Contemporary Fiction Horror

An ocean away from his west-coast California office, a man stepped into bright Milan sunshine. Less than an hour before, he'd decided he deserved a vacation. Crowds had cheered the first successful quantum-transport of live humans half a decade earlier. Commercial pods became available soon after, at premium prices. Business, finance and leisure luxuries changed overnight. Every global corporate district and opulent resort proposed installing transport hubs to stay competitive.

Back at the Los Angeles Aphi-Solutions transport hub, the man's sealed origin pod was marked for cleaning. Transport required rigorous health and safety standards. No one wanted another pandemic, especially Aphi-Solutions Inc. They'd proposed the industry standard precautions themselves.

A platinum blond in designer heels and heavy furred parka was escorted to a nearby pod. The escorting ASI technician approached an accompanying terminal to prepare her reception pod at the Moscow hub facility. A soft ding and green light from the sealed origin pod signified Moscow's readiness to receive. Smooth cylindrical doors parted, revealing a well-lit clinical interior.

“Finally,” she hissed. Fake smiles of L.A. Reminded her of board meetings she'd left. Tech was grimy business. She'd seen enough drone demonstrations to realize why clientele salivated over the latest innovations. Snuffing fires with directed blast-waves wouldn't attract firemen as much as munitions companies like hers back in Russia.

She stepped in, turning to watch doors seal again. The attendant's fake smile as they waved made her scowl deepened. The clang of locks engaged as she jumped. This was her first transport. She'd distrusted the mechanism, but the corporation back in Russia demanded her immediate presence. They'd even funded the pod. Her eye twitched. In the era of tele-commuting and conference calls, nothing was that important.

The ivory-lit sarcophagus hummed. She squirmed in her parka, face firm. Vibrations grew from warming walls. Instincts raged to escape; nothing she hadn't faced before every deal behind locked doors. She stood resolute in herself and her station. Elites deserved the best. This was another luxury to flaunt, she assured herself as crackling built overhead. This was a sign of her importance and eminence in the company. The eruption of electricity surged, hurtling her towards her final destination.

The Moscow attendant extended a dossier, warm from printing, towards the parka-cloaked woman. She snatched them from him, stepping with loud heel-taloned clacks from the arrival pod. Cold air flooded her lungs. She almost gagged. It was nothing like the diabolical place she'd escaped. Cheeks pulled back into an unsettling grin. The cold suited her.

“These are details?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said with polished veneer smile. “All of Ivanka's political, professional and personal correspondents with suggested means of future interactions.” He looked from flipping pages to her angular face. “Just until you're settled.”

“I thought she hated her sister?” Ivanka said, shuffling through plans. “Why would she attend her brother-in-law's birthday?”

The assistant sneered. “He's also influential, with ties to the Kremlin.” He stopped their stride to open her parka, eyeing her figure. “And a tawdry fantasy for his sister-in-law.” The assistant licked his lip like an animal staring at meat. “He has good taste.”

She smiled, raising her immaculate groomed eyebrows. He wasn't unattractive either. His grin betrayed jagged toothed smile as it grew to the swaying of her teasing hips' dance. The man's gold eyes looked up at her, cracked with black char and split with horizontal pupil. They narrowed as a circlet of small horns rimmed her scalp. Her long thin tongue snaked across her lips, then down his throat.

Back in LA, cleaners finished with the Man-in-Milan's pod of ashes. They cheered their lucky haul. His Omega watch survived the elimination procedure. So had a tooth, dangling from string on a janitor's ring of keys. They looked like mangy gremlins in blue overalls. Their over-sized ears were nothing like their remnant monkey bodies from early experiments.

They hadn't complained at first, but the latest arrivals enjoyed much taller bodies. Envy raged in fiendish little gullets. Maybe they'd “accidentally” get stuck in a pod and sent back to try for a newer body. Then they'd get some respect! For now, their lanky furred arms held dustpans and brushes ready to sift through ashes of Hell's latest acquisition.

In an office of obsidian-paneled stone walls was a table of equally reflective polished onyx. Surrounding seats were filled with enough political and economic might to warp the world stage. Their fine suits wrapped around smooth skin and chiseled bodies. Reflections of well-invested aesthetics showed horns, fins, scaled flesh in premium silk and blood-eyed pupil-less stares behind designer frames.

Their appearances were as varied as their squabbles. The most vocal came from a tall square-shouldered man before reflections of muscle-bulged ape covered in orange fur and Armani. His fist hammered onto stone slab table, trying to convince a writhing mass of tendrils in pencil skirt and Italian blazer that she didn't understand the economic might of shipping goods at scale. She, in turn, prattled about mobile platform reception-pods for military application. An entire army could infiltrate instantaneously while claiming a legion of soldiers for the inferno below.

