Adventure Fantasy Fiction

Staring numbly ahead, the pain of my father’s confession had me shaken to my core. My heart had been shattered to pieces since then, my real father sitting next to me. Running his hand through his hair, it took everything for me not to cry. Wondering why he invited me along, this wasn't a rotting soul situation. In fact, it was something to do with a couple of demons. Glancing over at him, he looked deep in thought. Hoping he wasn't as torn up as I was, the subject was a touch sore with both of us.

“Just out of curiosity, why do you need me today?” I inquired in an attempt to get him to break the oppressive silence, his palms rubbing the pants of his scarlet velvet suit. Both of  us seemed aggravated, neither of us pissed at each other but at something else.

“Does a father need a reason to hang out with his daughter?” He joked in an attempt to pick up the mood, his broken smile shattering my heart into thousands of shards. “Don’t look at me like that. We need to help prevent another Romeo and Juliet type of death. You seem to have the ability to unify people. What can I say?” Bowing my head in shame, he loved me with all of his heart. Why did I have to tell him like that the other day? What was wrong with me?

“Sorry about my outburst the other day.” I apologized sincerely, his hand cupping mine. “Why are you so good to me?” Smiling softly to himself, a hearty chuckle tumbled from his lips. Staring out the window of his carriage, there was a welcome fatherly affection about him. Laying my head on his shoulder, tears splashed onto my onyx silk rockabilly dress. Happy to be by his side, nothing could destroy this moment. 

“It was fair. How could you not act like that? I didn't know how deep the problems were but you have me in your life.” He promised me with his real smile, his arm draping over my shoulder. “Call me whenever you need me. If it means anything, it was so nice to kill his soul.” A fit of laughter burst from my lips, curiosity bringing light back into my eyes.

“What I love is that you are a wonderful young lady who fought past the darkness to find the light.” He spoke with tears in his eyes, his hand rubbing my shoulder. “The past doesn’t matter. My past stings every now and then but then I realize that you are in my life. The light comes back every single time. I hope I am that parent for you.”  The horses trotted to a rough stop, the door opening on its own. Hopping out with my scythe on my shoulders, a Gothic version of an old Italian city. Carcasses lay on the street, two families were screaming at each other. Glancing back at my father, hurt mixed with disappointment in his eyes. 

“We should find the lovers and deal with the parents after.” I suggested, his head nodding. The funeral march played in the distance, both of us crashing towards a broken scene. A storm rumbled to life, the initial raindrops staining the cobblestone before it soaked us to the bone. Two glass coffins stood in the middle of a floral circle, a mother and father breaking into an argument. Marching up to the glass coffins, it was clear that they were still breathing. Smashing the glass, the argument slowed to a halt. Sucking in deep breaths of air, low growls rumbled in the parents' throats. Coughing up a bunch of poison, the slender hand of the rosy pink haired female demon grasped my wrist. Her golden eyes met mine, her silky waves tickled my arm as she buried her face into my shoulder. Ignoring her ranting parents, my kind smile had her shortening breath slowing down to its normal rate. Why the hell would you go this route!

“Not to judge but poison isn't the way out, my dear.” I teased with a soft chuckle, the pink haired mother marching up to me in a huff. “Not now, you stuffed shirt. I don’t care what started the issue but there are absolutely no reasons for the carcasses lining your streets.” Raising her hand to slap mine, Lucifer took the strike. His eyes glowed bright with fury, his fingers curling around her throat.  Please don't go too far, I pleaded internally.

“She had a valid question. What in the Romeo and Juliet went down!” He barked hotly, a snarl twitching to life on his laps. “Take them and run, Lily. A discussion is to be had.” Popping to her feet, my scythe spinning over my head. Inky ribbons swirled around me, the ivory haired demon approaching me cautiously. His wild waves bounced with each step, his ornate white suit speaking of his place in society. 

“You heard the man. It’s time for a ride.” I chirped cheerfully, my ribbons whisking us into a sea of scarlet trees that looked seconds from dying. Leaping into his arms, part of me wanted to leap into Matty’s arm. Sinking into overly dramatic words, the names Ramia and Julietta came up several times. Watching them caress each other with a bit of disgust, flames overtook their city behind me. Unsure of what to say, this would have to be quite the different ending from the play I read in middle school. Horror rounded her eyes, my mind putting two and two together. Julietta was the lovely lady and Ramia was the gentleman. Seconds from yelling at me, zombies of what had to be their families had me cursing under my breath. Clutching the skirt of her sage ball gown, the gems in her corset top glittered as she let out a shrill scream. Spinning my scythe over my head, there was another demon at play. Perhaps it was the one who gave them the poison. Releasing a wave of inky water, the bodies dissolved into sludge upon impact. Spinning on my heels, Ramia looked awfully guilty. Shooting him an annoyed look, a nervous chuckle tumbled from his lips. 

