan over 5 months, she gathered the needed supplies and told her friends. The night when the plan was being completed came Jennifer scared continued. She sunk out of her room out of the kingdom passed the guards. She started the journey through the woods, she had grown up in the woods she knew exactly how to get to Noctis. It was a long walk 4 days worth. Finally,, she arrived. When she arrived. She asked for an audience with the king. As soon as she stepped into the throne room. The king jumped up and ran to hug her. King barry embraced her and called her Emma. Jennifer said that’s, my, mother. Barry realized he had made a mistake. Barry explained that she was the spitting image of her mother Emma. Jennifer was happy to hear this. But unfortunately had to deliver bad news the kingdoms being so far apart barry hadn’t heard of his sister’s death. He became sad and Jennifer had to question him. That’s why she came. Barry said ask me anything. Jennifer asked why can I see the future in my dreams in a stern tone. Barry looked down at his feet and replied your mother was afraid of this. That you would be born with the gift our family possessed. Our family called it the vision. It is both a curse and a gift. Anyways your mother sent me a letter when you were 4 saying she thought you might possess the gift and might not be able to hide it. Jennifer replied did my mother have the gift. Yes, your mother did she tried desperately to hide yours from your father. My mother died when I was 5, did she die trying to hide my powers. Barry said it is very likely your father found out and killed her. Jennifer didn't know what to do with this newfound information. 

Jenifer spent the next days with barry as he told many stories of his time with her mother as a child. Although on question kept poking at Jennifer Why her mother had married King Roman? Why did she move to a kingdom where magic was outlawed?  Barry had a long simple answer. So the two sat in the gardens, while she told the story. Jennifers mother had grown up with the magic and cherished it. As she grew her magic became more powerful and she developed new abilities. Her favorite was her power to help others. She had healing powers. Emma always used her powers for good, she helped others. It wasn't until she was 17 when she met a boy who had no magic and he came here to Noctis. Emma fell madly in love with him. But he envied her powers and later tried to steal them. Hurt she didn't know what to do. So she vowed never to use her powers again. She knew she could no longer stay in Noctis. Lucky for her, a message from the king in Everglade to our father the king at the time. He wanted Emma to marry his eldest son, your father. Emma said yes to the marriage for she knew she would never have to use her powers again because they were banned in Everglade.  So she left and I became king. This story shocked Jennifer. Unlike her mother she wanted her powers and hoped like her mother her magic would become stronger as she grew older.  Barry advised her to stay with him in the kingdom of Noctis. Jennifer was unsure but She knew she couldn't return home. For she knew the fate that awaited her. Her father would have her banished, or killed.  So she decided to stay with Barry in the kingdom of Noctis.

   Little did she know the terrible fate that awaited her in the kingdom of Noctis. kingdom’s

June 16, 2021 19:53

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