Inspirational Fiction Christian

If you stand on the hilltop and peer down below, your eyes will trick you into believing that the sky is below you and above you. That is because at the bottom of the hill is a small lake so smooth and still as glass that it perfectly reflects anything above it. Surrounding the lake is a canopy of colorful, flowering trees, providing shade to the outer edges of the water. The area is alive with birds, butterflies, and dragonflies gracefully swishing through the air. There are small patches of lily pads where frogs hop from leaf to leaf. Below the surface live schools of fish swimming about, touching their bellies to the smooth rocks on the bottom of the lake.

Anything living that finds themselves in or around the water will feel waves of peace and tranquility wash over them, no matter what feelings they carry with them to the water. They will all come away from the water feeling refreshed and healed. 

The lake intended it to be this way. The lake made a promise to himself that no matter what was going on around him, he would remain at peace and be a source of peace. And because of that, any person or animal who was lucky enough to discover this hidden gem, was drawn to it and never wanted to leave. 

Some of the other water sources started to feel envious towards the lake, and they didn’t believe that he could truly keep his peace no matter what happened. They began discussing with one another how they might break the lake’s peace so that the people and animals would be drawn to them instead. 

Rain, Ocean, River, and Waterfall came up with a plan to start a rumor about Lake. They started telling some of the living things around Lake that under the rocks at the bottom of Lake was a layer of poisonous algae, and that if you swam in the water too long, it would start making you very sick. The living creatures were very surprised and told the water sources that they had never gotten sick from it. But Rain, Ocean, River and Waterfall convinced them that if they kept swimming in it that it would indeed make them sick- it was just a matter of time. They used examples of animals they knew who had passed away, and blamed it on Lake’s poisonous algae. The creatures were shocked and frightened. They began spreading the rumor around to all of the other creatures around the lake, until most of them had left to spend their time around the other water sources. 

Lake was very confused and knew that there must be something wrong. He was used to having life teeming all around him, and now his waters were almost completely deserted. 

There was an old, wise turtle who still swam in Lake, and Lake decided to ask the turtle if he knew anything about why everyone had deserted him.

The wise turtle replied, “Yes, I know why. There was a rumor spread that your water had poisonous algae at the bottom of it that could make anyone swimming in it very sick. I’ve been swimming in these waters my whole life and knew this was untrue. I tried to tell some of the others, but they were already convinced. I’m sorry Lake.”

“Do you happen to know who may have started telling everyone those things about me?” asked Lake. 

“Yes, I do believe it was the other water sources, Rain, Ocean, River...and I think maybe Waterfall who were telling everyone about the poisonous algae,” replied the turtle. 

“Hmm I see. Ok thank you for telling me. I appreciate your help,” said Lake sincerely. 

“Well what are you going to do?” asked the wise turtle.

“I don’t believe I need to do anything, for

I am full of peace

And the peace flows from me

If conflict comes knocking

At the door I will be 

But conflict won’t enter 

My peace will rush free

I am not worried. The animals will come back to me on their own because they are drawn to my peace, and my peace brings comfort and healing. I don’t mind if they spend time at the other water sources. I hope that the other water sources may bring them peace as well.”

The wise turtle was amazed by the lake’s calm, confident response to the wrong that had been done to him. The turtle swam through the waters of the lake, taking in its peace. 

Soon enough, new creatures, who hadn’t heard the rumor, found Lake and were drawn to him. They brought their families and friends to the water and found comfort and refreshment.

Even some of the other animals and humans who had left to go to the other water sources started to miss being at the lake. It just wasn’t the same. Instead of experiencing sickness, they had always experienced healing and feelings of wholeness when they were with Lake. They missed the overwhelming peace and calm they felt when they swam through Lake’s waters. Thus, many of them made their way back to Lake. 

The other water sources started noticing the people and animals slowly leaving them, and they were very confused and angered. 

“I don’t understand,” said Ocean. “How is it that even when all the living things believe that Lake is poisonous, they still want to go to him? It just doesn’t make sense. We don’t have anything wrong with us, and yet they still choose him.”

