Drama Fantasy Fiction

The dias has been kept neat and organized. Tables are set across the chairs. The organisers have arrived early to check the last minute arrangements.

Hush Hush gossips are flying around.

"Is she coming today? Or he is coming alone?" The excitement was soaring overhead from the speculation.

Sharp at 2 P.M, Mr. Desai took the stage. His subordinates have taken the front line to look after everything.

His hands were encircling the speaker. After clearing the throat, his deep voice rang through the mic.

"Good afternoon, everyone. We all know the purpose behind today's congregation. The chief guest will be arriving soon."

He dashed down as a siren sound rang through the auditorium. People turned around to get the first glimpse.

Minutes passed by.

Soon a boot stepped inside the almost packed auditorium. He strode with small steps while smiling at every gazing faces.

His eyes stopped once but soon he walked away.

"So, our guest is here. Please welcome Mr. Anand Jain with a big round of applause."

Anand Jain- the man who shook the nation with his words. The retired journalist of a renowned daily has stirred up everyone's sleep with the biggest revelation that was not supposed to come out.

As Mr. Parikshit Upadhyay stepped aside, he went up before the mic stand. Standing tall on his 6 feet height, he was oozing confidence even at the age of seventy.

"I would like to thank everyone who has managed time from their schedule for this meeting. " He smiled briefly after the brief introduction.

The hall was in pindrop silence. No one wants to miss the slightest bit of his words.

"I know, what I said a week ago was just not a confession. My revelation has changed meaning of many things. I was hesitating before saying it aloud before everyone but ." He stopped briefly.

Eyes were fixed on his stubble face which were down. He looked up and his eyes were eyeing the lady sitting in front. In a white saree, she was sitting next to the Commissioner.

"The girl sitting in front has suffered in the name of country. She was betrothed to an enemy. She was entitled the task of finding loopholes of the man who was aiming to harm the nation. But when the task was finished, the nation is refusing to entitle her what she lost- her identity. And why? Because she is no more the same. " While wiping off his tears, he continued speaking.

"She left her family while performing her duty as the citizen of the nation but when she sought shelter from country, people abandoned her. She got used but not loved. "

He stopped for a bit. The whole stadium was waiting for his next lines with bated breath. Last 7 days have divided the nation into two.

A girl was send off by enemy country after seizing her from her in laws house. She was accused of spying information from there. But ever since she returned she has received nothing other than criticism. A huge section is judging her from the point of sanctity. And a section is confused, whose side to take in.

People were tittering and gossiping but none came to vouch for her.

"So, what's going inside your head? Who is she? Some intruder or a girl who gave up her life so that we can sleep peacefully at our place. Why don't we decide about that? Being a citizen of democratic country, who decides the government, why don't we decide about her too? Instead of throwing abusive words, why can't we look into the case with compassion and empathy? "

His eyes fell on those who were tilting their heads around to check others thoughts.

"I am resting the decision to you all".

He walked off from the stage.

Ever since that day, three weeks have passed.

A boy was arranging things around the tree shed. They are a rookie band who sings around the city. Sometimes people pay money, sometimes walk away without casting any glance. But that doesn't matter. They follow their heart.

"My dear friends, brothers and sisters!" The deep voice rang through the mic.

"Today, we have congregated here to discuss something that's not related with election. I want my little sister to join me on the stage."

Clad in white saree, she came to stand beside him. Her face is speaking it all.

"Change, that's what we are fighting for!" He spoke again. "We now believe in equality where girls and boys both stand with their views and opinions. But why she is not getting any space here?" He paused beg bringing her to fore.

"Her name got lost behind the uniform that she never got. With the sad demise of her family who couldn't learn what her daughter did, she had no one to prove that she belongs here. The government elected by us is questioning at her integrity and honesty. They are asking a piece of paper that she no longer has to prove herself. "

His voice has gathered a mass around them. All were throwing questioning glance at the small girl whose head has dropped below from the pain her heart was feeling. She is tired from the endless interrogation, whimsical encounter. She just want to live for a while without any worries.

"So, we have decided to do it." The boy spoke up again. "We have decided to take in our sister who has made us proud by serving our nation. She doesn't need any certificate to prove her worth. She doesn't need to any longer as her brothers have arrived. Together we will show the world what change is!"

There are several stories that never comes to fore. There are many tales that we never learnt of . We talk about changes but ignores the sick man's plea. We talk about changes but never listens to the words of wisdom. We wish to bring change but sticks around the hopelessness that hasn't faded.

So, it's time to bring the change, to step out of comfort zone and put off flame of hatred and pain.

February 12, 2021 08:41

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