A Couple's Promise

Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Drama Funny Fiction

“Where the heck is he?” She muttered to herself as she watches the minutes go by on her phone.

It had been almost an hour and her head is riddled with wild thoughts. Maybe he got lost? No, that can’t be, he knows this place better than me. Or maybe he forgot? Hmmm… Nahhh we had been planning this since last week. It’s starting to get late, maybe I’ll give him a text.

“Yo,” she typed hesitantly before deleting it.

Her eyes now glued onto the phone and her face cringing, thinking of what to say before finally typing her message. “Hey, are you coming or—”

Bang! The table trembled.

“Holy Dips!” She shouted as her elbow nearly slipped off the table.

The man watched her stumble with amusement, his fists still resting on the table. “Aye there little Rosie, fancy meeting you here.” He said with a slight chuckle.

At first, she was irate and was going to give the man an earful but upon hearing his voice she recognized him. “Took you long enough,” she said while desperately clutching her phone with the tip of her thumb and index finger.

She then pulled herself up before she spoke. “You could’ve called me you know.”

“I know, I know, but I wanted to surprise you. It’s not everyday that we get to meet like this.” He said as he took a seat onto the smooth wooden chair next to her.

“Well now that you’re here, we can start ordering.” She said cheerfully as she waved to call the server over.

“Hello and welcome to Bonnie’s Kitchen! What can I get for you today?”

“I’ll have the fresh avocado bagels with a sunny side-up on the side and banana pancakes for later.”

“Ok then. And what will you be having Sir?”

He looked at the menu board and took a few moments to browse through their specials. “I’ll have the salmon fettuccine and crab soup.”

Rosie crinkled her face and wanted to correct him but the server interjected. “Alrighty! And what would you like to drink?”

“A strong black coffee for me and an ice lemonade for the lady.”

“Smart choice! Your order will be ready in a jiffy.” They said as they jotted down their every order in the speed of light.

Then as soon as the server was out of sight, Rosie snapped at Donny, “You meant to say Sal-mon just now right?”

“What are you talking about? Its pronounced Sam-mon and it has always been that way.”

“It has the letter “L” in it”—her fingers forming the quoting symbol in the air—"so you should pronounce it.”

“The “L” is silent just like the “H” is silent in the word Ow-er”

“No way! its How-er just like how salmon is Sah-eL-Mon!”

“Wait wait wait why are we even arguing about this?” He asked. “It’s been a long time since we last saw each other, lets just agree to—”

“No!” she barked. “I’m gonna bing it just to prove you wrong.” A few moments of silence ensued before she spoke. “Aha! There there you see—” she pointed at the article on her phone—“read it and then you’ll know I’m right.”

“No way, you’re pulling my leg." He said as he took her phone showing disbelief. “You know this is your own article right?” He chuckled before bursting into laughter.

“So what, are you saying that I’m untrustworthy or something?”

“No but quoting yourself is cheating”

“Whatever!” She grumbled as her face was starting to turn bright red like a rose.

“Anyway, there’s something important that I want to talk to you about.” His playful tone became more serious as he placed her phone face down on the table. “The reason I’m late today is because—”

“No, lets save that for later,” she said as her finger shushed his lips.

“Alright,” he sighed, “then lets—”

“Ding! Ding! Ding! Your order is here!” The server announced as they elegantly placed their meals in front of them.

“Yum, the food looks delicious!” Rosie said whilst trying to force a smile.

“Yeah, it does look nice.” He replied.

They ate their food in silence, waiting for the other to speak. Dammit this is awkward. She looks so glum. What can I say to lighten the mood? Maybe I can give her a compliment? Crap the silence is killing me.

“So uh, how’s the Bah-gull?” He said.

“Its ok. Also, its pronounced Bay-gull” She said.

"Fine then I'll start calling it a Bay-gull from now on."

“Hehe, you know its nice seeing you again,”

“Yeah, today is my only day off before I have to go back to training.”

 “You got accepted, didn’t you?” she asked.

“Yeah.” He replied.

“How long will you be gone?”

“It depends, terraforming a whole planet is gonna take a while.”

“I see . . .” Her eyes started watering and she tried her best not to frown.

“But you know I can always come back.” He said while trying to cheer her up.

“There’s no need to lie.” She said as she wiped her eyes. “We both know that it’s a one-way trip until the mission is complete.” “It used to be my dream too you know.”

“I know . . .”

“But there’s no point in crying over spilled milk.” She said as she caressed her legs. “It’s not your fault that my legs got broken during the space training.” “Besides, now at least one of us is going to mars.” She said with a smile.

“Yeah” he replied.

“So, are you excited?” she asked with a hint of sorrow in her eyes.

“You know we can talk about something else right?” He said. “Let’s just enjoy the time we have left.”

“Alright then.” She said as she waved at the server to get their bill.

“I’ll pay this one.” He said.


“So, where do you wanna go after this?”

She twiddled her thumbs before she gave her response. “Let’s go to our favorite spot under the oak tree.” “Its been a while and I’d like to see the stars with you one last time.”

“Ok then M’lady, shall we go?” he said as he offered his arm.

“Sure thing butthead!”

He smiled. “Deal! But you’re gonna have to be the guide for this journey”

“Alright.” She chuckled.

“Then off we go!” he yelled which cause numerous dining patrons to look their way.

But that didn’t matter to them as they were fixated on each other. They then went on their way and arrived on the hill where they first met. “This is the perfect place to see the stars.”

“Sure is.”

They laid down onto the soft grass, looking up into the night sky. “Say Donny, can you make me a promise?” she whispered.

“What is it?”

“Promise that you will come back to me, no matter how long it takes.”

“Don’t worry Rosie, I will.”

January 15, 2021 07:16

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07:24 Jan 23, 2021

Quite a twist in the middle of the story! Really enjoyed it :-) Would have been nice to know why Donny was late for lunch.


Work Count
21:23 Jan 23, 2021

Hehe, It could b anything but ill leave that to the readers imagination. Maybe she knew the moment he came all dolled up for their date. But for now she just wants to enjoy the moment. Thx for reading!


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