Which can be the Best Kiss? The First or the Last Kiss

Written in response to: Center your story around a first or last kiss.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Mystery

To have loved and lost, is better than to never have loved at all. There is some truth to that saying, of course it can be understood in many ways.

The kiss that is given will be the same exciting, dynamic, and wonderful moment, whether it is the very first kiss, at the beginning, or the last kiss, like at the end of a date or something closely related to the kiss itself.

The sweetest kiss is the one that is given as a surprise, which happens when you least expect it to happen. It leads to the kiss that will either curl one's toes or send sparks throughout the whole body. The kiss that will have butterflies fluttering inside one's stomach and will make both excited and nervous.

The kiss, no matter whether it is the first kiss or the last kiss, can make one walk on cloud nine, or believe they can, along with the walking on air. Let us zero in one two different couples as they either are experiencing their first kiss and/or experiencing their last kiss. Let us see (picturing in our minds) like a painted picture.

Zoe and Brad are the ones experiencing their first kiss, after being friends for so long, being friends for at least three years, and deciding to take the chance on love and their first kiss.

Patty and Doug are the ones experiencing their last kiss, as they have been involved for about the same amount of time, around three years. They are spending more time together, and are ending the night with their kiss, which may lead to their kiss only leading to more serious matters.

The irony of these situations is that they all know each other, they are all friends, and they are close, without being too close for comfort. Zoe and Doug work for a lawyer's office in the Upper side of downtown, while Brad and Patty, both work in the same building, in the Lower side of downtown, for a consulting firm.

Eventually, all four of these people were bound to meet, were bound to find the time to mix and mingle and learn who liked who. It was that chance moment, bringing them to where they arrived in the present.

Not to sound cliche, like using the idea of a favorite TV show idea or anything, but not to be too taboo, or even to copy the many ideas for story ideas that would cause one to say, "This has been overdone and needs to be given a rest".

Back to the idea that is mentioned here. It was at a party that they all met outside of their work environment and allowed them to feel at ease and relax. At first, they paired off and Patty and Doug hit it off without a hitch and then went from there for them. While Zoe and Brad had only recently had been single again, they were not ready to jump into a new relationship yet and chose to become good friends.

Not that there was a competition, or everyone was trying to outdo the others. It was a matter of what they each hoped to accomplish, or what they were ready to have happen.

Patty and Doug, who were happy with kisses and the love they had established in the beginning, with each kiss, was like the first time they kissed. Both were sure they would be able to go further each time, and they always kissed as though it was their last kiss.

Zoe and Brad were settling on the idea of being friends first, then becoming friends with benefits. This led to the moment where they decided to go one step further. They were kissing, as they kissed, it was that moment when you realize and know for sure you both are meant together. They wanted to see it through.

As things heated up, as the sparks began to fly, the passion and desire were strong enough to have them finally become more than friends. It was a magical moment. It was hotter than hot. The test was presented, was taken, and was passed with excellence.

Zoe and Brad were certain that one day they would decide to become husband and wife, and it began with a first kiss. Patty and Doug were already heading that way, with the idea of marriage, but chose to remain engaged only.

So, the last kiss shared by Zoe and Brad was the one that helped them to become more than friends, and to look at the idea of marriage. To seal the deal, to allow them to know and to become what they wanted to be before but never took that ultimate step. Until now.

Looking ahead 5 Years, and both are still together, Zoe and Brad married and now have one child. Patty and Doug who are now owners of the place that Doug works, allowing Patty to be a stay-at-home worker.

First kiss, last kiss, any kiss, all kisses, quick kisses, long kisses, a peck, one huge kiss. These are the one that give you the idea behind what makes a great kiss. The passion behind the kiss, the way you deliver the kiss, how the other person will respond to the kiss that is offered. The kiss that makes you weak in the knees, which makes you feel foot loose and fancy free.

The First kiss can leave with much to be desired. Leave you wanting more or not wanting any more. Can have you wondering what just happened and whether you wish to experience the kiss again. The person who gives the first or the last kiss, and the person receiving the kiss, will either match up 100% or will fizzle out before it goes any further.

The first kiss can be the best kiss or the worst kiss, and the last kiss can be the same too. It how you present both first and last kisses, which will either make you a hero or a zero.

Cheers to a kiss that makes you swoon and makes you feel invincible.

The kiss that gives you much to smile about or can make you the saddest person in the room.

The First and Last kiss can make or break you and can be all that you need to start anew.

February 14, 2025 22:42

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