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Sad Fantasy Fiction

Bene Silverstar walked down the corridor of the royal palace. Why did I have to listen to her? His dejected glare contrasted his battle stiffened face quite well.

Everyone knew him. Some by name, some by his reputation. Bene was famous, or rather infamous in the holy city of Rajkat.

“Morning, Lord Bene. “ A man with a forced smile approached. The sheer intensity of the smile marked the man suspicious. The man’s shining hairless head and his round appearance were the trademark of his worth or perhaps his position. People watched the two from far away. No one said anything but just watched.

“And what pleasure do I owe Lord Brachia- the minister of the high court, for the honor I wonder?” Bene half praised the man, half insulted. His tone, a little condescending. To think men like this are at the head of this country. No wonder it’s so rotten. Of course, he didn’t dare to say it out loud.

“Silence mongrel. Think more about your position.” He bemused. Perhaps he could guess what Bene was thinking. Brachia was offended but years of experience made him control his rage on spot. “Besides, wouldn’t it be better if a certain pagan chose his words wisely? Certainty he won’t be favored by the empress forever?” He grinned like everything in of his judgment was precise.

But there was little truth behind Brachia’s words. In his eyes, Bene was nothing but a pagan- a term for anyone not following this country’s- Ankerisha’s religion. In fact, most of the citizens of this country had similar views. But to the rest of the world? Not so much.

Ankerisha, the kingdom of light, had only one religion and one god- Lord Zelon. Their religion was named after God himself. But maybe it was a little awkward for both their lord and religion to have the same name.

Anybody that diverged from the path of Zelon would either have to leave the country or be completely shunned from society or eventually die a slow death in solitude. The discrimination was clear and it was more prominent in the capital. The only reason Bene could live in this country was because he had saved the life of the holy empress in an excursion not long ago.

But Brachia was mistaken in another point. The favor of the empress was a little more than just the debt of a life.

“Well I understand your point, but do remember that it was the empress who insisted I stay for a few days.” Bene sneered. “Don’t worry I’ll be out of this place before long.” Bene grinned fearlessly. He was an adventurer and an ex-mercenary. But somehow he looked like a villain or a thug to be more precise. His fiery red hair and brusque face only added more fuel to the fiery glares of those around him.

Brachia clicked his tongue and glared back at Bene.  “Hmph. As if-“

Bene flashed another smile and cut the minister short. “Now if that’s all, I’ll take my leave.” But there was another reason behind Bene’s arrogance. He didn’t care about royalty and he didn’t have any reason to stay either. He only respected the empress’s request and that was all, or perhaps there was more.

Brachia balled his fist but flashed a smile in response. “Yes, I too have responsibilities so I’ll be on my way.” On his way forward Brachia smashed his hand on a nearby wall only to roll on the floor with the searing pain.

I hate that guy. Bene didn’t let his thoughts out and his face showed no emotions either. He walked on. He was a lone adventure now, traveling from place to place in search of work. Work generally ranged from washing clothes, finding lost pets to slaying monsters, and confronting thieves. He still did some mercenary works like hunting down criminals and being hired for war. But lately, things weren’t going too well. He was in debt.

The life of an adventurer was- well an adventurous one. So Bene felt conflicted to stay locked up in a place like this, with people like this. Believing in God was fine, and practicing religion was fine too, according to his belief. But too much of a good thing could lead to catastrophe and that was the truth. Things were peaceful on the outside but on the inside there was discrimination. There was chaos. Just how long do these people think they can continue? They’re not even half as developed as the other nations. Bene couldn’t help but sigh at the sorry state this country was.

But there was the question. Why did he save the empress? Did I really have to go through all this trouble?

Just two days ago when Bene was taking a stroll through the forests close to the borders of Ankerisha, he heard battle cries. Of course, Bene didn’t want trouble so he thought to stay out of it. Besides, I’m here on a job. His hands were already full. He had to report back to the guild within a week and hopefully, he’d be able to pay off half of his debt if everything went alright.

But one by one the screams were being mowed down. Are they dying? The word death meant quite a lot to him. He lost his family and his whole village to a horde of demons, so it irked a lot of memories he didn’t want to remember.

Bene shrugged, readied his sword, and headed for the location. Guess I’ll do one good deed a day. And I’ll definitely be sure to get plenty for that good deed. His thoughts were like any other adventurer; save people from danger, ask for compensation. Standard practice.

