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Fiction Suspense Thriller

This was supposed to be the happiest days of their lives. After seven years of trying, the resilient couple finally accepted the fact that if they were to start the family they so longed for, the child just wouldn't be theirs. So, they picked up their pride and head down to the adoption agency determined to settle down for the rest of their lives.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hudson?"

The pair looked up in anticipation. "It's time for you to meet Ty."

Prilla looked into her husband's eyes. "This is it Danny, this is the start of the rest of our lives."

Danny chuckled. "And here I thought that was our wedding day."

"Danny..." the woman scolded.

"Ah, you know I'm just teasin'. C'mon, let's go meet our new son."

The stout social worker led the small Hudson family to a small area in the back hallway past the restrooms. As she held the door open for the hopeful couple she sighed. I hope this is the last time he goes through this... It would be so nice for Ty to finally belong...

The first thing Prilla noticed about Ty was his arm. It wasn't deformed or tattooed like one would expect if this arm caught the attention of anyone who walks in the room, instead Ty's arm was moving rapidly back and forth across a yellowed piece of paper. The image of this small child drawing was not the spectacle,but the speed he was drawing with is what drew the curious eyes of Mr. and Mrs. Hudson to his arm.

As the seemingly determined child drew at this rapid pace, the couple cautiously made their way towards him, hoping to maybe get a glance at Ty's work. But alarmingly, as soon as they were within five feet, the arm stopped and the boys head slowly turned to see who dared bother him while he worked.

At first, no one spoke, for fear of frightening the child. But, someone had to start things off.

Danny stepped forward and held out his hand while carefully avoiding Ty's eyes. (They gave him the creeps.) "Hi there Ty. My name's Danny and this is my wife, Prilla."

Silence and stillness met the man's words. Danny stepped back glancing at his wife. "Er, Prilla...?" he murmured.

"Hello Ty," Prilla greeted and the boy's eyes met her's. Ignoring her chills she went on. "I was wondering if you would like to spend the day with us, you know maybe get more familiar with us before you decide if we're right for you." After a moment of silence she smiled. "Of course you can get ice cream Ty, whatever you like."

Baffeled, Danny stared at his wife. But before he could get a word out, Ty stood up taking Prilla's hand as they both head out the door.

Still in shock, he followed them without a word.

Prilla led Ty to the passenger seat of their black crossover. Danny's confusion only grew as she climbed into the driver's seat and started the car. He feared she would leave him so Danny slid in the back as quickly as he could. It was only after the first light he wondered how they managed to walk right out without signing anything.

As a matter of fact, as Danny came to his senses, he began to wonder about alot of things, but he couldn't mention anything with the kid here. Besides, so what if it's a little strange, it's what they wanted right? A family. Even if... he's a little strange.

The whole ride to the ice cream parlor, Prilla and Ty had many conversations. Although they seemed pretty one sided to Danny considering Ty never said a word. Prilla occasionally would subtly motion for him to join the conversation, but no matter how hard he looked, or listened Danny could never hear a word Ty said.

Danny was getting a little tired of this so as soon as they arrived and sat in a booth, he suggested Ty go to the self serve machine.

Once the child was out of earshot, Danny let out what was on his mind.

"Look Prilla, I don't know if it's you, me, or the kid but one of us has got to be crazy and right now all arrows point to you."

Prilla gave a small laugh of confusion. "Danny, if anyone is crazy around here, it's you. You beg me for a child and when we can finally have one, you act as if he can't speak or-or you don't hear him."

"But Prilla, that's the thing. I have stared at his mouth to try and see him speaking, thinking maybe I just couldn't hear him but his mouth never moved."


" No, next time you "hear" him say something, do me a favor and watch his mouth. I know I'm not crazy."

Prilla looked doubtful, but agreed. This was her husband after all, and if he was going crazy she had a right to know.

Prilla glanced over to where Ty stood. He seemed like a normal child. His smallish face was mostly hidden by his wild tufts of black curls, and he was short for a thirteen year old. He looked ten, and as shy as he was it wasn't hard to see it.

Ty walked back to the booth with a little bounce in his step, holding his small tub of Death By Chocolate. Smiling, Prilla slid over to make room.

