Bedtime Fantasy Latinx

"For the love of God why can't I sleep."

My Brain just wouldn't shut off. I decided too get up and make a warm cup of tea. Decaffeinated with milk.

I sat in My chair, and sipped my tea. Had my cigarette and hopped back in to my bed. Sometimes I think its scary being home alone, especially when my phone is dead. My anxiety peaks at its highest.

It's now 3:45am, and I hear a rattle coming from my windowsill. I peer towards it, apart from a few scratches on my windows fly screen. It almost looked like some body had tried to cut it.

There were three incisions.I took notice of this but I didn't let it bother me. I just made sure all the windows and doors were locked to be safe but, I thought if someone were trying to brake in they would have because the back door is unlocked, almost every night.

I cuddle down into my blankets, and put my head on my pillow.

Before you know it my alarm goes off. 7am. Sleep deprived, I wake. I again make my cup of decaffeinated tea with milk. Everything is a little hazy. I turn on the TV and Sunrise is on. Things were a little off. I felt very disassociated today. Like I was some where else.

I look out my windows, and i see that the rain had fallen. The only evidence being the wet grass, and the puddle of water on the cement. The dew drops look like translucent rainbows. Just making them selves at home on the ground. I loved that earthly smell of rain.

I see the scratches on the fly screen from last night. I thought it was mysterious because all three scratches looked the same.

I get dressed and get in my car, I drive to my sisters place and I pick up my son. My son is six, but he can not talk. The doctors say he will never talk. My sister kisses my son and I goodbye.

"I hope you got some sleep."

"Sort of. Thank you for watching him."

I strap him in his car seat, make sure everything is in place so we can safely drive home. I give him his pop top bottle and a packet of biscuits. He is quiet.

It took roughly ten minutes to get to my sisters from where i lived. She lived with her boyfriend and their baby, my niece.

Archo, was being a good boy, we arrived at home. I bathed him, and I put him down on the lounge for a nap. It was only Saturday but my sister and her boyfriend had to attend his soccer game. Archos was too hyperactive to attend a soccer game he wouldn't sit down for the half of it. Just like the movies and places where people are frantic.

Archo had ADHD, but he knew what was right and when someone was doing something wrong. I poured him a sippy cup full of warm milk and he went to sleep.

Usually when Archo slept he had nightmares. Bad ones. To the point where he would scream, and I had to change his bed sheets. But I didn't care I loved him more then I loved myself. Archo is so gentle, and kind. He will race up to anybody and give them a hug. He is a gentle kind soul.

It's now 10:00, I decide to wake Archo. He is sweaty, sometimes he over heats. I strip the blankets off him, and bath him again. Showers would always calm him down after a meltdown or bad dream. I'm so great full for showers.

He signed mumma, and I signed back yes.

He signed draw.

I put some books down for him one was colouring in and one was just plain paper. He had twelve colours. All alphabetically aligned. The same as his push cars. Red, crimson, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange, indigo and pink, brown and black, and white. The brown black and white where pushed over to one side of the floor.

He started to draw a tree, and a tall man standing next to the tree. The man had a black hat on. He drew butterflies around the man. This man started to appear in all the pictures he was drawing.

" I signed, darling are you okay?"

He signed, " I keep seeing this man in my dreams."

" I said son, we all dream, but some times we have night mares this is a nightmare. I know it makes you feel scared. But mumma is here."

Archo drew dream jars. He explained to me that the man would take his dreams and put them in a jar out next to the tree.

The jars were filled with colourful lights all the colours of the rainbow it reminded me of the translucent dew droplets on the grass that morning.

I went to the toilet, and returned to Archo missing.

"I Screamed out, Archo! Archo! Where are you?"

I ran to my room to see that my fly screen had been cut. And the windows open.

I called triple zero, "Yes hi, my son has been kidnapped. I went to the toilet and I came back and he was gone, he is only six. And he can not talk. "

"Have you checked around your house ma'm. Considering he can not talk."

"Yes I've checked my damn house. The window in my room was forced open, and there are three incicions on my fly screen in my bedroom." I Screamed.

"Well be there right away. If you feel unsafe please feel free to stay on the line."

My heart was shattered in to tiny little pieces, I didn't think their could be a hurt like this.

"Archo, Archo please come to mumma. I've called the police you're not in trouble we just need to find you. Please come out." Twenty minutes had passed it seemed like hours.

