The Pit of Despair

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story about someone feeling powerless.... view prompt


Drama Fantasy Romance

The pit of despair caused by death a loss of a life. It caused a chain of extreme silence. When I fell in I thought I would never surface, or recover from the pain. I seemed to fall forever into the abyss. But now in the despair, I am silent. I don’t exist. No one sees me, hears me,thinks me, I’ve been missing but no one searched. There's no light where I am, black is all I see, a void of darkness with no way out. Long ago my world had light I could laugh, and cry. People saw me I existed I had a choice, a voice, a decision. But I have no power I used to think I did but then then darkness came and brought me to this place. Its cold, dark, and lonely. “I want to wake up!”I used to scream but it never helped. Death took me away so I used to think I’d die, but now I sit and wait for the light alone in this darkness.

No one understands the dark when you are alone not even an imaginary friend to help. My power was taken when they brought me here now I can’t even choose to leave. I hope the light comes and I hope it stays so I can live the rest of my days knowing the darkness is behind me the light is ahead. when the light finally came it scared me, in a flash it was there and it took me out of the pit of my despair. The light was warm, bright, and loving.

The light gave me back everything the death took it gave me my life and a home a voice to guide me and someone who’d listen it gave me everything but my power. That I had to earn on my own, so I let death die and made hope rise. It gave me a feeling of joy to know that the death couldn’t hurt me until the day I die. With my newfound freedom I spoke, I laughed, I cried. By letting hope win I got my power, freedom, and joy. My power is mine alone and no thing, no one can ever take that away.

Now standing at the edge of the pit that caused me so much pain I see another fall in, someone who may never surface. So I jumped straight in to that very pit taking the fall with grace and just as the hope saved me I sprouted wings to fly and glided to the woman who had just fallen for them it may have seemed like years before their rescue the reality is it was only mere moments before I lifted her from the pit and into the light of the world I was taken into after the fall that I thought doomed me to die.

Now in the light of this beautiful world I saw her face and she was beautiful even through the blood and dirt coating her face."lets go get you washed up" I say thinking she will oblige to getting clean."no" she says. hovering on my golden wings I was baffled to hear such a thing so I landed and took her shoulders. However, her eyes showed a rising anger in my shock, so I close my mouth. `"Thank You" was her only reply. suddenly going weak at the knees I start to hover gracefully off the ground stretching her arms so I let go.

That's when she bolts straight towards the pit as a young man falls toward the darkness. Sensing her pain I zoom after her straight down the cylinder of the pit she falls but no wings come. In a panic I see she's gone limp and I grab her unconscious form and swoop to a graceful landing at the bottom, I take both her in my arms and I fly upwards towards the exit where the light awaits. As I fly I wonder aloud "does she like me?" after I land at the top I remember that she fell and I immediately came and got her. Then when the boy fell she immediately jumped after him. "She must at least respect me then.". All of a sudden she woke up " Who Are You?!" she yelled jumping up and hitting me in the jaw. "Ow!" I shriek. The pain splintered around my body and in an instant her hand was caressing where her head had hit my jaw. I felt powerless to her touch and I felt like I was floating on air as she leaned in to a hug this made me sure of my feelings for her. In that moment my story became quite clear I had to help her earn her wings. So I said "lets learn to fly.".

That night was amazing since the sun never set in this Utopia of light we talked for hours and soon she could fly. Her wings were as silver as the beams of moonlight we used to see. In the time we flew I decided to ask her someday if she would love me and I decided to wait until the full moon over the sun. Soon it was a date and as we stood on the rooftops I asked without a second thought if she would fly with me as a partner forever and she said yes. The kiss that followed put my mind at ease for our future whatever it may hold. again powerless to her grasp I felt myself gliding on the clouds as I loved her forever.

Later that night her wings folded she slept soundly at my side but when I woke and found her nowhere around I walked to the pit to find her dead at the side. "NO!" I screamed as I fell to my knees next to her she had been struck by lightning from the abyss and died to the death. and so I jumped into the abyss to die alone powerless to the pain.The pit of despair caused by death a loss of a life. It caused a chain of extreme silence. chained there by her death I now wait to die without her.

September 10, 2020 23:21

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