Drama Fantasy Friendship

Hey, my name is Lula Miller. I live in a cabin not far from the castle that Prince Kace and his parents I've never met them but I've seen them around here once or twice. Anyway I never thought I would end up being Kace’s wife but let me tell you how it all started. One normal morning I went on a walk by the castle and I'm guessing Prince Kace was in a rush he came flying out of the gates, Then all of a sudden im on the ground right next to Kace I was scared at first until he got up and said “sorry I'm in a hurry I have a meeting with my Dad to day.” I looked at him and gave a little smile and said “its ok I was just walking.” he gave me a weird look like I had something in my hair I got scared and started fixing my hair “ Nothings wrong I just think ive never seen you around here.” you gave him a smile as he said that “ I live in a cabin not far from here.” That was just the beginning of are friendship. Everyday we would go see each other right outside of the castle i'm guessing his mother started to notice because she came out to me without Kace and asked “ who are you?” you looked worried and said in a nervous tone “ Lula Miller your son's friend.” She looked at you and walked back inside and I was guessing she was yelling at him because when he came out he did not look happy. Kace just walked right past you to a girl who was a princess. I started to have tears in my eyes and ran past him and the girl I was thinking why he would do this to me… It's been a couple of months since i've seen or heard from Kace while I was walking I saw a sign that said “ Prince Kace and Princess Mila getting married this Friday'' I was just thinking about it and today was friday I ran home as fast as I could and grab some money and went to a gown store and Bought a very gorgeous red gown, I only had so much money left so I wore my old heels and went to get my hair done. When I looked at myself in a mirror I smiled. Was this me the person in this mirror was me?! It was time for the ceremony. You walked to the castle and went inside. I saw a lot of people but the person I couldn't get my eyes off was Kace. 

The time had come for them to say Their I do, Kace saw you as soon as he was about to say I do. “Stop, I don't want to marry her!” Everybody got confused. He ran to you and pulled you up to the stage. His mom said “ KACE LUCE WINDORSON you will marry Mila not that rag!” Kace acted like he didn't hear his mom and got on one knee. 

Now before I finish me and Kace had been friends for 2 years so I was really surprised when he asked. Kace said “Lula Grace Miller will you marry me?” you started to cry “yes yes, Of course I will!!!” Kace smiled.

Me and Kace got married a year later. I never thought I would marry a prince. I was just a girl in a cabin alone in the woods.

After, 3 months of me and Kace being married I was pregnant I didnt find this out until about 2 months of being pregnant, little did I know I was having twins one girl and one boy. After, 7 months of cramps and throwing up I was finally at the hospital giving birth to my lovley twins I went ahead and named the girl Mia and the boy Noah. I had to watch them alot because I could never get a baby sitter and Kace was always busy doing work and meetings, I was making lunch for the kids then all of a sudden I heard a loud bang the guards were on their lunch break I ran to get the kids and they were gone not anywhere in the castle. I called Kace telling him what happened he rushed home and sent guards looking for them it had been a week no sign of them… I went for a walk towards my old cabin and saw my kids and Mila I screamed when I saw her holding my kids I ran to get guards and they caught her. I was so worried and I took Mia and Noah back to the castle. Kace said “ ill be home for the week, just to make sure the guards are doing their job.” Its been years the kids are in middle school I have two more girls Chole and layla they were really quick at learning they loved to play with blocks. I wouldnt mind having more boys but I guess its ok the girls are 4 and Mia and Noah are 12 there in 6th they love there teacher and they have their homework done before they get home. Thats crazy since their my kids I could never, how did they get so smart because there dad can be a little dumb.I still dont get how I ended up with a man like him, my father would be saying “you could do so much better then him but I dont think I could. These days if you married a prince your really famous but thats not my I married him its because of how good friends me and Kace are. My kids wanted a dog so me and kace took them pet shopping and I found a dog at the shelter that had the same past as me. I cant image how hard it was on Bear because as a human it was really hard on me so me and the kids got bear and they bought toys and food and his collar they really were going to have fun with Bear.

December 16, 2020 02:53

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