"Hey Ty, did you find what you wanted?"

"Yes. I found chocolate, my favorite," he softly answered. Prilla didn't see his mouth move, but he was speaking quietly enough so it wouldn't be unnatural.

She looked at her husband questioningly and he nodded to go on.

" Is there anywhere else you'd like to go? The park maybe?"

Ty glanced up from his treat. He paused for a moment before he spoke.

"Would you like to go to the park?"

Prilla was so surprised at this she forgot to look at his mouth.

"Well, yes actually I would.''

"Then I would love to go."

Prilla smiled with surprise. How... sweet of him. maybe Danny's suspicions are a bit wild. After all, what could a boy as small as he do of any harm?

She looked at Danny. "Danny, this has got to be one of the most sweetest children I've ever met," she said and hinted to let his suspicions drop.

Ty smiled at Prilla and took a bite of his ice cream. Making the man seem crazy was fun, and best of all he had finally found a woman who would treat him like a child, not a freak instead of siding with her partner. All it would take is a little push and Ty would have Prilla all to himself. Ty just so happened to have one last trick up his sleeve...

Danny was indescribably worried. He could somehow sense something troublesome within the kid, but didn't know how to tell Prilla to send him back. She was hooked on keeping him, Danny could tell but he also feared for his life. He knew this was strange in the context of a thirteen year old boy but the feeling was too great to ignore. It was almost as if a voice were telling him, warning him about Ty.

He didn't know much about Ty, but he knew he couldn't live with him around. Ty had to go.

Suddenly, Danny had an idea.

"Hey Ty, how about we head off to the park right now. you can finish your ice cream in the car."

Danny saw as Prilla glanced at Ty, then nodded.

"Sounds like a fine idea to me as well,"she said.

Danny paid for the ice cream and headed out to the car, grinning as he sat in the back.

Prilla started the car and turned onto the busy streets of Wisconsin. "what park would you like to go to Ty?"

"How about the one with the cliff," he said between mouthfuls." So I can watch over the streets below."

" You got it mister," Prilla replied with a laugh. She was already starting to get a sense of his joyful personality. She couldn't wait to raise him. Ahh I can't count my chickens, he might not enjoy us as much as we like him. We being a relative term considering Danny was being a little weird. But he seemed to be warming up to Ty anyhow. By the end of the day, Prilla could see Ty coming home with them to their staccato home and peaceful neighborhood.

They parked in the strangely empty lot and got out the car.

Ty turned to look at Prilla. "Can I sit by the edge?"

"Of course," she replied, "But please be careful."

Ty nodded and ran off.

Danny watched him hungrily. "I'm gonna go... make sure he's safe," he says dismissively to his wife and heads off before she can respond.

Danny catches up with Ty almost immediately. He watches as the boy sits near an old oak tree. "Ty, buddy you might wanna step away a little bit before you fall."

As expected Ty just stares. Danny walks up to him and frowns. "If you're gonna be living around here with us, you gotta talk to me. I can make your life real hard if you don't."

Ty's stare slightly morphs into a glare.

Danny kneels down to meet his eyes but they flick away. Danny sucks in his teeth. "If you wanna be disrespectful, I can make your life real short too."

Ty, of course, makes no effort to respond. In anger, Danny grabs the boy's face and turns it towards him. Ty's eyes are shut.

"Open. Your. Eyes." He laughs shortly. " or even, just open your mouth. Show me some form of respect before you fly off this cliff."

After a moment of silence Danny releases his face. He stands and turns, seemingly to walk away.

Prilla, who was walking over, could see the strange look on her husband's face. "Danny, what-?"

Before she could get her query out, Danny spun around and attempted to fling Ty off of the cliff. Prilla gasped in horror, but sighed in relief as she witnessed Ty leap out of harms way.

"DANNY!" she shrieked and the crazed man turned to look at his beloved wife.

"I can't live with a DEMON!" he announces. Prilla see's his intent and rushes forward to grab him from the edge. But by then, it was too late.

November 19, 2020 19:20

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1 comment

Laurentz Baker
09:33 Nov 24, 2020

Horror and suspense.


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