Dog Days of Summer

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story about another day in a heatwave. ... view prompt



Flashback starts - Traveling from New Jersey to Arizona could make the top 3 worst idea’s that I’ve ever had. Just the contrasting weather was enough to make any rational person reconsider. But then again, who said I was rational!? New Jersey is a place that isn’t too hot and isn’t too cold, its right there in the average, the middle of everything. No devastating droughts, large scale hurricanes, and tornados, impending earthquakes, unpredictable floods, and the highest snowfall I’ve ever seen were barley 4 measly inches. It fitted perfectly in my comfort zone nestled between a good 7 daily hours of sleep, and my average grade of a B. I knew I couldn’t hide in this comfortable cocoon of comfort forever but I had originally planned on staying here for a good while before I was pushed out of the nest and into the trenches of the inhospitable “real world”, little did I know I had something else coming my way. - Flashback ends.

Snapping back into reality I yawn as I once again try shift into a more comfortable position in my cramped window seat. Squashed between a small window and a stranger snoring away in the next seat I grow increasingly restless. My heart rate rapidly rises as I feel the walls closing in around me. Looking warily around me. Breathing a sigh of relief as I spot a young flight attendant making her way slowly down the aisle pushing a cart in front of her. With brown hair tied into a neat bun, scarlet stained lips, and a patterned scarf tied elegantly around her neck. She was dressed in a crisp uniform, a white shirt under a navy blue blazer with matching trousers and shiny black ankle boots perched atop her head was a stylish navy blue, gold-embroidered stewardess cap. Snapping out of my momentary daze I watch as she makes her way toward my row. 

“Would you like any snacks or beverages?” She asks.

“Yes. Could I have a bottle of water please?” I ask.

“Of course. Here you go.” She smiles handing me a bottle of water. As she continues pushing the cart forward. 

I fumble my carry on bag open reaching my hands inside searching until I feel the familiarly shaped rectangular container with a circular lid. Pulling it out I quickly unclasp the lid, shaking 2 pills out. I open the bottle of water tossing the pills into my mouth I take a gulp of water effectively swallowing the pills. Closing my eyes I take a few calming deep breaths as I slowly open my eyes again the walls retreat to their original state and my heart no longer feels as if it would fly out of my chest at any given moment. I loosen my grip on my seat. Closing my eyes again I will myself to sleep. 

-----Sometime later-----

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Pheonix, Arizona. Local time is 5:37 p.m. Temperature is 98 degrees Fahrenheit.” A nonchalance male voice blares through the speaker. Squinting up as lights flicker on I yawn unclipping my seatbelt. Standing up I stretch my stiff limbs. I sling my bag over my back and grab my luggage from the compartment above. Shuffling in a single file line we make our way out of the plane. 

Welcomed with a burst of cool air I feel like the pressure is lifted off my shoulders. Taking a few deep calming breaths I walk forward hauling my luggage behind me. I look into the crowd in search of a familiar face. I grin when I spot my aunt, uncle, and cousins waving a poster with my name written in huge bold sharpie spelled out 

V I O L E T  K N I G H T.

“Hello, Uncle Edd, and Aunt Molly!” I smile.

“Oh, enough with the formalities dear! Come over here!” Mrs. Knight beams and envelopes me into a hug. Pulling away I turn my attention to my cousins.

“Look how tall you are!” I smile ruffling little Maisie’s hair after I place her down. Maisie is my youngest cousin who turned seven just a few months ago.

“Hey, stranger!” Sally (the older cousin who would be turning 16 in 3 weeks.) Wraps me in one of her famous bear hugs. “Come on you must but exhausted! We’ll catch up later” She smiles knowingly as we begin to walk out of the airport with her parents and sister trailing behind us. 

Walking out of the airport I am greeted by a gust of hot air. The sun beats down my back as we walk through the parking lot in search of their car. 

“Is it always this hot?” I wonder out loud in disbelief as I wipe away the beads of sweat that gathered on my forehead. 

“Yep! Believe it or not, this isn’t the worse it gets!” Sally grimaces, “but you get used to it after a while!”

“What!” I cry out. “I won’t imagine getting used to this.” I shudder.

“Well, luckily for you… there is air conditioning in the car!” Sally smiles. “And that-” she points to a sleek black ford neatly parked between two other cars. “Is the car!”

“Oh thank goodness!” I cry as I fan myself with a hand. “Here I thought I wouldn’t make it to the car!” I laugh. Taking refuge from the unrelenting sun we sit in the cool shade of a nearby tree as we wait for everyone else to catch up. 