“I may have summoned a venom demon.” He admitted sheepishly, his golden boot digging at the dirt. “We had planned on dying together but he sold us a dud.” This had to be the most messed up version of Romeo and Juliet. Massaging my forehead, a long breath drew from my lips. 

“Tell me what he looks like so I can cut him down.” I commented with an annoyed smirk, embarrassment coloring his cheeks. “Don’t worry about it. Next time, let’s not use poison to stay together for all of eternity. Am I right?” Agreeing to me, my father crying out had my heart stopping for a moment. Shoving them into a hollow tree trunk, a couple of symbols had them undetectable. 

“Stay in here or die.” I whispered with a pleading grin, both of them holding onto each other. Ditching them in their safe space, the scent of his blood filling the air had me running faster. Please don’t die! Please don’t die! Skidding into the burnt remains of what used to be a stunning city, my father quivered behind a wall. Feeling around my boot for a healing potion, his shaking hand caught it with a gracious smile. Plopping down next to him, his palm bore the mark of a hellhound. Stealing his bloody jacket, his protests fell on deaf ears as I slid it on. No one was going to get my father today. Kissing the top of his head as I popped to my feet, it was time for me to be his hero. Grabbing my wrist, his head bobbed up and down. 

“Come back safe.” He slurred with an exhausted grin, one of my protective domes humming to life over him. Whistling sharply, Boomer shot from a large pile of ash. Crouching down to his level, his tail wagged as I scratched behind his ears. His nose was going to be my savior, his eyes lighting up at me rubbing my nose with his. 

“I need you to help me hunt down a master and his dog.” I spoke sternly, his head nodding. “Let’s go!” Popping to my feet, his little nose sniffing around had him looking so freaking cute. Pointing his nose in the direction of a destroyed cemetery, ash flew into the air with every step towards it. Running behind him, he leapt over the marble wall. Pushing off the grass, my boots hit a sea of fog. A violet marble mansion sat on top of the hill, yellow light glowing in the windows. Swelling to a bigger side, a nasty growl exposed his fangs. A black shaggy dog twice his size lumbered out to fight him, Boomer’s head nod telling me to go ahead. Blessing him with a kiss on his paw, his body should heal after each strike. 

“I promise to come back in one piece.” I assured him sweetly, his big smile and wagging tail giving me the confidence I needed. Unfolding my wings, the sound of Boomer’s whimpers had me worried about him. Barking once to tell me to go, his fight wouldn’t go unnoticed. My boy was going to get a hell of a treat when we got back home. Shooting into the sky, a cold gust knocked me back. A flurry of feathers had me looking at my father, no wound could be seen. Ramia and Julietta hung onto his waist, the daggers shooting from my eyes had them shrinking back. Hitting it with a wall of flames while apologizing, the protection dome died down. Flying into the top window, our boots hit the top floor. Pinning Ramia against the wall, his safety was now up for grabs. Lucifer cleared his throat, my hand dropping to my side. He was right. Free will was law in Hell.

“They told me everything after saving me from a second hellhound.” He informed me with a tired smile, his whistle calling Boomer. Leaping into my arms, his tongue soaked my face. Checking him over for wounds, relief washed over at no new ones. Smothering him in kisses, I apologized to Ramia before focusing back on our situation. 

“You know this place, right?” I questioned Ramia politely, hoping to clear the air. “Sorry for getting mad. I can’t have anyone getting harmed under my watch. Please accept my apology.” Bowing in his direction, Ramia’s palms pressed together. Flashing me a gentle smile, a fireball floated in his palm. 

“Don’t worry about it. You meant well. I do know everything about this mansion.” He returned with another gentle smile, his other hand waving away any concerns. “Let’s start over and get the leech out of our home.” Mouthing thank you, he guided us through twisted hallways. Coming upon a throne room, a violet skinned demon sat on a thorny orange throne. Blowing on his inky claws, his beady eyes searched the shadows for us. Flipping a needle dripping with lilac venom in between his fingers, one drop of the damn stuff seared a hole into his neon green velvet suit. Cocking my brow while looking back at Ramia, he had placed his trust in this guy. 

