Fantasy Funny Suspense

cw: foul language, mentions of death


“I told you. Lilith said—”

“No. I want to know why you did it.”

“To save them.”

“Save who?”

“Everyone. If I don’t stop you now, you’ll slaughter everyone in Milwood.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Theo?”

“You’ll kill them like you killed my family.”


“Just stop, or I’ll make this a lot quicker for the both of us and just slit your throat.”

“What are you waiting for then?”


“What the hell are you waiting for? Do it. Slit my throat.”

“What are you—”

“Don’t be a little bitch. Do it.

“Lilith was right. You’re fucking insane.”

“Aw, is Lilith your new girlfriend? How cute. Not only are you going to murder me, but you're also cheating on me.”

“Lilith is not my girlfriend.”

“Who is she then?”

“A hero.”

Ha! That’s hilarious.”

“What? You can’t fathom the fact that good people exist?”


“Makes sense. That’s probably why you had no problem killing them.”


“My parents were good people. They didn’t deserve to die.”

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I didn’t kill your parents, Theo.”

Stop fucking lying!

“Stop digging the knife deeper into my gut.”

“Doesn’t matter. It won’t kill you.”

“Then what’s the point?”

“Just because it won’t kill you, doesn’t mean you still can’t feel the pain.”

“How heroic and good of you.”

“I never said I was a hero.”

“Oh right, that’s just Lilith. Then what are you? Her side pet she can manipulate.”

“She doesn’t manipulate people. That’s just you.”

“How did she convince you to betray me?”

“It was easy really. After she told me your plans to slaughter the whole town, it didn’t really take much convincing.”

“And how does she know?”

“Know what?”

“My so-called, ‘plans to slaughter the whole town’.”

“Did you hear me, Theo? Or am I talking to myself?”

“Yes, I heard you.”

“What, are you just speechless? Oh—did Lilith not provide evidence with these accusations?”

“Why would she lie?”

“God. Are you really that gullible?”

Fuck! Okay—shit—that was not an invitation to twist the knife farther into my gut!”

“I don’t take invitations from blood-thirsty monsters.”

“Oh, come on—monster is a bit rude; don't you think?”

“Nora—shut up.”

“Just tell me one thing.”


“Seriously? What—you’re going to ignore me now?”

“You told me to shut up, so…”

Oh my god.

“Hasn’t your little girlfriend told you that taking the Lord's name in vain is such a terrible thing to do?”

She’s not my girlfriend.

“Did you ever love me?”

“Don’t do that, Nora.”

“I just feel like leading on and lying to a young woman is almost worse than murder.”

“So, you finally admit it?”

“Admit what?”

“To killing my parents. To killing half of Orvalis.”

“So, that’s what Lilith told you?”


“She lied to you.”




“Have you ever actually been to Orvalis?”


“That’s what I thought.”

“What does that mean?”

“Theo, the place is just a crumbling piece of nothing. Void.”


“Oh, right—I forget to mention the intoxicating fog that has lingered in the air for the past ten years.”

“But it’s not fog, Theo. Do you know what it is?”




“Intoxicating darkness that manipulates your brain into giving complete control of your thoughts, feelings, and everything that allows you to function as your own—to someone else.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about Lyla.”


“No, Lyla. Did I stutter?”

“Are you insane!”

“No, but Lyla is.”

“Lyla is Lilith!”


"Lyla and Lilith are the same person."

"Shit. Shit, she's smart. Of course she'd go by a different name."

“God, Nora. You’ll do anything to manipulate your way out of a bad situation. Just—quit the act and admit what you did already.”

“I can’t admit something if it’s not true.”

“God—Fuck! Quit fucking stabbing me!”

“I thought you didn’t believe in taking the Lord’s name in vain, Nora.”

“Fuck. You.”

“Sorry, I’m not interested.”

“Oh, but you were last week. Or was that all a lie too?”

“Murder is one thing, but taking advantage of a woman in bed is just evil.”

“Lilith will be here any minute and this can finally be over.”

“Oh goody. I can’t wait!”

“Did you know they were…parents when you killed them? Did you even stop and think about the fact that they might be parents? That they might have a family?”

“For the last fucking time, Theo—I didn’t kill your parents.”

“You’re a liar.”

“And you’re a dumbass.”

“Don’t roll your eyes at me.”

“Fuck you, Nora.”

“Theo, I was the same age as you when your parents died. Seven. How the fuck would I have killed them at the ripe age of seven.”

“Don’t even try that. I know you’re immortal. Lilith told me.”

