Fingers Crossed, for 2021!

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story in the form of a top-ten list.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction

2020 Mapped out:

Goal #01- January- Make this a fantastic new decade

I can’t believe this. This is the start of a fresh year. A year that is the very first of a whole new decade! It is something almost the entire world has been anticipating. I’m on top of the world right now. I need to follow every last resolution of mine this time. Whatever happens, this decade is going to be different, and I can feel it in my bones. Let’s make it a better decade in a better world!

Goal #02- February- Continue the ‘smooth sail’

So far, everything has been smooth. I’m enjoying my life, of course, and I’m certain many others are. I’ve heard of this virus, though. I don’t think it is going to be very contagious, like the Spanish Flu or Black Death or anything. It has affected a few people, and although it seems to be adverse, I hope it’s short term. I don’t want anyone to suffer!

Goal #03- March- Stay at home!

Okay. Things are getting a little crazy. I thought this virus would be gone long ago, but it’s only spreading. It has reached our own city, now. They canceled exams and closed schools because we’re to remain at home. I rejoiced a little when I got to know our exams would not happen but immediately regretted it because it means this virus is catching and serious.

Goal #04- April and May- While away time effectively

This is the longest I have ever been stuck at home. I haven’t even seen the other side of my front door for the past two months! We’re going to attend school online for a while, so I suppose it’ll be something new to try out. I wonder how it’s going to be? Other than that, I try to pass my time in my writing. For now, all I need is my books and some music.

Goal #05- June and July- Day and night, all the time

Rinse and repeat getting up, attending virtual classes, studying, writing stories, and you’ve got my ordinary schedule. I haven’t got bored with it yet, but I’m afraid things might get tedious after a while. I’m longing to get out into the open and roam about without any constraints. I hope this pandemic passes over by New Year. I can’t think how it has affected the entire world in just a few months!

Goal #06- August- Carry on with your life

I’ve been a bit busy this month. Aside from ordinary school, I edited my novel and got it published on Amazon. It felt so very nice to see its cover on the net, but I’m afraid it will be a while before I can hold it in my own hands. Every time we have veggies, fruits, or other things brought over, we don’t touch them for two whole weeks. Then there’s the thorough sanitizing to be taken care of. I thought this year would be different. Yes, it is different, but in a way none of us thought possible.

Goal #07- September- Play the waiting game

Exams to be written online. Great. Well, all I have to do is start preparing and do my best. This Pandemic is surely not temporary. I’ve grasped it by now. Cases are rising every day. Yesterday’s extraordinary has become today’s norm. The virus has reached our home, though we’re lucky nothing bad happened. I still can’t understand how it came so far. None of us ever stepped out or acted negligently. Well, I suppose it finds ways. I hope everything gets better.

Goal #08- October- Live your dreams

Outdoorsy life is a distant dream. I can only reminisce about the life we used to lead before all this happened. I miss actual school so much. It’s only now I realize how fortunate we all were last year. At least I’m safe at home for now, and I can live my life as ordinarily as possible, even while I’m indoors. Maybe I shouldn’t complain so much, but sometimes I can’t help it.

Goal #09- November- Exercise your interests and skills

This month will not be the same. I’ve found a website called ‘Reedsy’ where I can write and post short stories every week. I’ve put out a few stories, and I enjoy this very much. I’ve met other authors and friends online who are really nice and supportive. At least this is the upside of having extra time in my hands. I can meet other like-minded writers and we can all sharpen our writing skills. My schedule is slowly turning busy again, now that people have found ways to bring back some things we used to do before.

Goal #10- December- Fingers crossed for what the future will bring

Really, I don’t have many whimsical goals or fantasies. I do want things to go back to how they were, but I know nothing is certain. The future will be as unpredictable as it has always been. We can’t guarantee anything. But that doesn’t mean we all have to melt into a pool of hopelessness. Sure, this year has been like no other, and many of us are eager to get done with ‘2020’, but we can remember the many things we did. For me, it is getting my second novel published, trying out a new type of schooling, meeting many like-minded authors online, and learning a LOT about writing. Besides keeping in mind the various atrocities of this year, I will treasure these experiences because they are one in a million.

