
I had walked the walk, talked the talk. Yet I had nothing to show for it. I got a job as a journalist for a local newspaper covering nightlife in the city for me that was more excitement than I could handle. My husband turned, boyfriend, because I barely saw him at night, worked as a chef in the local mall. We thrived in his cooking. I took care of the kids while he was gone and he took over at night so that I could rush the scene. I even tried to look like the scenes that I was covering because I had to be authentic. It was in the heyday of club life and grunge rock. Everyone wore spiked heels and spiked leather jackets. Men wore makeup and so did the women. It was an ambiguous scene and I a daughter of Christians was mashed right in the middle of it. Most nights I was covering the music scene how small bands got signed and what they had to do to gain recognition. Most of the time it was about date nights of singles and the married escaping the hells' kitchens of their homes

They briefly whispered to each other in knowing looks and I had to sit and document it all.

Once I was at a gas station and this nice looking man approached me. "Mam, my credit card has a demagnitized strip and it won't charge, can you front me some cash for my gas. I'll swipe you later. Give me your number or email I'll send you something." he said

"No, worries I'll pay for your gas."I said gleefully, happy to have an extra fifty in my wallet. I handed it to him, not even thinking that I would get it back. Although he looked well off and was nice looking, I had been married for so long that I never even bothered to look at other men with interest. only if I was writing about them so he took me by surprise.

"Wow, thanks a fifty." he took a look at me disbelieving that someone like me could have a fifty readily available in a wallet.

"I'll tell you what, I own an exclusive restaurant in town. Why don't you drop by and I will pay you back your fifty. How does that sound?" he said

"I have a round to go to. I am chasing a story uptown of cops who have located a drug hideout. I got a tip earlier this afternoon and I am rushing there. I am a freelance journalist and I write about over night life in the city. I solicit many in town if they have interesting events to let me cover their stories. So, sorry I can't make it tonight." I said.

"I tell you what, meet me tomorow at my restaurant. My restaurant is exclusive because it is for men and women who are invited to meet their lovers who want to end their relaitonships in a safe environment where there cannot be pots and pans flying. If I give you the address and you meet me there tomorrow night I can let you cover a few couples there or you can sit and watch and write about what you see. It is night life, right?"

"Fantastic. My fifty just made me a million. Thanks so much I would love that!"I said exuberant.

"Here is the address, I will meet you tomorrow." he said and drove away.

"Thanks." I said.

That was my fix for the night. My week seemed full and done over. I drove uptown counting the minutes until kick off. I had never heard of sush a restaurant. I was actaully making it in the city, getting in the know!

When I returned home I was so tired and excited and I had to wake my husband and tell him about my night. He was not even a bit impressed. He was tired. The kithen staff was impossible to deal with. One of the servers fell and broke glasses and showerd a patron with drinks. One of the cooks was late and he had to take over for him. The restaurant was overbooked and many fidgited because they were tired of waiting. He had to stay longer than closing time to accommodate those who had to wait. It was a nightmare and it sounded exhausting just hearing about it. My night time life was going to impose on his day.

"Oh, by the way did you remember that we have to visit the Simms for dinner tomorrow. They invited us for a house warming party. Tell me you did not forget. Did you?" my husband asked.

"Oh , that, to be honest, I totally forgot about that. I was just telling you that I met this guy and he wants me to meet him at his restaurant tomorrow night to pick up my fifty bucks which I lent him. I guess I can call him and cancel. I can meet him another time, no big deal." I said.

"How, did that happen, tell me about it. This guy, where was he again? I was asleep when you told me about that." my husband said

as I was flossing my teeth and putting myself together for the night. I repeated the story exactly as it happened aware that I was getting happy my the minute. I also told him about the drug bust and how it went. He was literally bug eyed. "I have never met anyone who had been anywhere close to a cop or seen any of the stuff that we read about in the paper. You must be the real deal. I am afraid of you now. You have seen cops in action, my God should I move to another nighborhood?" he said.

I continued with my story aware that I was the girl with the story usually I would be falling asleep to his stories about the events of his day.

We woke up and cleaned ourselves. I went shopping for the gift and took the kids to day care. I did all of my errands and the dogs had been very good, so they deserved a walk in the park. By the time he returned from work, I knew that I was not going to be out there and I had alreadly called the handsome stranger and told him about my dinner date with friends. He was happy to agree to see me the following night. I was for sure looking forward to our meeting. A restauraunt where the about to be jilted had to go to meet their fate, was the story any one in their right mind would have to look forward to. Our sitter was on time and we left excited to be alone that night. We rushed for the party!

"Hellow everyone! These are our neighbors, everybody say hi to my neighbors!" our hostess said and we felt welcomed.

We shook hands, exchanged pleaseantries and walked around with drinks and small talk. The sky was dark and intrusive. We were in the living room which was opened to the backyard.

"The economy is bad." One of the guys in a large wool knitted sweater said to my husband.

"I bet. I work in a restaurant I can tell by the number of customers that we serve that times are tough." my husband said.

"The last time I......

and suddenly the power was off. We were all puzzled as to what had happened. There were weired noises outside and dogs barking uncontrollably.

We looked around and the whole city was dark. The streetlights and every home had no power. We realized then, that we were in a power outage scene.

"Everyone be careful, move out to the backyard. We need to be safe. Please you must all walk to be back yard. Do not run or trample on others, walk slowly and wait there until we can figure out what to do." Our host said

We all moved to the backyard and some of us called on our cell phones trying to instruct our loved ones what to do . I ofcourse was on the phone with my baby sitter worried about my kids.

"We should all sit on these blankets and I will pass the snacks and drinks. Let's just continue as though we all planned this. I don't know how long the power outage will last. Let's have fun while it is out." our hostess said handing us blankets and tents and all outdoor leisure weapons that she and her family use when we are not around.

We passed bottles of wines and our sit down dinner was on our laps. We talked and worried about what was next. Was the economy so bad that our country could not afford to keep our lights on throughout the night?

-Kumbaya, my Lord Kumbaya

one of the neighbors was heard singing.

We all joined and sang.

-Where have all the flowers gone

We sang and hugged and watched the night sky turn into dawn.

September 11, 2020 21:59

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