Crime Fantasy



Rin swore loudly and tugged at the seams of her Antique victorian-era dress . She looked at the mirror to examins herself and saw a dark shadow quietly exit the room . She whirled around . The door was slightly open . She had locked it before... She took a gas lamp from the cupboard and lit it . She tiptoed outside and saw light flooding from the store-room ... She slid inside , and she could see a humanoid shadow - if whoever it was human , he/she was definitely large .

"Hello ?" she said , half whispering , going closer . Then she was directly infront of it . The shadow moved - barely an inch . "Rin Choy . ." The shadow drew something from its pocket . A sharp blade , most probably silver . Silver . The lychantropes' weakness . "Nice to meet you . "

Did you hear ? Did you hear ? The whisper was all over town . And was also was what Savannah heard when she woke up .

She rubbed her eyes and walked to the bathroom . She sleepily brushed her teeth and splashed water in her eyes . She looked at herself in the mirror above the sink - a girl with lush peachy - light brown skin, with one eye emerald green and one eye blue , and long black hair with that little white fringe on her forehead that symbolised a special friendship .

She stared a little more , then turned on the bath water , hoping for a nice warm bath . She laid out her clothes on the bed and walked back into the bathroom , then touched the bath water . It was freezing cold as usual.

She shuddered and jumped in .

Savannah strained to listen to what her parents were saying .

Her mother was sobbing . Her dad was trying to comfort her . "Rin was a good person , " he murmured reassuringly . " That is why she will rest in heaven ."

Rin . Her favourite aunt . The woman in her dream . So she really had died . She pursed her lips and changed into a sleeveless black t-shirt and shorts . After thinking for a while , she put on her aunt's necklace - the one threaded with beautiful white pearls . She touched it and murmured a prayer for Rin , then tugged her jacket around her waist and headed downstairs.

"Hi mom and dad . " She stopped on the bottom step and looked at her parents. " I-i heard you talking. " Her parents looked at her slowly . "Good morning , sweetie , " her mother said . She started to sob softly again. "Dad , " she said in a soft voice . " Do you mind if I speak to mom ? Alone ? " . Her father nodded and walked away. As he went , he paused and turned around. I'm proud of you , he mouthed , and walked away .

She tried not to let her emotions show , like she always did . If he knew .

"Mom , " she said, opening the clasp and gently placing the pearl necklace in her mother's hands. Her mother's eyes widened as she examined the handiwork . "W-where did you get this ? " she stammered.

"Aunt Rin gave it to me , " Savannah said . "She gave it to me when I was 3 . " She sighed . " She told me that if needed , give it to someone who needs it the most . " She looked into her mother's eyes . "You are that someone . " She quickly looked away for a minute . " This is something to remember Rin by . " She shouldered her backpack and traipsed towards the door . "Bye."

Halfway on the bus to her middle school , Savannah texted Aiden and Sophie . She had been texting them sooo much once she had started spitting blood and having visions of wolf ears on her head.


Hey guys


Savannah ! I heard the news ! Are you alright ?

Savannah smiled . Her best friends were the only ones who really cared about her.


Me too ! How are you feeling ?


I'm fine . I gotta tell you something ...

* explains *


Err, Sav will you give us a second ?


Do not call me Sav . And fine .

* Sophie and Aiden renamed Savannah as Sav *




Stop . It.


Soph , I think we should tell her


😑Aiden , this is group chat !


I know , I was trying to tell her while pretending I don't know




I'm still here

Also it's called inanimous or something


Okie , bye , see ya at school


Bye guys see ya



Savannah switched off her phone and smiled . The bus pulled into the parking lot and the students started to exit ...

"Savannah . We have to tell you something important , " Sophie breathed. " In a broom closet , " Savannah said matter-of-factly. She sat down on an upturned bucket .

Aiden flushed. " Well, yes... it was the only place we couldn't be heard . "

"Ummm....just take this ..." Sophie said , briskly tying her blonde hair into a ponytail . She pulled a weathered and ancient book with a battered leather cover, and handed it to Savvanah. "What - " Savannah started . But they had vanished .

She rolled her eyes.

That night , Savannah flipped through the book . It was called the Arab Tome Codex . Apparently it was about mythical stuff .

Savvanah stopped at one page :

Types of magicians


Nature magic users . Usually specialise in Air element magic

Mind readers

Rare . Used to grasp information from unwilling minds

Lycanthrope / Shapeshifter

Can assume the identity of any human or animal


Ultra rare. Can control time .

And on that page was a illustration of her aunt's necklace.

Savannah closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

FYI - chapter 2 coming soon , when a suitable prompt is available

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July 18, 2021 18:39

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