“You trusted him?” I choked out in disbelief, my face saying it all. “Depression must have made your mind a bit cloudy.” Sticking out his tongue, his sense of humor told me that he could be a friend. My heart broke for him, their  parents hating each other to the point of slaughtering the entire town. Silent tears stained my cheeks, Lucifer placing his hand on my shoulder.  Why did I have to be such an empathetic person?

“Would you like to land the final blow for a bit of revenge?” I suggested sincerely, his head shaking as Julietta buried herself into his arms. “Let’s go, dad!” Running out from our hiding spot, the demon rose to his feet. Ripping off the hem of my dress, my father’s steady hands tied the material around his mouth and nose. Tearing off my own piece, he watched with a pride in his eyes as I tied it around my mouth. Spinning our weapons over our heads, we split up as inky ribbons swirled to life. Opening up mouth, a noxious gas poured from his big mouth. Running up the wall, our wings wiggled to life, a flurry of feathers stealing away his visibility. Pushing off the walls, we flipped by each other. Energy built at the end of our weapons, one swing from each of us decaying the demon in seconds. Landing gracefully inches from him, his arms buried me into a fatherly bear hug. Summoning enough wind to clear out the room, Bella trotting in on her horse had me concerned about Death. 

“Death is giving birth and she wants you there.” Her head spewed with urgency, both of us nodding. “Hop on.”  Clutching Boomer to my chest, Bella helped us onto her horse. Opening a portal to my house, her horse leapt through with a big neigh. Sliding off, Boomer bounced over to Matty. Crashing up the stairs, a sweaty Death waved at me while rubbing her large bump. Dean ran over to me, a thin layer of sweat glistening on his skin. Reading his aura, he sure was going to be a great father. Life came in with more supplies, his head nodding was enough of a greeting. Lucifer came in with his sleeves rolled up, both of them acknowledging each other as I plopped down next to Death. Holding her hand, another contraction had her threatening to crush my bones. Asking for a cool washcloth, Dean passed me one. Laying it on her forehead, her other hand cupped ours. The pain was temporary but the joy of a child was forever.

“Thank you for coming.” She sobbed uncontrollably, my genuine smile causing her to sob harder. “You really are the best daughter a mother could ask for.” Kissing her hands, the saltiness of sweat had my taste buds going haywire. Laughing softly to myself, she would always be my mother. 

“What kind of a daughter would I be if I didn’t show up?” I joked lightly, her laughter sounding like music to my ears. “I love you. Don’t you ever forget that!” Holding her hand for the next few hours, a wail had us all sobbing as hard as her. Covering my mouth with my hand as Life placed her baby girl onto her chest, the inky tuft of hair had her beaming with pride. Steely gray eyes stared lovingly into her eyes, Dean taking my place the moment I rose to my feet. Dropping my father’s jacket to the floor, my arms wanted to hold my own children. Scooping up Sel and Maddy, they giggled as I spun them around. Matty hugged me from behind, his chin resting on my head. Smiling softly to myself, his presence had my heart fluttering away. My love for him would never die.

“How are you holding up today?” He inquired sweetly, real concern dripping in his tone. “You do know that you can talk to me, right?” Smiling back at him brokenly, my lips brushed against the top of his hands. Wishing that I didn’t know what my father felt, a bit of hope died with me that day. Dean came up to us, his arms holding their baby girl. Bowing in my direction, a gracious smile illuminated his features. 

“Death would like to talk to you privately.” He spoke with a bigger smile, his finger tickling his daughter’s belly. “We are going to name her Lilianna. You know, after our favorite hero.” Thanking him warmly with wet eyes as I placed our children in Matty’s arms. Knocking before I entered, Death waved me through the open door. Patting the bed next to her, the mattress groaned as I laid down next to her. 

“What is eating you, my little Lily?” She asked with her trademark smile, her hand rubbing my arm. “You have barely eaten for the past few weeks and you keep staring off into space. Don’t lie because I can tell.” Clearing my throat, this was going to be hard unload. 

“On one of my recent missions, my father admitted that he never loved me.” I confessed with busted sobs, hating that I was ruining her moment. “We should bask in the moment of your little girl being born. Why do you care so much?” Smiling comfortingly in my direction, her lips brushed against the top of my head. 

“I will have plenty of time with that child. Besides, Dean wanted to show her off.” She assured me in a motherly tone, her arm holding me tighter. “Her big sister needs to be okay as well.” Burying my face into her shoulders, her fingers played with my hair. Releasing all of my emotion, my body trembled in her arms. Singing a lullaby, the memory of my father doing the same had me sobbing harder. Crying until exhaustion hit, a rough slumber stole me away. 

July 05, 2024 14:10

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