But Bene didn’t know that he’d end up fighting a flame dragon all on his own. He fought ten or so dragons during his short life, but mostly not alone. There was always someone there with him since dragons were the strongest class of monsters. This time wasn’t much different either. He was alone in the front lines, but he received ample support from the rear mages. Though the battle was tough, it meant little to a guy as strong as Bene. Even after the fight, he still had the energy to spare for another one. But he did get a little burnt between his fingers.

When he surveyed the people he just saved, Bene learnt that he actually saved the empress who was on her yearly excursions. Every year, the empress would travel all across her country and see the conditions of her land herself. Her routes were always carefully planned. So this time, someone probably stirred things up to end her.

Bene gave up on his reward and started to run away. Getting involved with his country is worse than being imprisoned. He was right in a way. But it was already too late.

“Please wait a moment, sir.” That’s when Bene met the empress, and she kind of charmed him. That was the real reason why he accepted to stay in this country for three days. And that was two days ago.

I have free reign but what should I do? If Bene went to the knights, he’d be shooed off. If he went to the royal library, he won’t be allowed entry. Even if he went to the court most of the nobles would make necessary excuses shunning him out. So he didn’t have anything to do. Accepting to stay three days was a bad idea. The original proposition was for him to stay the week. But since he had to report the findings of his job to the guild within a week, he agreed to spend three days. But it was more like an excuse than an actual reason anyway.

Bene sighed and walked around. Of course to a man as wild as he, it wasn’t an easy task. And this day just started. Oh man, why did that woman had to look like Veena! Veena was Bene’s late friend, and perhaps his special someone. But before he could propose, she was already gone. And this empress, looked kind of like Veena, so Bene couldn’t just decline her offer on spot. Just what the hell is wrong with me? Just thinking about it gave him depression.

Not to mention everyone hates me. He couldn’t let his guard down for a second either. He’d saved the empress and for that, a lot of people were happy, but a lot of them were on the opposite scale as well. After all, it was clear that someone planned this whole thing so that the empress would have passed on to the next realm. And now that their plans died down, Bene was their target of hatred. The so called religious people were like hyenas waiting to strike. They would act friendly on the outside but only they themselves knew what they truly were. The religion wasn’t at fault. It was the people who used religion as an excuse to exploit one another. Such a hideous country.

Bene, conflicted as always, sat in the royal garden. This was the only place open to him, and kind of eased his mind. He liked grass, and there was plenty of grass here. The flowers were in full bloom too. There were maids nearby but they were far enough to not get in Bene’s field of view (they didn’t want to be in his view either). Normally a guest like him would get the utmost hospitality, but since he was a pagan, he wasn’t blessed with hospitality; instead he was met with cold glares.

Ankerisha wasn’t open to diplomatic relations with any other country, so it never had many guests to begin with. But for the most part, people never really looked at the pagans the same way they saw each other. This country was the second biggest country in the whole continent and yet it was probably the least developed. The reason? They hated everyone that didn’t follow Zelon. Plain and simple.

“Guess I’ll go sleep this off.” Bene said to no one in particular. In the past two days he barely talked to anyone. The only people who bothered to talk to him were the ministers and it was more like vocal fights than talks. The empress did check on Bene from time to time, but there was little she could do to change the minds of her people.

“Ah! there you are.”  To Bene’s surprise he was approached by none other than the empress herself.

“Your highness.” Bene stood up and prostrated.

“Lift your head. And let’s take a seat. I wanted to talk with you alone.” Given her position, empress Anneroa, was always busy. So she didn’t have the time to speak with her savior, at least not in person.

An umbrella shaped roof was in the middle of the garden. Chairs and a table were there- purely white of color. They were for the personal use of the empress. The maids scowled as they saw Bene take seat next to the empress though.

Bene looked fearlessly at the empress. Anne’s golden locks bounded his eyes. He couldn’t just look away. They look really similar. Veena had pure black hair and sharper facial features. But his friend was dead and he had to accept it.

Bene tried to change the subject. “By the way, your highness, have your found the culprit behind the scenes?”

Anne obviously knew what Bene meant. “Yes, I’ve found him, but since I don’t have any proof, there’s no action I can take. However, rest assured. He won’t be making any tides again.”

Bene breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good to hear.”

He didn’t really know much about royalty but he knew this wasn’t right. He didn’t need to stay in the palace. The empress could have just given him some rewards and dismissed him. So there must have been a reason why she wanted him to spend three nights in this country and in the palace no less. And then there was the matter of her behavior. Bene was an outsider, yet she treated him like he was her equal or something. What did she want from me anyway?

