Romance Drama

Sometimes relationships are only meant to stay for a season.

The rain should only fall when the earth needs it, for the dam can only hold so much.

If one is too selfish and takes more than they can hold, their dam will crack and all will flush away.

The wedding band on his finger shone brightly in the sun, a constant reminder of his life’s best decision. A union of the greatest things his life had to offer was wrapped up in a perfect bow.

He woke up to greet his beautiful wife, her scent being the most intoxicating smell in his world. Lie there and enjoy the show as she undressed for her morning showers, receiving a sly wink before following behind.

Walking into his daughter’s room to wake her up for school, witnessing her cute face scrunch up after asking for five more minutes as she did every morning. After placing a kiss to her forehead, he maneuvered around all her toys to make breakfast for his two girls.

He had it all. A house that was almost paid off, more than enough money to pay all the bills that came, and a picture-perfect family to top it off. It was the future he had dreamed of since the day he knew she was the one.

No matter how large the feast is, one will always want to add more.

Order the meal they love the most while still craving what the next table has.

How can one be happy with all they have, and still risk it all just to have more?

Why go down the path that will strip you from it all when it clear from the start?

The house right across from them had been for sale for months, being of no interest until that fateful day the sign had changed. It had been the talk of the neighbourhood, but he never had any genuine care for it until he saw who moved in.

It was a face he knew more than well, one he had written poems and love letters about. The first-ever body he had seen in all its beauty, his hands caressed over every part he could, the skin being the softest he had ever felt. He saw those eyes, the first pair of eyes to ever make him fall in love.

He thought this must be a joke; his eyes were playing on him, but a pinch proved it all to be true. Standing across the way was his highschool sweetheart with a husband and son of her own.

Curiosity is in a teen’s natural nature, minds always wondering about.

From one thought to the next, they flurry around.

Consequences are nothing but a distant thought when all is focused on the present.

But an adult living with this mindset is nothing more than a recipe for disaster.

The rain will come hard, and the boat will tip over.

It started out great. There was nothing but laughter when the two families meet. The conversations were warm and lively, the two little ones quickly becoming great friends. The backstory between the two sweethearts became the highlight of their dinner, the two spouses had too much trust to be jealous of a relationship that fizzled out two decades ago.

He was more than sure that their affections towards each other had disappeared completely. Their separation wasn’t forced but agreed upon by both parties for the sake of college. It was peaceful with no hard feelings, he hadn’t even thought about her in years.

It will never be something you do until the day you do it.

No one grows up to be exactly what they dreamed, for life is not fair, and neither are we.

Temptation grows on all trees, always ready for picking, choosing the weak and willing.

For we are all flawed, we must be, or everyone would be a saint.

Everything started with a simple request. Both being stay at home parents, their time was free, and their minds ran quick. He went over to help move furniture, and that was all he intended to do. At least that’s what he thought as he walked through the door.

He didn’t plan to get talking about their relationship together over a cup of tea, the same kind they drank during their lunch dates. He didn’t want to remember all the feelings he had when they were together, the beauty of his first time experiencing the art of making love.

He wasn’t sure who leaned in first, but that didn’t matter because neither of them pulled away. They held each other tight as they continued making their worst mistake, moaning each other’s names while they broke the vows they had both written themselves.

The darkest day is when you lose your soul, not by losing your life but by corrupting it on your own.

Mistakes are aplenty, playing a hand in the lives of all, but not all the same.

There are those who commit with a mind of innocence, unaware of the foul till the deed is done.

But this hand did not act without knowing its crime, for instead, it kept hold of its sin all the while losing its grip on the soul

It felt amazing in the moment, but a storm of regret hit not long after. Two commitments tainted with one single action. He felt the shame, almost toppling over from the weight of it. The two of them locked eyes—still entangled in each others’ embrace—and vowed to never make the same mistake.

He had wanted to keep that vow strong, never again take another hit at the trust both him and his wife had forged over the years. He thought he was going strong, but yet he fell weak, and the cycle continued.

It was an addiction, the rush that came with sleeping with his past lover. Over and over again, they indulged in each other, changing places and positions as the excitement follows it. They even committed their sin in the bed that they laid with their own spouses, having sex in an area that brought along the most regret.

Laying at night, in the arms of his wife, is when the deceit hurt must. For she didn’t know, and if she did, then her acting was unfazed. She held him tight while whispering sweet nothings he was no longer worthy to hear, giving him the pleasure he will never again deserve.

The choice to commit the worst of all acts, a poison taken with a willful hand.

A time will come when the poison will arise, painting the skin with its beautiful lies.

For there is no cure, just a promise of death.

Sometimes relationships are only meant to stay for a season, for they become rotten and turn to poison.

August 09, 2020 20:54

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Doubra Akika
15:39 Aug 14, 2020

This felt like poetry! Loved all the italics and the ending was simply perfect! You’re amazing!


Lynn Penny
17:40 Aug 14, 2020

Thank you so much for the kind words!


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S Smith
17:24 Aug 23, 2020

Agreed. She’s definitely a master at this!!


Doubra Akika
18:15 Aug 23, 2020

Definitely! She motivated me to write my most recent story actually!


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Charles Stucker
18:06 Aug 19, 2020

You have a deft mix of show and tell, mixed with the snippets of italicized philosophy. I really don't see much room for improvement.