I answered the door and two police officers greeted me and shook my hand. "I have not seen Archo in one hour. I noticed these three incisions on my windows late last night. Archo was at my sisters last night. He was drawing when I left him to go to the toilet."

"Mam could you please show us your window."

I led them to my room Archo was no where to be seen. I started to panic.

"Mam does the child see the father at all?"

"No not since he was two when we found out he couldn't talk. He just packed up and left it's been four years."

" Do you know where he is located."

"NO I DONT. There is a standard AVO between us. Not allowed with in 500m of each other."

"Right no worries we'll we'll look up his records, and get a cat to secure the house. The boys will sit out side the premiter until we find his location. Does he have a phone or anything you could track him on?"


I start to have an anxiety attack.

"Where is my boy I just want my boy." I covered my mouth. Cried my teats and knelt on the ground. To assure my grief, the officer put his hand on my shoulder.

"Mam I'll promise I'll find him."

"My heart hurts, I have chest pains. I can't breathe."

"Okay let's get you to the hospital so that we can examine you."

"But what if Archo comes back."

"The police will be outside waiting for him."

" He won't come home if he thinks his in trouble."

He stepped me in to the back of the ambulance my heart and chest really hurt now.

"I think I'm having a heart attack."

I grabbed my chest and pushed down on it with my hands.

We reached the hospital he put me on the stretcher. He reeled me in.

" This lady has been having chest pains, her son was kidnapped."

The nurse looked at me as if I were crazy, she took me in and put me on a echocardiogram machine. She strapped the cords to my chest and my back.

"You're heart is experiencing stress."

"My son was just kidnapped!"

"I think maybe we'll send you up to the mental heath ward to get checked out"

She walked me up to the mental health ward. It was beige, and the waiting chair seats where blue.

"Take a seat."

I went to get up and walk out the door as she left my side.

Two officers grabbed me and held me back.

"Not until you're seen."

And pointed to the chair.

I said

"I want to go home, I need to be home incase my son ends up there. What if no bodys home, where will he go to then. He can't talk."

By this time I was frantic and they kept close eyes upon me.

"Nia, nia Redfern." I stood up as the nurse called me.

"Hello how are you today?"

" I just want to go home."

"They have sent officers, out to look for your son."

" Chief told me that he wanted you here over night where it's safe." Said the nurse hesitantly.

"I can fend for myself."

We approached a room it had the number fourteen on it. It had a bed, a window and a TV. Along with a bedside table.

"Hang tight."

As soon as she left the room, I barged out I ran half way down the hallway before they sedated me. The needle stung so bad that I spewed right before I was put to sleep.

I woke up and the nurse wasn't there. I ripped off all the monitors and I stood up. I felt so hazy.

I ran out Down the stairs and out the doors, got in a taxi and drove to my house. It was only a ten minute drive.

There was no sign of Archo Raine yet, my boy had been missing for fourteen hours considering it was 7:00 the night after he had gone missing. There were no messages on my phone.

I called the police again and they answered,

" Hello, I called yesterday my son has been missing since 10:00 yesterday morning. I'm sorry I haven't been home I was admitted to the hospital. My sons name is Archo raine Redfern Jr. My name is Nia Redfern."

"Miss, could you come down and make a statement and tell us if you know where Archos father is?"

"I gave them a statement yesterday they came to my house and noticed three incicions on the window screen."

" We can't find him do you know any where that he could have gone, or anyone that would have It out for him?"

"No I have had nothing to do with him. My family can confirm that."

"Well go visit the place he used to live, but it says no body has paid rent their for 7 months."

"That's typical of him he could never stay in one spot."

"Could I come with you, I would like to search for my son."

"Well come down to the station and I'll give you a ride."

"No just give me the address and I will be there. I'll follow you."

"7 lightwood way, June crescent."

"I'm on my way."

I drove down the road, turned a corner and met them on the high way. I drove past zest tree passage, and through the windy roads of listening hills, and we arrive at June crescent. It looked like it was vacant from the outside. Needed a paint job but looked like with a little TLC it would be better off.

There was three police cars already here.

Each with two people in them, one of them from each car waited outside for their partner to return but was there just in case for back up.

"Police open up." The chief knocked.

Archos dad answered the door surprisingly.

"What seems to be the problem, I haven't been involved with you dogs for nine months now. Haven't smelt fresh bacon in a while." He said.