Fingers crossed for 2021! Let’s see what it brings and let’s hope it is something better for all of us!

December 25, 2020 14:44

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Akshaya Sutrave
14:47 Dec 25, 2020

Hi everyone! 1. I wrote this story on a whim, without any prior planning because I knew it had to be written. 2. I don't have any descriptions in this, unlike most of my other stories. 3. Do let me know what you think, and if you have any feedback, suggestions, or critique! 4. This is the very first time I've put a story out within one day of the contest starting, so hurray!! I hope you have a great day/ night! And Merry Christmas!


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I really loved this story so much Akshaya! Love your list! You wrote everything so creatively! Also, I really do hope 2021 will be better!! P.S. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!❤️🎄❄️⛄🎅🏼🤶🏼


Akshaya Sutrave
05:04 Dec 27, 2020

Thank you very much, Harpriya! :) I hope 2021 really will take a better turn, and I hope you had a lovely Christmas, as well! And Happy New Year in advance!! Congratulations on getting to the top ten on the leaderboard! I am so happy for you!! :)


Aww, thank you so much Akshaya!! :)


Akshaya Sutrave
06:37 Dec 29, 2020

My pleasure! :)


Akshaya Sutrave
08:27 Dec 30, 2020



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Radhika Diksha
02:31 Dec 29, 2020

a nice summary of 2020. I never thought that I will be locked in my own house. Keep writing. Dont worry of the downvoted we all are with you.


Akshaya Sutrave
06:46 Dec 29, 2020

Thank you very much, Radhika! This year was really unexpected. Even one year ago, I would've thought everything was gonna be ordinary in 2020, just like every other year has been till now. Thank you! :D We are there to support one another and we can almost forget about the downvoters with so many really nice writers like you. And keep writing, too!


Radhika Diksha
07:53 Dec 29, 2020

Yes united we stand.


Akshaya Sutrave
07:53 Dec 29, 2020

I do agree!


Radhika Diksha
07:54 Dec 29, 2020

well i would love your feedback on my stories, in your free time.


Akshaya Sutrave
07:54 Dec 29, 2020

Sure I will read them when I can!


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Hello Akshaya! Do you wanna hear a story? Well even if you don't, I'm gonna tell you one: So, I was bored, and when I opened my laptop, your profile was on. When I read the first part of your bio, I got sad, so I immediately tried to upvote you as fast as I could. I know many people do a 100 points and things like that, but my hands quickly get tired after doing 5 pages of it...I'm sorry, please blame my hands. 😒 But let me know if I helped you and I can continue to help you get higher. =)


Akshaya Sutrave
06:35 Dec 29, 2020

Hi Haripriya! OMG! Thank you soo much!! You're so nice! 5 pages is actually a lot, you don't have to blame your hands at all! Yes, of course! You helped me loads and I am so glad I got a friend like you!! :D Thank you very much once again! I'm gonna upvote you now, too! :)


Akshaya Sutrave
07:47 Dec 29, 2020

I upvoted you and got you up to a little more than 12000 points because you definitely deserve it! :)


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Oh, no problem! I do these secret upvoting things to help other people get higher, not thinking of getting anything in return for myself. But you had absolutely no reason to spend all that time upvoting my Akshaya! I am more thankful for this! Thank you so much! I am so glad I helped you though! You can tell me whenever you need any upvotes, and I will be happy to do so! :)


Akshaya Sutrave
08:26 Dec 30, 2020

Of course! It's a really nice cause, to upvote others and get their points up a little. I wanted to upvote you because you're a really nice friend! :) Thank you very much, you certainly helped me!


Aww, thank you so much Akshaya! :)


Akshaya Sutrave
08:56 Dec 31, 2020

My pleasure! :)


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05:49 Dec 29, 2020

Hi Akshaya! Haven't read this yet, but here's y pre-read thoughts - Goodness, perfect timing! If I have time left over for this prompt, I'll probably write something like this too, lol... with credit to you for the idea :)


Akshaya Sutrave
06:48 Dec 29, 2020

Hi Sythe! Thanks for the pre-read thoughts! Of course, you can write something like this too, as there are still more than three days left for this contest to end :) And I would love to know how your year has been!