Finally, I lower myself into the burning passenger seat. Yawning as I wait for the a/c to kick in. “So tired!” I mumble as I doze off.


I blink my eyes open and squint. We were parked in front of a gorgeous house with a beautiful garden full of colors and life. 

“Were here!” Sally smiles excitedly. “Come on!” She pulls me out of the car, and I grab my luggage. 

“Alrighty! Let’s go.” I exclaim tugging my luggage behind me. Mr. Knight unlocks the door welcoming me in. 

“I’ll give you a tour!” Saly declares as she leads me from room to room. 

--- 20 minutes later ---

“And last but not least... This is the guest room. Make yourself at home!” She says with a final grin. “I’ll be in the living room if you need me.” She calls over her shoulders as she walks down the stairs.

“Yeah, yeah!” I croak back. I push the door open peering in I smile when I see the walls painted violet. Walking in I admire the walk-in closet and colorful paintings. For the feeling like the first time in a while, I plop down on my light blue bean bag. Thoroughly exhausted I open my backpack and take out my unfinished water. Opening it I take a few big gulps. Feeling refreshed I grab my luggage and place it on my white velvet ottoman. Opening it I begin unpacking. 

--- Next Day ---

Knock knock knock

“Violet dear? Wake up, breakfast is downstairs!” Mrs. Knight called. Blinking the sleep from my eyes I reluctantly slide out of my bed to get ready. 

I walk down the stairs in a black tank top tucked into some jean shorts paired with flip flops. After yesterday I thought I was prepared to face the extreme heat of Arizona. Boy was I wrong!

---After breakfast---

“Let’s go to the park! I can show you around.” Sally offers.

“I wanna come! I wanna come!” Maisie cried enthusiastically waving a little hand up into the air. 

“Ok,” I say getting up. Opening the door, immediately I am greeted by a gust of hot air, stepping out from under the cooling shade of the porch the sunlight shoots brilliant beams radiating heat onto my already scorching skin. “Oh! It’s so hot!” I cry out squinting up into the sky raising a hand to shield my forehead. 

“Yeah!” Sally agrees, “Around August most days are this hot!” She explains, “It could go up to 120 degrees in a heatwave like this!” She raises her eyebrows.

“Dog days of summer?” I ask smiling.

“Dog days of summer.” She confirms.

Together we look up into the hot Arizona sun. It truly is one of the dog days of summer. But as someone once said... "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations." I hope this one is worth it.

August 08, 2020 03:58

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00:25 Aug 13, 2020

You hooked me with that first line. Great opener. Made me want to know what the hell happened. And I liked all the dialogue. Well done. It looks like this is your first story. So welcome. And good first story 👍🏼


Anna Z
18:31 Aug 13, 2020



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Samria David
11:56 Sep 10, 2020

Hey anna... waiting for your new story🤞


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Jonathan Blaauw
06:58 Aug 09, 2020

Yay, a first comment on a first story! This was well done - short, sharp, and to the point. You've shown you can handle dialogue well, great use of italics, and you present your words in a clear, easy to read way (always important). Just a few things I noticed. Exclamation marks! Too many is a bit jarring! I've been told to limit them to one every 1000 words. If your characters are always shouting, you can convey that with dialogue tags. Also, I don't think adding the 'flashback' notations, along with the time-lapse ones (20 minutes late...


Anna Z
21:58 Aug 12, 2020

I'll try to tone the exclamation marks down a bit :). But for the time-lapse notations, I'm not sure how else to show that time is passing... Thanks for the feedback!


Jonathan Blaauw
06:37 Aug 13, 2020

It’s really not a big deal and doesn’t break the story at all. But, since you asked: I think ‘sometime later’ doesn’t even need to be built in. It can just be left out. She’s on the plane, then the plane lands – the reader will automatically assume time has passed between. The 20 minutes later could also be left out, unless it’s important to the characters, in which case you could build it in and include a reaction (E.g. “Yeah, yeah.” I croak back. The tour felt like it had taken forever. Glancing at my watch, I was amazed that only 20 ...


Anna Z
18:33 Aug 13, 2020

Oh yeah! This makes sense... especially showing how time passes through the character doing something. It's hard to put myself in the reader's perspective sometimes and it's very helpful to have someone point out a few things and give advice. So I should be thanking you o.o ... thanks! :)


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