“Now, what did you want to talk about, your highness?” Unable to contain his curiosity, Bene couldn’t help but ask. He thought all of this was a ploy to earn his trust and use his services. This country was big and there were a lot of monsters. But since they were still underdeveloped, there weren’t any guilds in this country. Which meant monsters were a bigger threat than food shortages.

“You may call me Anne. Formality is not necessary.” Anne cleared her throat. “I’d like you to become one the knight captains. I need someone as strong as you in the force.”

Bene suspected something like this. But he didn’t expect the empress to be so open. “You are aware that your people call me a pagan?” But he wasn’t totally against the idea of opening a small missive in this country either. It might take time but he could just suggest it to the guild and that would enable them to be able to change the people’s beliefs in a way that won’t make them discriminate the non-believers. Surely they’ll listen to a high ranked adventurer like me?

Anne wasn’t done yet. “I am aware. But it’ll all change if you choose our faith. Besides-“

“Sorry but I’ll have to decline. I’m a free man, and I’d like to stay that way.” Bene at heart was an adventurer. He sought freedom and that’s why he was bound to no place. “However, I could suggest the guild to start a branch here. At first they’d only employ the people from this country and with time things might change in a positive way.”

The empress was a little disheartened. Perhaps strengthening the army wasn’t the only objective. “I appreciate the thought. I’ll think about it. Even so, won’t you consider my offer?” And yet she wanted Bene to embrace Zelon for some reason.

“Hmm… I get where you’re coming from. But I don’t think I’m the man for the job.” Bene flashed a smile. “If that was why you wanted me to stay than I’m afraid I do not see any ways I’d change my mind. I’m sorry.” Bene was being blunt but that was the only way he could be honest.

“I see.” The empress smiled back. But there was a tinge of sadness in her voice. “What about your wound? Has it healed?

“Oh yeah. Totally.” Bene’s tone degraded a little but he didn’t try to hide it.

The empress smiled and both of them had tea with snacks. They talked about their childhood. Bene, at first thought it to be a little weird that the empress of this country was talking so casually to him- a commoner, but he quickly forgot all that as he talked. It was almost like he was speaking to his old friend again- a nostalgic feeling. Time passed by like it was a speeding star.

That night Bene couldn’t sleep. Maybe I’m pushing this too hard. He was worried that he might have angered the empress by suggesting the idea of a missive. But he couldn’t have been more wrong. In fact he might have just triggered one of the most notable historic events of all time. He rolled around in bed, frustrated. Let’s just think about getting out of here in one piece for now.

Empress Anneroa, was in her bed cuddling herself. What is this feeling? She could almost swear that her chest was hotter than usual- no her whole body was perhaps burning. A fever? No- this is. It was a familiar heat. She felt it before, but not to this extent. Could it be L- love-….no this is wrong. Zelon- she was conflicted. She couldn’t think straight. But if he doesn’t follow Zelon…. Wait. An idea dawned on her, and it was the beginning or perhaps the end. What if- what if the whole world worshipped Zelon? Wouldn’t it be acceptable than? Anne let out a fierce laughter as she touched herself. The idea of a missive. Yes, truly genius. Just what I’d expect from….. “Ha ha ah!” Her laughter, echoed through the halls. But no one at the time knew that this was the beginning of a new age. The beginning of an age of darkness for Ankerisha.

The next day Bene left the palace. He didn’t get to meet the empress again. He received adequate rewards though. Before he could leave the capital he received a note from one of the knights. The knight gave him quite the eye but still handed over the note anyway. The note simply read, “I’d appreciate if you’d visit from time to time. And I think I’ll give this missive idea of yours a go. ” It was a note from the Empress and a rather causal one.

Bene smiled as usual. Maybe I should. But then he remembered the scowls he got just by walking around. Maybe not too soon. But this might be the step forward. Bene had the wrong idea behind the whole missive thing.

Bene travelled all around the world on his adventures. During his journeys Bene heard countless rumors, like how Ankerisha was waging a war for religion, or how the empress has gone mad. Bene didn’t pay much heeds to rumors as most of the time they tend to be nothing more than just gossip.

But where there’s smoke there’s fire. When he came back to visit the empress three years later, he found nothing. The country was gone, annihilated.

“What happened here?” He mumbled to himself.

“The country self-destructed.” A passerby answered. “World domination my ass.” The man snorted and headed in the opposite direction.

April 05, 2021 14:02

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