“Fucking hell—enough with the ‘Lilith told me’ crap! Fuck you, and fuck Lilith. Immortal! That’s ridiculous.”

“But it’s possible.”

“Theo, I hate the fact that I’ve been forced on this earth for a tragic eighteen years, you really think I want to be here for an eternity?”

“I’m done with this.”

“Aw, are you breaking up with me?”

“Why can’t you just be serious for, like, one second!?”

“Actually, I was very serious when I told you that Lyla is lying to you and manipulating you.”

“Sure. Just like you were serious when you said she intoxicated Orvalis with her darkness.”

“Finally! Now you’re listening to me.”

“That was sarcasm.”

“Oh, was it?”

“Look, I’m not going to attempt a heroic escape out of here so I can go and save the day or some shit. So, if you’re going to kill me—just do it.”

“No one’s killing anyone.”

“Did you change your mind or something?"

“No. I was never going to kill you, Nora.”

“Makes sense.”


“Well, it would only make sense for Lilith to be the one to kill me so she can like take my powers or some shit and then merge our world with Orvalis and then kill everyone.”

“She’s not going to kill you.”

“Then why am I being held against my will in this moldy cave-thing.”

“So Lilith—”


“—can take your powers so you don’t murder everyone and destroy both worlds.”

“Right. And I’m sure she told you that when she gets here, you don’t really need to stay for the rest of the show. I’m sure she said something like, ‘Trust me Theo, this is very dangerous. You don't want to be around for it’.”

“You’re being played, Theo.”





“Fuck you.”

“Already did.”

“I hate you.”

“Not more than I hate you though.”

“And why would you hate me?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Let me think. Maybe it’s the fact that you absolutely betrayed me. I trusted you, Theo. I don’t trust easily. I let you in—I brought you into my heart—and you stabbed me in the back. Literally.”

“I think murdering my parents trumps your little heartbreak.”

“Except I didn’t murder your parents.”

“Except you did.”

“Except, I didn’t.”’

“I’m not doing this with you.”

“Wait—who are you texting?”


“Are you texting Lyla?”

“God, you suck.”


“Jesus, what are you like, sexting each other right now? That’s so gross.”

Oh my fucking god.

“Finally. Glad you so kindly decided to respond.”

“Sorry, I was just trying to ignore you.”

“Great. Appreciate it.”

“So…is Lyla close? Can’t wait to be murdered. Do you know how she’s going to do it?”

“She’s no—”

“Oh, that’s right. You’re still convinced she’s some hero.”

“Because she is.”

“That might be the second dumbest thing you said all night. First, obviously, was when you accused me of killing your parents at the age of seven.”

“You weren’t seven.”

“You’re right. Lyla killed your parents—and almost all of Orvalis—on a December night, isn’t that right? So, I was actually eight. Surprise! I’m a winter baby.”

“Lilith didn’t kill my par—”

“Blah, blah, blah.”


“What was that? I can’t understand you when you mumble.”

“Lilith will be here soon.”

“Yeah, you said that like ten minutes ago.”

“Fuck—I can’t stand you.”

“Then sit.”

“Seriously, there’s a spot here next to me. I don’t mind. You might have to push the chains to the side though.”

“If I had a choice, I wouldn’t even be in the same room as you.”

“Wow, Lilith sounds a bit controlling. Don’t you think? I mean, when we were together, I always gave you a choice.”

“Yeah, that was before I learned you killed my parents.”

“So, you admit a part of it was real.”




“Did you mean it the first time you said, ‘I love you’?


“When we snuck out of the dorms and walked into town—”


“And there was a man sitting by the street on that curb, right by that bookstore. Remember? The bookstore that sits right next to that ice cream shop.”

“Nora, stop.”

“Do you remember that soft tune the man played on his guitar?”


“And how you pulled me in close, swaying us together to his sweet song.”


“Yes, you remember?”

“Yes. And I remember how two weeks later, Lilith told me who you really were. I remember her telling me that I had fell in love with a murderer.”

“I didn’t even mean that—”

“You love me.”


“You loved me.”


“I love you.”


“I hate you, but I still love you.”


“If you really loved me, why did you immediately believe Lilith. Why was it so easy for you to believe a stranger?”

“She wasn’t a stranger—was she, Theo?”


“Were you with her while we were together? Were you telling her you loved her at the same time you were telling me that?”

“It’s not like that.”

“Then tell me what it’s like.”

“We met in the orphanage, after my parents were killed.”

“Her parents were killed too. Car accident. Lilith was in the car.”


“I don’t want to talk anymore. We’ll sit here in silence until Lilith gets here.”

