General: Write a story that begins with someone's popsicle melting.

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story that begins with someone's popsicle melting.... view prompt



Weekly Writing Prompts Prince De-Grant Brempong Tel.0575086991 Email: Write a story that begins with someone's popsicle melting. My story is entitled With someone's popsicle melting the King met his double. This story is based on the fact that when someone's popsicle was melting the King of Romania met his double. James sells ice cream at the premises of the King's Palace. It is always James who refresh the visitors of the King with some popsicle that is icecream or water ice on a small wooden stick ,other visitors to the King do call popsicle as ice jolly , lolly or lollipop which are all forms of icecream. The King of England ,an English man and a Poet travels to Romania and discovers to his surprise that he the King of England was a look alike as to the King of Romania ,they almost look like some twins of some sort. However when the King of England visited the King of Romania he was served with popsicle by James before meeting the King of Romania. Whilst the King of England popsicle was melting he got the opportunity to meet the King of Romania ,to tell his story and the reason for his visitation. The Palace of the King of Romania was mostly a special place of visitation and tour. Visitors were often than not given popsicles to quench their thirst. Almost as often noted ,night so long and during the day someone's popsicle melting the King met his visitors who brought to him issues to be solved within the society. Whilst the King of England popsicle was melting ,he had the opportunity to meet his double who happens to be more of a twin brother as the King of Romania. Due to this similarity between both Kings the King of Romania and the King of England ,they were helped and saved from their enemies within the two countries. As I was awakened by a voice,loud, and rough in the Palace , the King of Romania got angry. The King of Romania ordered all criminals to be shaved so that they will not get the opportunity to get close to the throne of the King. James opened his eyes and found two men looking at him with much curiosity ,more like some criminals of some sort. These criminals wore hunting clothes and also carried guns along with them. As according to the description by James the popsicle or the icecream vendor there was one rather short and very strongly built ,with a grey moustache and small light blue eyes. Also the other criminal looked more of a thin young man of middle height with dark hair and rather smart. I realised that first the criminal looked more of a gentleman accustomed to move in with guns. Likewise the other criminal looked more of six feet two inches tall to James observation. His accomplice also moved in looking tall of height seven feet four inches. They both spoke to James in an ill mannered way in the Palace. These criminals did not smile to James pleasantly in the Palace.These criminals claimed they were in the service of the King of Romania and that they have come to the Palace for visitation,they were both more of young Adults from our society. James ordered for the criminals to be arrested and imprisoned because they were very angry and refused the offer of the popsicle that was the icecream at the vendor of the Palace. The King of England realised that he looked more like the King of Romania. So they both knew that they were more like twins. The King of England brought along his linguist to the Palace who realised that both the King of England and the King of Romania looked alike , whilst his popsicle in a form of icecream was melting as he was surprised. However, James felt uncomfortable sometimes , because he could hardly distinguish between the two King's. The King of England thought it wise before visiting the King of Romania because he was a wise King. As memories will last the King of England realising he was a look alike to the King of Romania took some photographs with the King of Romania. The two Kings both the King of England and the King of Romania asked for a partnership between them ,do that the two countries will engage in trade by means of Aeroplanes and Ship. So the two Kings ,both the King of Romania and the King of England introduced Ships and Aeroplanes in the two countries to make it a developed country. The King of England could only be distinguish from the King of Romania by their dress code and the way and manner in which they spoke the English language including their intonation. The King of England puts on suit whilst the King of Romania puts on shirt with tie together with trousers mostly. The King of England also introduced his dress code to the citizens of Romania which is of the fact that putting on suit helps you to get good jobs in offices and to be treated well as a good Adult. The King of England made it a must for citizens to be given suits and tie freely in Romania. The King of England looked at Romania in a bird's eye view that with such an opportunity Romania will grow and become a developed Nation. Also likewise of the dress code of England the King of Romania also introduced his dress code to the citizens of England including Queen Victoria . The King of Romania commented that both men and women could both put on shirt, trousers and tie to help in a good work force. It is only by the dress code of the citizens that will help in the development of the country as a good Nation. Both the King of England and the Queen of England ,Queen Victoria accepted the dress code of the King of Romania and decided to add to their dress code and also made it a mandate that in exception of Fridays the dress code will be put on by all workers including the suit as a symbol of love between the two countries. Also Romania accepted the dress code of the King of England and decided to put it on Fridays likewise as a symbol of love in partnership between the two countries. This also helped the two countries to enforce trade in the aspect of selling clothes between the two countries to earn foreign exchange. Also during wedding ceremonies, most men in Romania put on suit and also during special festivities as a sign of respect towards their partnership and friendship between the two countries. The suit as commented by the King of England represents the dress code that transforms one into Adulthood especially during marriage ceremonies. Finally the King of England due to their invention helped to introduce Aeroplane between the two countries as a means of transportation to enforce trade and also the King of Romania also did likewise by introducing Ships at the Port to enforce trade between the two countries. It can be noted that both the two Kings lived happily ever after in their country.

August 04, 2020 15:20

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Ali Anthony Bell
17:05 Aug 13, 2020

Hello Prince, Following the initiative put in place just now by Ariel at Reedsy, the "Critique Circle", we should all give feedback on another person's writing. I just sent my first submission last week. However, I'm a 60-year-old American English teacher living in Morocco, and I've already written several books. I always try my best to motivate my learners and help them to improve. Of course, writing is one of the ways to improve, and I can see that you're making a considerable effort. This is great! In order to write well, first, we als...


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Paige Mackey
01:49 Sep 18, 2020

I like this a lot! 💕


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