"Jesus you look like you've Been on three week bender Jo." I said.

"Nia, what the bloody he'll are you doing here, should've known you were behind all this."

"Our son is missing dick, do you have him is he here?"

" Do you remember why you're alone in the first place is because you wanted the baby and I didn't."

"Cmon Jo be reasonable."

"You can have a look around if you want got nothing to hide."

Chief handed him the warrant. You could tell he was comfortable like this had happened before of course it had. Jo had always been involved with bikies. Ever since he was eight, he was brutally molesters by ten of them and that's why he is the way he is.

"Nice place you got here."

"Thanks do you like my knife rack? Got it for fifteen bucks off ebay."

"Why haven't you paid rent in 7 months are you in trouble Jo? Is there someone trying to hurt you."

"What no. I haven't been involved with anybody for 9 months."

"When the leader of the pack leaves there's always going to be a trace." I replied.

"Whats his name and where does he live?"

"9 Wayland crescent Avenue, the Terrace."

"Is there a police car still outside my house chief, what if he shows up and I'm not home?" I said.

"Yes mam across the road." Cheif replied with a reassuring smile on his face.

"Thank you. I feel that he is close." I said.

He smiled again but continued to walk back to the car.

We got in the car, and the others followed.

"It's been almost 48 hours since I have seen my son, I don't know where else he could be."

"We will go and visit the big boss. But you are to stay and wait in the car. Do not be seen. It might make him agressive he is known to be agressive towards police officers."


I was shocked I didn't really know what to think. I had not seen pops in years. They called him pops because he was the oldest drug dealer on the street. He would help anybody. He was generous enough to help people get off hard drugs and only on to marijuana. He had crops growing out back when I lived with him because we were homeless. We ran our business off him. We were chosen to cut and bag before Archo Raine was born. Archo was pops grand child.

We arrived. He answered the door. He looked older then what I remember. His hair was grey and he was pale and thin. He still had the same oval shaped glassed. And had a tobacco pipe in his hand.

"Hey pops, is that tabbacco your smoking? You'd wanna hope so."

"What's it to ya."

I looked on through the car window but heard through the walkie talkie.

"Archo Raine Jr is missing."

"I haven't seen anything or heard anything?"

"Can we have a look around."

He sighed and rolled his eyes and let them inside.

"Really a bong on the table. I'll be glad if Archo Raines not here! He doesn't deserve to see that shit!"

"Why do you think his parents stopped working for me."

They searched and everything was clear and non suspicious.

No sign of a child.

All Pops kids moved out. Jason mraz, and Charity may. Both grew up to have children of their own. They owned nice cars and houses. Charity May, was on her own most of the time while her husband James was at work. They decided to call their baby girl Arie Ray. Archo and Arie play together all the time.

The police walked out.

"I'm afraid that's all we can do tonight miss."

"Could you drop me home please."

We turned back and drove passed June crescent and zest passage. And we arrived at Danger field drive. My house was number thirteen.

They stopped walked me to my door and I thanked them.

I shut and locked the door behind me I closed my blinds and turned on all the lights. With in the corner of my eye I saw what looked like a wolf.

I Screamed. But as I looked around nothing was there.

I must be tired.

I thought to myself. I boiled the water in my kettle and drank a decaffeinated cup off tea so original. This almost seemed like the least of my worries when it was all I wanted after a long day.

All I wanted was Archo.

I finished my cup off tea, and walked in to the bathroom.

I took off my clothes and looked in the mirror.

I saw the wolf again. I jumped. But then I blinked and he was gone.

I ran the shower and put my hair under the water. Used the soap. And rinsed my self off.

I hopped in to bed but I couldn't sleep. I laid their for hours and hours and hours. My alarm clocked started going off.

7am, I got up I rubbed my eyes I saw the wolf again.

But this time he bit me. It left a huge mark two fang bites. Definitely from a dog. But how could this be true was I going Mad. 

I rubbed my fingers along my neck and it had drawn blood.

Could this be what made those cuts on my windows?

I got in the shower and washed my neck. As I got out I rubbed bedadene in to it. It turned brown which meant the infection was coming out. I got dressed and I put a scarf around my neck.

I called out for Archo but I couldn't see anything. Or hear anything.

The house was so empty with out him.

So quiet and dull.

I guess the sedation medication had an effect on me.


May 06, 2021 04:54

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