“Yes, it is very strange,” agreed River. “But I think maybe we didn’t try hard enough. I bet we can come up with another plan to show everyone that his peace can be disturbed.” 

“Oh yes, you are right, River. What if we combine efforts to bring a dramatic storm to Lake? I could create a lightning storm and pour rain down upon him. River, you could create a new route to Lake, where Waterfall could then crash upon Lake from up above off of the cliff. And Ocean, you can stir up a hurricane that directly hits Lake. Then, all of the creatures will be terrified and never want to return to Lake again,” schemed Rain. 

“Yes, it’s perfect!” cried Waterfall. 

It was a beautiful day at the lake. There were humans who had hiked down to the water and were lounged on its shore, dipping their toes in the cool, refreshing water. Ducks glided along its surface with their little ducklings following close behind. Colorful fish swam about. Deer, foxes, squirrels, and other little critters came up to the water to get a drink. Lake loved getting to see all of the creatures relaxing in and near his water and being revitalized by it. 

All of a sudden and out of nowhere, dark rain clouds began to appear over Lake. Rolls of thunder erupted, followed by piercing cracks of lightning. A violent wind picked up and began throwing the trees around the lake back and forth. It started to cause large waves upon the water that hurled the creatures in the water all around. 

Everyone began to panic and frantically scattered around to find safety. 

Lake spoke up loudly and sternly to all of the creatures, “For those of you who can breathe under the water, get below my surface, and I will protect you. Trees, join branches tightly, and huddle together to brace one another. Everyone on land, make your way under the trees for cover!” 

The trees surrounding Lake linked their branches with each other. They formed several clusters that helped them to brace one another so that they weren’t whipping all around or being ripped from the ground. These clusters also created several shelters for all of the humans and animals to take cover in. 

A fox inside of one of the tree fortresses questioned Lake, “Lake, what will you do?! You must fight back so that this terrible storm will stop!” 

Lake simply replied:

“I am full of peace

And the peace flows from me

If conflict comes knocking

At the door I will be 

But conflict won’t enter 

My peace will rush free.”

Rain, Ocean, River and Waterfall continued to cause havoc, until they realized that their efforts were failing. 

“It’s not working!” cried Waterfall. “How can it not be working?!”

Lake called up to the other water sources, “You must stop what you are doing! You are putting all of these lives in danger! You were made to bring goodness and life, not death and destruction.” 

“We are tired of all the creatures always wanting to be around you instead of us! It’s not fair, and we won’t take it any longer!” roared Rain. 

“Don’t you see what beauty and peace we could create if you all were to partner with me? We would not have to compete with one another, but instead we could combine forces to be an even greater source of comfort and peace for all the creatures.” 

“And how would we do that?” asked Ocean doubtfully. 

“River, you could create a connection between Ocean and me, so that all of the creatures near and far can travel between us. My peace can spread through your water all the way through Ocean. Waterfall, you can make your home here with me and be a beautiful addition to the landscape. Rain, you may shower all of the trees and plants surrounding us so that they may grow and thrive.” 

The four waters calmed the storm they had created. They were surprised by this offer and discussed it with one another. 

Finally, they told Lake that they liked his plan. They joined forces to create an even more magnificent paradise than before. And the peace that flowed through Lake now ran through River and across all of Ocean. Living creatures flocked to the water from all around to take in its peace. 

More and more people discovered Lake and were drawn to his beauty and serenity. People found that the more time they spent near the waters, the more they experienced healing mentally, physically, and emotionally. The area became highly populated with visitors. Walkways and bike paths were constructed. Picnic tables and barbecues were set up so that people could camp near the water. 

Roads and parking lots were created so that people could easily access the lake. After some time went by, exhaust from the vehicles began polluting the water and air around the lake. People’s trash made it into the water. Lake began to get dirty and clouded. The animals living within the water started finding trash collecting in their homes, and they began choking on the dirty water. Some had to leave to find cleaner homes, even though they didn’t want to leave the peace they had with Lake. 