15:02 Dec 29, 2020

Ack, maybe not... Im in love with my TV now ;) And I had another idea I wanted to prioritize, so : : :


Akshaya Sutrave
08:39 Dec 30, 2020

Okay, sure! :)


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15:02 Dec 29, 2020

Ack, maybe not... Im in love with my TV now ;) And I had another idea I wanted to prioritize, so : : :


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Loved it Akshaya! Wonderful idea to use 2020 and how you felt! Really wonderful:) My favorite was #9 because I also got to meet you and other writers in Reedsy:) Happy New year in advance!


Akshaya Sutrave
06:41 Dec 29, 2020

Thank you so much, Varsha! Yes, I do agree. I'm glad I discovered Reedsy and so many writers like you! :) Thank you and a Happy New Year in advance to you, too!


Akshaya Sutrave
08:45 Dec 30, 2020

Welcome! :)


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Dhwani Jain
06:42 Dec 16, 2021

XD Oh how wrong we were when we all thought the same for 2020 and 2021!!!


Akshaya Sutrave
11:41 Jan 26, 2022

IKRRR I SWEAR 2021 WAS JUST THE SAME. Just hope 2022 isn't going to be. You're vaccinated? That's so cool!!


Dhwani Jain
03:22 Jan 27, 2022

Yeah. Me too Yeah, on 3rd Jan only...check my blog...


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Akhila Iyer
13:59 Jan 01, 2021

Hi Akshaya You have penned your thoughts so well! #7 has subtly revealed certain challenges that you have faced at home. Keep writing!


Akshaya Sutrave
15:24 Jan 01, 2021

Thank you so much! :)


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05:53 Dec 29, 2020

Hi Akshaya! Alrighty, I'm back. So, contrary to my previous belief, the story *mislead* me a little 🤣 so it wasn't what I thought it was... However, I still enjoyed reading it very muc, and I think you're very brave to write about your own life. It's similar to mine, actually 🤣! Your writing is perfect and flawless, as always. Keep writing, anxious to see more! Lots of love, Sythe


Akshaya Sutrave
06:51 Dec 29, 2020

Hi Sythe! Okay 🤣 but I'm glad you liked reading it! Thank you very much! Wow, that means both our experiences this year were quite similar! I suppose many people faced the same thing, what with the pandemic and getting stuck at home! And can you tell me whenever you post a new story? I would love to read it! :)


15:03 Dec 29, 2020

Ah, np. Yep, so much for teen middle schoolers in BLR. Im sure I speak for my classmates, too. And oh, sure! Most people (mostly me) dislike when other people advertise a new story out, so I dont' do that, but yeah, I will! :D


Akshaya Sutrave
08:40 Dec 30, 2020

Yes, that is true. I don't advertise my stories either unless the other author wants to know when it's out. I asked you because I didn't want to miss out on anything :)


05:00 Dec 31, 2020

Aw, thank you! I was hoping to get two stories out (ambitious, yes), so i'll let you know if I actually come through :)


Akshaya Sutrave
09:09 Dec 31, 2020

Sure! :)


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15:03 Dec 29, 2020

Ah, np. Yep, so much for teen middle schoolers in BLR. Im sure I speak for my classmates, too. And oh, sure! Most people (mostly me) dislike when other people advertise a new story out, so I dont' do that, but yeah, I will! :D


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08:54 Jan 07, 2021

Reads like entries in a diary. It resonates what happened to all of us.There is no creativity in the writing.Details of at least some of the 'goals' could have been expanded to interest the reader. No doubt it was possible to 'put the story out within one day of the contest'. Actually there is no story involved!CRITIQUE CIRCLE


Akshaya Sutrave
05:29 Jan 09, 2021

Thank you very much for your critique. I will keep those points in mind. However, I did not want this story to have a plot at all. It was more like a recount of my entire year, if you think of it. And yes, that may count like entries in a diary. After all, I don't think every entry has to have a proper 'story' with a 'plot'. I wanted to share this with other authors here, and this was how I wanted it to be.


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