“How did her parents die?”

“I just said—”

“What killed her parents?”

“The car flipped. They were killed instantly. It was a miracle that Lilith survived.”

“Was it?

“Excuse me?”

“How did the car flip?”


“Theo, answer the question.”

“Someone had cut the brake line. Lilith’s father drove straight into a semi-truck, full speed.”

“Coincidence that the car was too damaged to find evidence of the brake line being cut, isn’t it?”

“No, not really.”

“So, the police just took nine-year-old Lyla’s word for it?”

“What the hell are you getting at, Nora?”

“I’m getting at the fact that Lyla killed her parents.”

“What the fuck—”

“On accident. Little Lyla wasn’t aware of her powers yet.”

“Lilith is barely a psychic. This spell—the power absorption spell—will be the most powerful spell she’s ever done.”

“Lyla isn’t a psychic.”


“Lyla is a sorceress. A dark sorceress.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Theo, for once, I’m dead serious.”

“Why the hell would she kill her parents!?”

“Did I not just say it was an accident?”


“This power she has—the ability to manipulate one’s brain chemistry with one inhale of her fog—is extremely dangerous. She’s already destroyed one world. This one’s next.”

“And you’re helping her do it.”

“I would never be a part of something like that.”

“You are, Theo. You just don’t know it because she’s been messing with your head.”

“Prove it.”


”Prove to me that what you’re saying is real.”

“And how the hell am I supposed to do that?”

“If you’re telling the truth, you’ll figure it out.”

“Go to Orvalis.”


“Go to Orvalis and you’ll see. You’ll see what she’s done, what she’s capable of.”

“Lilith said I can’t—”

“Fuck what Lilith said. You asked for proof, so I’m giving you proof.”

“And what about you?”

“What about me?”

“I can’t just leave you here. How do I know you’re not just going to escape?”

“Because I’ll be dead.”

“You’re not dying. I already told you, Lilith is just taking your—”

“You’ll do it after she kills me. After Lyla kills me, she’ll be ready for the merge. You’ll jump through the portal to Orvalis while it’s open and see the truth for yourself.”

“And if what you say is right, then how will I stop her from the merge?”

“Kill her.”

“No, I can’t—”

“You’re going to kill me, what’s the difference?”

“The difference is I’m not killing you. No one’s killing you.”

“Lyla is.”

“Nora—stop! You’re not dying.”

“But I am. And I’m fine with that. Hell—I’m fine with Lyla doing the merge. It’s not like I’ll be around to see the world crumble.”

“Don’t do that.”

“Do what?”

”Act like you don’t give a shit about anything. Or anyone.”

“I’ve seen you give a shit. I know you’re not the heartless person you pretend to be.”

“I tried giving a shit. Look where it got me.”

“You’re the hero, Theo. Not me.”

“I’m not a hero.”

“Yes, you are. You’re being a hero right now. You were being a hero when you stabbed me.”

“You thought you were doing the right thing. That’s being a hero—fighting for what you think is right.”

“But this isn’t right, Theo. Go to Orvalis and you’ll see. Save everyone.”

“You don’t have to die, Nora.”

“Actually, I kinda do. Or else, Lyla can’t begin the merge. So I die, then you jump through the portal. And once you realize that I was right this whole time, you’ll come to your senses and kill Lyla.”

“There has to be another way.”

“There’s not.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Life isn’t a movie, Theo. There isn’t always a happy ending. But you can make a new ending—a happy one. It just doesn’t involve me.”


“One thing before I meet death?”

“Tell me it was real. That night, when we danced under that streetlight to those faint guitar strokes, tell me that was real for you. Tell me you loved me then.”

“I loved you then. I loved you so much, Nora, that when Lilith told me the truth, I felt my heart crack into two. I loved you then, and I never stopped. I tried. I really did. But somewhere deep inside my damaged heart, you’re still there.”

“Don’t cry…”

“I can’t help it, Theo. When I met you, the last thing I wanted to do was fall in love. But you made it impossible not to.”

“Nora…we can find another way. Please.

“Theo, there is no other way.”

“I’ve always hated your stubbornness.”

“And I’ve always hated your kind heart.”

“Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

“Your phones going off.”

“Lilith’s here.”

“Nora, wait—”

“Just…take care of Moony. Make sure to feed her and all that stuff. It’s the least you can do.”



“You were wrong.”

“About what?”

”About when you said you’re not a hero. You are.”

“And I promise I’ll let the people of Orvalis know who their real hero is.”

February 19, 2023 21:04

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