Life of a Half Elf
Life was never easy to a person of my history part Human and part Drow but with the friendship and guidance of my surrogate father Master Bennings, he taught me the reality of life. My name is Kayla Bennings and this is my story.
Master Bennings took me in when neither of my parents' families accepted me. To them, I was a freak of nature and did not take the title of their families. Though I got my love from my mother it was not enough. So she joined me and took me to the Druid Circle School outside of the Western Elven Woods. Master Bennings taught me what a normal father teaches his children. How to survive on the streets and how to commune with nature. In the eyes of Master Bennings, I was not a freak but a person who could work in both worlds of the Elves and Humans though it was not easy. I accepted master Bennings and his blessings towards me as a person of the world.
Growing up outside of the Elven Woods of Jordero, I was a troubled child because like many of my kind bullying and bigotry was always around us For a time I was a half-elf street urchin and got myself into a lot of trouble with the Elven authorities. I never knew or understood the bigotry and bullying of others towards me until I met Master Bennings. His favorite motto on this of society was like the difference between hobgoblins and goblins or. other races of humankind. In which one group always thought they were better than the other one much like what the gods of the universe picked on other gods.
Master Bennings always expressed we are all equal in the eyes of the gods we worship no matter what the circumstances were. Getting back to my story after being a street urchin in my childhood years my mother decided it was time to commune with a discipline that would keep me out of the gallows.
Though the travel was hard my mother managed to put together some money to a young cleric and young paladin who would protect us and defend us in the dark woods of the Elven Woods. The two young warriors defended us against brigands from Hobgoblins to the elusive Yuan-Ti mercenaries hired by the dark mages of the south.
We soon arrived at the Druid Circle School we thanked our guards for their help. The two young warriors I would meet twenty years later. My mother escorted me up to the Druid Circle School and introduced me to Master Gareth Bennings though I was a scared child. He accepted me the first day by offering me my favorite treat now of nutty sweetbread. He treated me as an equal and as a daughter of the two worlds. It was through his discipline and training I became a top druid-rogue-scout in his school.
As I reached my age of adulthood Master Bennings told me it was time for me to graduate in my studies and choose a region of Jordero to complete my training and practice. My choice was the High Cliffs of Jordero where I would live and study with the bird-people of the High Cliffs. Since I was an avid mountain climber and druid to helping animals. I was on my way to the High Cliffs with my partner and friend Xander Jones who was a druid-ranger. Our friendship grew as we climbed the High Cliffs however our love would soon end after he was killed by a dragon-man scoundrel-knight known as Scull Scratch who attacked us along with one of the High Cliff mountain paths.
I soon arrived at the High Cliffs after using my skills as a rogue and a scout to avoid capture by Scull and his mercenaries.
It was on the High Cliffs camp of the Bird-people that I met my favorite aunt the bird- people Shaman Zasha Shiba. With my favorite aunt, I managed to overcome the loss of my close friend Xander Jones. It took me about three years to accept his sacrifice but it was never easy. Many times I thought about jumping off the cliffs to join him but Aunt Zasha prevented me from doing it by talking it out with me. It was through her talks that I began to recognize the good in humility towards others.
Zasha taught me the skills to care for animals and survive in the mountains. The bird-people of the High cliffs accepted me into their tribe and I began to learn the unique language of both sides of bird-people. The Kenku people and the Aarcora people though they have differences the two people worked together even though there are small disagreements compare to the way the Elves and Humans treated me. In some ways, it was like a utopia rather than a city of backstabbing people.
As my recognition grew in the village and I learned to commune with the nature of the bird-people, I felt a need to make some of how I was feeling to the next level and I needed to bring justice to my lost friend Discussing these issues with Zasha, we decided that Scull most be brought to justice with his crimes against the bird-people and traveling merchants. Zasha sent a courier to the local Justicar and she sent a pair of Justicar Knights to assist in the apprehension of Scull.
Though not trained in mountain trails, I offered to be the guide of the Justicar knights. Traveling to the last location Scull and his mercenaries attacked. We began our hunt for the red dragon man. Traveling for three days we came across a merchant caravan that was passing in the High Cliffs un-guarded by anyone. My group and I offered to protect the caravan on its trip to the mountain Community known as Big Boulder-Hills. Though the caravan only carried supplies and wheat, it was our plan that perhaps Scull would be interested in this caravan. For two days we did not encounter any big brigands a few goblins but no Scull. However on the sixth day since we left the High Cliffs we spotted the noted juggernaut flying the flag Scull's Bandits.
Though it has been three years since I last saw Scull his stank was still in the air.
Moving slowly the large wagon pulled by two constructs known as the War-forged, the stench of the Dragon-man was there. Flanked by a group of Dragon-men and humans in banded armor and wearing the colors of Scull. The large wagon came before us. Using a loud horn
Scull spoke to us offering a quick handover of our supplies and wheat. The lead caravan an elder dwarf protested the brigand leaving it up to the merchant dwarf war-lords and our group of Justicars to defend and take on the Scull and his bandits.
A skirmish arose and it soon became known as the Clash of High Boulder. Scull and his minions fought for their greed and the Justicars and Dwarf War-lords fought to defend the caravan. Using the skills I learned from master Bennings and Xander my talents became a
benefit in this clash. Using a series of druid spells and the skills I picked up as a scout and rogue aided the Justicars in their apprehension of the brigand known as Scull Scratch.
Using a series of mists of fog and walls of different things, we managed to use some stealth against Scull and his men. The harder fight came when the constructs broke their bonds and attacked us like dogs to a master. If it was not for Justicar Brandt's mage-knight skills could have gotten worse in this clash. Using Arcane spells against the constructs, Justicar Brander had managed to stop the constructs.
Seeing that his men were harmed badly, Scull fled back into the mountains to recruit a new army of brigands. Leaving the others behind I pursued Scull and caught him at a plateau. With nowhere to go Scull and I fought like two swordsmen. Using my bladed staff rather than a sword. I managed to force Scull to fight until one of us won the fight. Striking a high number of strikes against him. I forced him to the edge of the plateau and said to him to give up. But the stubborn and anti-woman attitude of a dragon man. Scull decided to dive off the plateau.
I soon lost sight of him in the dark clouds below the plateau. Though I do not know if he survived or died. I sense my sight of justice was completed.
Returning back to the Justicars, I turned to them and told them that I believe Scull was dead.
Accepting my observation, we returned back to the caravan and headed for Big Boulder-Hills.
Once in Big Boulder-Hills, we went our ways and I returned back to my family in the High Cliff mountains Though did I know my adventures would grow after a group of Rocs were ill by an unknown circumstance.
The End?.
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