
Those days when there was still magic,it all started with a thick greenish air with blue specks. I dropped the box I was holding and admired this great sight. Soon I was tempted to touch it,feel it, withhold it. Then I decided to pass the through the green air,and I entered and was vaporized into time,1992,all in the attic.

I stood tall,staring at another me,suckling a breast and cooing in the comfort of warm arms that was not my present mother's. My face tightened in confusion. That was the 'baby' me I was sure,I could contrast images from photos. But why was I in strange arms?who really put birth to me?or nursed me? I left that year 3rd January 1992 when I was just one month old to my present year 2004 where I was twelve. I stumbled out of the thick greenish gas,and met our usual black attic,with the wooden box down on the floor. I pushed the door open,I was devastated.

"Mom!who is my real mom?"

Mrs McCall shuddered at my question. She let go of her needle and gave me a look that meant more of 'how did you get to find out?'And she finally asked.

"Honey,what prompted...I mean how did you get to know this?"

"There!"I stretched out my index finger towards the attic. The two couples gave themselves a devastating look.

"Darling you didn't shut the portal?" That was all Mrs McCall could say.

"I did,I was sure..."Mr McCall began, before smacking his forehead with his right palm in a bid to have forgotten something."...or maybe not".

Mrs McCall signed. I began my relentless questions."What happened?to them,to me,to us! Why did they give me out?when did they do this?are they still alive?!" Mrs McCall stood up from the cushion,she was visibly disturbed.


"If you don't want to talk about it,I should find out for myself!" I ran out of the sitting room. Mom and dad followed me to the attic,bit before they could make it pass the wooden door, I was gone...gone into 1992.

... I still saw the same thing,but I was sleeping this time...I meant another me,in a cot. There wasn't any clue to my urging questions here. I had to frontier,a bit frontier.

My bare feet stepped into 27th December 1992,when the 'baby' me was still around twelve months. I,saw with me the same parents, laughing around a filled table putting on the robe of Santa Claus celebrating Christmas.

I left again,using the gaseous magical portal to 3rd January 1993. I met me, standing with a smiling face before a chocolate cake,and in my small palm was a small pen knife. Above the cake had 'two' inscribed on it and the immediate sorroundings around me had them decorated with balloons and colourful nylons. Guess it was my birthday. And so I went,from 16th Febuary to 8th June. Then 22nd July before I finally met my present Mom and dad in a serious conversation with the previous Mom and Dad in a small room. That was the 1st of August,1993. My previous parents were in tears and pleaded with the foster ones,to take me and raise me as their own.

"We are witches and wizards". I could hear the mother from my standing behind the door."Our magic sorcery are too strong for the baby. They are not good for the baby. They will kill the baby..."

"Okay,stop your tears now Mrs Mikaelson..."

"Mikaelson..." I whispered to my self."My mother's name is Mikaelson.

"...we'll take him as our own,we will take proper care of him".

"Please don't let him know his roots". This Mrs Mikaelson started again." Or else he will become what he is...a werewolf!"


"Should in case you need any direction while we are gone,you can always open a portal to this time to ask us..." I vanished.5th of August 1993,I met the corpses of my old parents. They died with their eyes open and with bite marks. They had their bodies wrapped in a white linen,which had been doubled up umpteen times but the blood from the massive bite marks still drenched them,and stained the floor.I wept. But there was a problem,I couldn't get back to my present year 2004 after visiting so many dates. I was to follow them back in order so as to trace my year. I was trapped in time. I started feeling uneasy and I had a sudden runny nose. My heard was turning and my vision doubled and blurred out. I had a severe headache and I thought I saw drops of blood drip down from my nostrils. When I reached for my handkerchief,my claws were long and sharp. I screamed and threw myself on the floor. Turning my neck swiftly to the wall mirror nearby,I met a sabre toothed wolf-human head. My two eye balls changed their black colour to that of green. My ear pinna grew to an extensively large extent and it's edge was pointed. Altough saliva escaped and dripped slowly from lips,I couldn't control it owing to my abnormal longer canines.I was very afraid of who I was,I was horrible.

Then I started hearing distant conversation,very low and slow. I focused attention.

"... the kid will get out of our hands..."

"...can our magic hold him?..."

"...I don't think so,the best magic ever for him was the spell the Mikaelsons casted on him which is to be broken the very seconds he finds his roots..."

"... ain't there an alternative...?

From a simple guess,those were my present parents conversing,perhaps about me. I could hear them right from 1993! With my two fingers out,I seized this moment and stirred up a time portal for that particular year.

My big feet stepped into the dark attic,and my glowing eyes met Mr. and Mrs McCall. They were horrified with my new look,I could see that too. Mrs McCall retreated and reached for a wooden baton, held it above herself in a bid to attack. Mr McCall just stood still and looked on stealthily with agap lips,before clenching his fingers into a fist and taking his stance. I tried a brief roar. My new nature made me to breath too noisily and to see the digestive and the respiratory systems of this couple from my gloating position. Then I flashed my large canines at them,and gave a mischievous smile.

"You were saying...?" And with a speed of sound,I ripped their throat into shrrds.

April 18, 2020 03:18

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Holly Pierce
13:39 Apr 28, 2020

There were quite a few errors in spacing, but that is an amazing story!


Andy Chijioke
00:18 Oct 30, 2020

Thank you


Holly Pierce
12:37 Oct 30, 2020

of course!


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