Trees surrounding the lake were chopped down so that houses and businesses could be built around the water. People were overusing the water for all of their needs. A dam was created that caused separation of River from Lake. Lake’s peace could no longer flow to the other water sources. 

The other water sources became very upset with how Lake was now being treated, and they didn’t know what to do without his peace. 

Out of Ocean’s anger towards the people, he created a catastrophic tropical storm in revolt. 

But once again, Lake had to stop him. “You cannot act out in this way. By lashing out, that is only making matters worse. It will not change how people treat us. Instead,   

We are full of peace

   And the peace flows from us

   If conflict comes knocking

   At the door we will be 

   But conflict won’t enter 

   Our peace will rush free

Let the people do what they will. We should be happy that at least they are taking in our water and receiving its peace. They may not be treating us with the kind of love and respect we would hope for, but they are still getting the benefit of getting to be near our water and to use it for their good. 

But... I also have another plan to spread our peace much further and to make sure that each of you will still receive my peace, in spite of the dam. It will involve some evaporation and our combined effort. And I do believe that in this way, our water will be greatly respected and treasured once again.” 

Across a different ocean and thousands of miles away from where Ocean, River, Rain, Waterfall and Lake lived, there was a village that had been without rainfall for many months. The area was very dry and hot, and the people had to walk many miles each day to get to any source of water. The water they did reach was murky and unsanitary, yet that was all they could use to survive. 

One day, while the children from the village were playing outside, and the adults were cooking and working, dark rain clouds appeared over their heads. They all stopped what they were doing and looked up. Rain began to pour down on them and cool their skin. The children laughed and danced in it and the adults sang out in joy. The peace from the water washed over them, and they felt new life inside of them. 

The rain kept coming down on their village for several days, and the people were in awe. The water began collecting and pooling in a small valley in their area until it formed a lake. 

If you stand on the hilltop and peer down below, your eyes will trick you into believing that the sky is below you and above you. That is because at the bottom of the hill, the small lake is so smooth and still as glass that it perfectly reflects anything above it. Surrounding the lake is a canopy of colorful, flowering trees, providing shade to the outer edges of the water. The area is alive with birds, butterflies, and dragonflies gracefully swishing through the air. There are small patches of lily pads where frogs hop from leaf to leaf. Below the surface lives schools of fish swimming about, touching their bellies to the smooth rocks on the bottom of the lake. Anything living that finds themselves in and around the water will feel waves of peace and tranquility wash over them, no matter what feelings they carry with them to the water. They will all come away from the water feeling refreshed and healed. 

January 03, 2021 12:35

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Beth Connor
03:11 Jan 10, 2021

Beautiful take on this prompt. I loved it.


Shannon Guinn
13:28 Jan 10, 2021

Thank you for taking the time to read it and comment.


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Mariam Michalak
03:07 Jan 10, 2021

OH MY GOODNESS This is such a unique and amazing twist on the prompt! I absolutely love it! I really hope more people get to see this and enjoy the story! So good!


Shannon Guinn
13:29 Jan 10, 2021

Thank you so much! That is so encouraging :)


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17:01 Jan 14, 2021

Amazing story! I loved it! Now I’m filled with joy! Great writing and I hope you’re love with God grows!


Shannon Guinn
12:50 Jan 15, 2021

Thank you so much! I appreciate you reading my story and taking the time to comment :)


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Shannon Guinn
12:50 Jan 15, 2021

Thank you so much! I appreciate you reading my story and taking the time to comment :)


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Shannon Guinn
12:50 Jan 15, 2021

Thank you so much! I appreciate you reading my story and taking the time to comment :)


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Bonnie Clarkson
15:12 Jan 12, 2021

I thought I was the only one who wrote allegories (at least in modern times). I loved it. The Lake made me think of Jesus the Living Water. Good job.


Shannon Guinn
19:06 Jan 12, 2021

Thank you!


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