She was a fool for thinking of where they came and he was a simpleton for losing sight of their overall goal. Some shook heads as other cheered, egging them on. Inciting delightful chaos was their self-proclaimed raison d'etre. But, for all their bickering, they were arrayed towards the same end: conquering the world of weak undeserving human mortals.

It started with whispers in ears of tech-company CEO's. Social media fed easy wins in the envy, lust, sloth and pride arenas, but real ambition required more nuance. They needed brains, not personality. A true visionary marched forward.

Scientist don't make as much as people think. No one paid them off. That was misinformation from the social media acquisitions. But it didn't take much convincing to point receptive minds towards machinations of “quantum transport.” The name itself intrigued plenty of "donators" ready to capitalize on the front of the line for the latest infrastructure. When results didn't match expectations of tech oligarch's, in their “infinite philanthropy,” Aphi-Solutions' CEO stepped on stage with a proposal.

The new agreement, and accompanying NDA's, proved fruitful. Recreating a body was far easier than transporting one through a man-made wrinkle in the fabric of reality and space. Imagine that! Mapping synaptic pathways and stored chemical memories was child's play for ephemeral spirits to communicate to techno-cratic minds. The ethical matter of an original body's disposal was trivial when discussed alongside wire transfers with extra zeroes tacked on. You'd be amazed how cheap an investment it takes to toss humanity aside.

All the while, fallen denizens rose to fill voids in bodies where claimed souls ought be. Objections to limiting access to affluent elites fell silent as world economics shifted wherever Aphi-Solutions aimed. After all, where ASI went, business followed instantaneously. It was their company tagline, even.

The door opened amidst office chaos. No one within bothered noticing. Everyone outside knew to keep their mouths shut. Some stood, cheering as two monstrous behemoths clashed without regard for formal disguises on the table. How unseemly, the man in red-trimmed black suit thought. No wonder it took millennia to get this far.

He cleared his throat as cheering stopped and world officials bent the knee. The bloodied mass of worms released the ape-thing spitting a tendril from its mouth as both hit the floor, prostrating. A devilish grin curled across his face. His red leathered skin had championed legions against divinity with calculated fury. He considered the hole where his nose had been, before Michael carved it away with one blade-swing. The sweet revenge of claiming so many unwitting souls inflamed him, literally, with pride.

“Associates,” President, CEO and Bloodied General Aphistoles said. “I take it business is good?” His spindle-toothed grim dripped venom and ambitious lust. 

June 21, 2022 19:42

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K.T. Jayne
14:08 Jul 20, 2022

Love the world building in this story, if you'll forgive an over-used phrase. Some of the themes and imagery put me in mind of William Burroughs: visceral, savage and a little trippy.


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Tommy Goround
22:35 Jun 29, 2022

Compliment sandwich: why do I come back? Your writing has. Layers. You take chances. Sometimes you don't even care which can be a wonderful thing. When you hit purpose and plot and pacing... You're riding is like that wonderful weapon that makes everything calm


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Tommy Goround
22:33 Jun 29, 2022

IN other news... I realize that I completely miss the importance of the company name because I only read it once at the time. The name is required because you use it so much in the story. The name of the company. :) Impact? If I got the plot correct in the long line by line.... Then the impact statement is obviously that the devil has run out of fun ways to capture souls.. is it possible to start this story with that feeling and setting and merge into the Sci-Fi world?


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Tommy Goround
22:31 Jun 29, 2022

Critique circle gave me this after I already been here? I don't get it


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R W Mack
18:52 Jun 22, 2022

Lemme know what errors need fixing if you see any I missed and feel free to tell me what did or didn't work for you. No one gets better without outside input!


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23:18 Jun 21, 2022

This is really good! An amazing amount of detail in your descriptions makes it interesting and flow really well. I have a lot to learn from your vivid descriptions of people and the cadence of your sentences. I also like the idea of creating made up proper nouns in a story. It makes the paragraphs look more attractive somehow. to help out here's a few possible typos: "revealing well-lit clinical interior" needs an "a" "The attendant's fake smile as they waved made her scowl" is that a modern 'they' or its it attendants plural? "CEO's" ->...


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Tommy Goround
22:51 Jun 21, 2022

THEME: fashion is a bait for people wanted by the devil PLOT: devil makes a device for quantum transport, thereby relieve humans of their souls. The humans use the transport because they are infinately lazy and can’t take a plane to russia. The marketing is top notch and so executives pride themselves on the latest technology, like what the Concord Jet was before. CLARIY? Huge issue here. You get into poetry with …5? Characters and I am lost as you are adding new ideas constantly like a conveyer belt. Should you stop and develop characte...


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