“Malika doesn’t want it at all “

Submitted into Contest #75 in response to: Write about someone who doesn’t remember their past — and doesn’t want to.... view prompt


Drama Fantasy

                                “Malika doesn’t want it at all “

Malika has had enough of her ghosts of the past. She has had enough of the rights and wrongs of the world. Of proving herself every time and again and lowering herself to “fit in” as per the stereotypical standards of the society.

Born in a middle class family, where the life journey of the child is decided from day he/she is born , the cage of the responsibilities is thrusted upon forcefully.

Even the definition of “love” is set by people. The moral and the immoral certificates are distributed as per opportunists. The same thing is right for some and wronged by someone else.

Malika tried her best to fit in her school, her family, her friends, her lovers, her workplace , her locality but things just couldn’t work out for her.

The institutions set by people which were glorified so much were based upon not strong foundations of love and peace but on fears and insecurities. Even the bond of marriage finds its basis on the needs theory, and such a big hue and cry is made about it.

Noone ever teaches a child how to become strong , bold , fearless , independent and self confident, a complete human being in oneself but one is being taught that you are born incomplete and your other complete half or better half is going to be your protector and will complete you.

Everyone around her seems to be always wanting to become a part of the crowd. Malika wants a life which is very free, independent and self reliant. Her dreams vary from travelling the whole world, doing solo trips, having lots of friends and lovers throughout the world, cycling, swimming, adventure sports, meditation and visiting the spiritual places , serving the needy, writing, teaching, music, dance , enjoying the finest of the places with the finest of people.

She wants to live by her own terms, a full fledged life – be it driving her to the depths of spirituality or reaching the zeniths of materialism. She wants to be childlike at the same time being very wise as a person…embracing life in the finest moments in fact each moment.

Her childhood was always suffocating with bullying classmates to stressful atmosphere at home…she could never be at peace with herself.

She once read somewhere” A bird who sits on the branches of the tree, doesn’t fear falling down , as it doesn’t trust the branches but her own wings” .

Malika wants to fly in her own power, have trust on her own wings. She doesn’t want the responsibility of whatever good or bad that happens with her , to be rested on someone else’s shoulders.

She hated herself earlier, being too naïve and gullible for the wicked ones to take advantage of her and cut her wings. But the bitter experiences and memories of the past have helped her to become the strong , bold and fearless person that she is today.

Yes, she doesn’t want any validations from any one now to live her life. No spouse, no friends, no family, no lovers, no colleagues ,no society are able to influence her anymore and rob her of her love, faith and peace in her heart.

She loves every bit of herself and accepts herself the way she is. She is all complete by herself …she loves everyone but is not attached or dependent on anyone. Her faith rests on her own self now….. She doesn’t believe people who want to break her down or demean her. She doesn’t care if others think she is too old to follow her dreams… she doesn’t care if she wants to live her life in her teens again. She wants to ride her bike or own a Mercedes or sit in a tonga. She wants to write the best pieces of herself and put it together in a book, or she wants to jot down her negative experiences of her past for inspiration for others. ‘

She doesn’t care if she wants to take care of abandoned pets and babies and even adopt one and bring it up on her own. She wants to make her child if she ever has absolutely independent version of her/his own self.

Yes, she is all ready and set now…. She is ready to be free now…she is ready to live her life on her perceptions, she is ready to face all her fears head on.

She is not deluded by the materialism of earning millions , having a world class lifestyle and ending oneself in world class hospitals with world class diseases. Or landing up in world class disputes giving fees to world class lawyers.

She has understood the importance of money at the same time the value of life. She is all ready for a materially prosperous life and lifestyle but she possesses an abundant heart as well. She doesn’t underestimate the importance of modern gadgets but deep down she is also aware of the depth of “Success”. She has understood the deeper meaning of “Success”. It is the first touch of the ray of sunlight on the warm and moist grass covered with morning dew.

It is the beautiful fragrance of flowers, the fight of the birds, the gigantic trees talking with the winds, sweet children playing their hearts out to joy and laughter.

She has understood that she was not made to be someone else or to be like others as she will fail as imitation but succeed as “Original”. She has learnt that self-love is not selfishness….its only the purest form of love for oneself that opens up to the higher realms. She has understood the power of love.

Fear can jeopardize someone but “ love “ is more powerful than all the fears which may exist. To love oneself is the greatest possible blessing one can have ,as its loving the creator.

She has found herself, realized herself and has metamorphosed to a beautiful butterfly…. The one which is so beautiful and strong yet so delicate….an epitome of freedom embracing herself.

Malika doesn’t want to be a slave of her past but she is the designer of her bright future that awaits her. Her waiting of such a long time has finally got her “time” in front of her. She has been able to figure out that it is not only what she wants but what she doesn’t want……she has learnt her lessons the hard way and is all ready to go….. she doesn’t want any negativity or anyone to stop her now …..Malika doesn’t want it at all……… 

January 08, 2021 11:10

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Ravi Joshi
05:17 Jan 30, 2021

To be in love with ownself is best form of meditation or going in a trance....optimism , they name


Alkaa Sharma
05:43 Jan 30, 2021



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Alkaa Sharma
05:43 Jan 30, 2021



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Ravi Joshi
21:44 Jan 29, 2021

To be in love with ownself is a form of meditation or going in a trance...optimism , thy name is LIFE...


Alkaa Sharma
23:08 Jan 29, 2021



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Alkaa Sharma
23:08 Jan 29, 2021



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