Lynn Penny
18:23 Aug 19, 2020

Yay! That means so much to hear🥳


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Lily Kingston
20:00 Aug 13, 2020

Oh my god, I love the way you loop back around to the relationship-season concept in the end. Very well done. Keep up the good work and keep writing!


Lynn Penny
23:01 Aug 13, 2020

Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it!


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S. Closson
08:58 Aug 10, 2020

I really enjoyed this story, the allegories were very well used and that ending was heavy-hitting. Awesome work!


Lynn Penny
13:06 Aug 10, 2020



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14:19 May 21, 2021

I love how this ended without actually concluding. It's so incredible. Magnificent but not perfect. Great work. Happy Today!


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02:50 Aug 29, 2020

Hello! How are you? You may not recognize me because I am new to this website, and an 11 year old... Loved the story! ❤️ It was beautiful and detailed. Mind checking out a few of my stories?


Lynn Penny
17:25 Aug 29, 2020

Thanks! It's always nice to meet new writing friends! I would love to check out some of your work, it's never too early to start writing.


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Arvind Kashyap
06:22 Aug 24, 2020

Well woven. Nice flow.


Lynn Penny
15:29 Aug 24, 2020

Thank you!


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Keerththan 😀
14:04 Aug 21, 2020

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! The emotions were conveyed beautifully. Wonderful story. The ending was great. Well written. Great job. Would you mind reading my new story "Secrets don't remain buried?"


Lynn Penny
17:01 Aug 21, 2020

Thank you! I’d love to read your work!


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Jubilee Forbess
14:42 Aug 19, 2020

Ha, Alexa, put it on my calendar to never let my spouse out in the yard alone when there's high school sweethearts on the run. Your story was so delicate for dealing with a heavy subject and I love that you were able to manage that so well!


Lynn Penny
15:31 Aug 19, 2020

Thanks! I’m glad I was able too, I knew what I wanted to write but I was struggling for a bit to make the words work.


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Tariq Saeed
14:09 Aug 19, 2020

The line "The Earth should "is very good.


Lynn Penny
15:30 Aug 19, 2020

Thank you!


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Thom With An H
13:29 Aug 19, 2020

I love how this ended without an end. It's exactly as it should be. No perfect bows. I can't speak for everyone else but it leaves the reader in a contemplative place. It makes you look outward and inward. Stylistically it was masterful. A really great read.


Lynn Penny
13:48 Aug 19, 2020

Aww, thank you so much! This really made me happy to read.


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Vanessa Kilmer
16:02 Aug 18, 2020

Well done story telling. So bittersweet. I liked the use of a sort of detached omniscience commenting on the situation. A clever device that added foreboding to the man's actions.


Lynn Penny
16:46 Aug 18, 2020

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it!


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Anaya Dennis
01:24 Aug 18, 2020

Oh the infidelity! I mean, I knew it was coming but GEEZ! That hit different. I loved the italics and the structure of the story. I love how you painted these beautiful lives only just to ruin it with guilt. Tainted is the best word I can use to describe this and you executed this prompt beautifully.


Lynn Penny
02:20 Aug 18, 2020

Thank you! I’m glad I was able to pull off the italics.


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Deborah Angevin
11:07 Aug 17, 2020

I love the structure of this, with all the italics. And the ending... oh, I love it! P.S: would you mind checking my recent story out, "Grey Clouds"? Thank you :D


Lynn Penny
14:55 Aug 17, 2020

Thank you! I’d love to read your work 😊


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Yolanda Wu
09:55 Aug 16, 2020

I loved the descriptions at the start and the end, as well as everything in between. It was a such a great story about the complexities of love and marriage. Amazing work!


Lynn Penny
15:23 Aug 16, 2020

Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it!


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03:34 Aug 16, 2020

Sweet story


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Rebecca Lee
19:18 Aug 15, 2020

When a story leaves me thinking or rethinking the ending or a future, I am like, whoa- that was a good story and I want to read more. You were like a chef preparing your best recipe the way you mixed all the ingredients together. Thanks for sharing, and for commenting on one of my stories. Would love for you to check out some more - The Mistake, Big Daddy Comes Back, Secret for All Generations, and the others. We learn from each other!


Lynn Penny
19:33 Aug 15, 2020

Thank you for the kind comment! I'd love to read more of your work. :)


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18:08 Aug 15, 2020

I loved the italicized quotes. This story has a very lyrical, sweet rhythm. The end was bittersweet and perfectly called back to the beginning.


Lynn Penny
18:17 Aug 15, 2020

Thank you! I wanted to try a bittersweet ending and i'm so glad it worked out.


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D. Jaymz
00:59 Aug 15, 2020

I really liked the lyrical italicized parts that commented philosophically on the previous actions. Great work 😊 ~~~~~~ In the sentence, 'Laying at night, in the arms of his wife, is when the deceit hurt must.'. I believe you meant 'most' instead of 'must', as in 'Laying at night, in the arms of his wife, is when the deceit hurt most.' ~~~~~~ Wel-written 👍 Keep writing.


Lynn Penny
14:40 Aug 15, 2020

Thanks! I really do need to work on my editing, I’ll fix that on my saved draft.


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Al Johnson
02:32 Aug 14, 2020

The story is simply captivating! The beginning and ending are so poetic and lyrical! Amazing work!


Lynn Penny
14:22 Aug 14, 2020

Thank you so much!


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