You're My Boy Blue: The Day We Relied on a Stranger

Submitted into Contest #96 in response to: Write about someone welcoming a stranger into their home.... view prompt

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Adventure Friendship Happy

      "Oh great! We're screwed!", Johnny yelled out as Sharon tried to veer off to the side of the highway in Benson, Missouri.  The SUV completely shut down out of nowhere as they were traveling out West.  They were only halfway through their trip and had to be in Arizona in about two and a half weeks. The two of them had never gone on any excursion like this before. All alone in Missouri where neither of them knew a soul. They sat in disbelief as they worried about what to do next. "I guess we just gotta try to fix it. After we figure out what caused it.", Sharon said. Johnny, being completely in shock about this even happening, replied, "Okay, I guess I'll have a look.".

      As Johnny got out to check what was wrong with the vehicle, a blue Dodge pickup truck came rushing across a grassy area between the highway and a country backroad. It wasn't highway patrol or local police. Just some random good Samaritan trying to help out a couple of crazy out of towners who seem to be having some sort of issue. He offered the two a tow from the highway since it wasn't very safe. The two agreed and before they knew it Sharon was trying to steer an SUV with no power steering being pulled down some long and very steep country roads. This was definitely not in the plans for their road trip to Arizona. They weren't even financially able to take on all of the expenses that this unexpected matter would bring.

      The good Samaritan in the blue Dodge, Guy, pulled them over to Hood's. Hood's was like something out of the movies to these two city kids from Philadelphia, PA. They pulled their vehicle in front of the Restaurant which had a game room for truckers. This was a truck stop. Now it made sense. Across the parking lot there was a little convenience store with showers for $5. They also had a hotel behind the restaurant, but that wasn't going to be an option financially. Since they've been camping in the back of the SUV the whole trip anyway. Until now, neither of them knew about stores at truck stops having showers. That knowledge was extremely useful for the entire time there. You can even share a shower, so for $5, you couldn't ask for anything more. 

      After two days of staying outside of the restaurant, the owners were getting a little suspicious of the two having nowhere to go. Now, this is a small town where everyone knows each other, so news that we were still there spread like wildfire. Guy had been back and forth from his place to Johnny and Sharon numerous times to check on them. They would go into the restaurant and have coffee while chatting about the SUV, why they were all the way out here from Philly, and basically life in general. Guy sure was an eccentric old fella with endless stories to tell and entertained the two kids more than they would have ever imagined. He was what you would call a hillbilly. He loved his country music and guns! He had tons of stories back from when he was a truck driver too. Definitely someone these two could have never even begun to imagine they would be hanging out, having coffee with if you'd of asked either of them about a week prior to the day they broke down. 

      It was looking like Johnny and Sharon would have to move the truck from the lot since it was becoming an eyesore and completely bad for business. The problem was that they had nowhere to go. Guy knew that, stood up and said, "Let's go!". Sharon looked at Johnny confused before letting out a laugh. "Where we going?", she asked Guy, "We don't have that much money and don't know anyone out here." "Well you know me! I'm someone. Let's go!", Guy said as he started walking towards the door. Johnny and Sharon sat there in shock. "Okay, you ready to do this?", Johnny said to Sharon. She looked at him with a smile, "Well it can't be worse than a parking lot. Right? So why not?". Off they went on another game of towing the SUV up and down the countryside. 

      They pulled up a long driveway to a group of trailers, on top of a hill, in the middle of a bison farm. A make-shift trailer park, if you will. As they got out of the vehicle, Guy said, "It ain't much, but it's mine! I figured you kids can sleep in the SUV and hang out with me until you can figure things out.". Johnny and Sharon had never heard of someone being so kind as to help out two perfect strangers from the side of the road, but there was something different about this one. He became fast friends with Johnny and Sharon reminded him of his granddaughter, Candy. They would listen to old songs at night while Guy would go on and on about playing the guitar for famous people back in his hayday. His stories were definitely one for the books. These Philly kids never met anyone quite like Guy before, but who knows what would've happened without him. 

      The two ended up staying with their new hillbilly grandpa the whole two and a half weeks they were there. They told each other stories and looked out for each other. They would stop and help others they saw broken down too.  You have to pay it forward in life or karma will never take your side when you need it most.  Two city kids wouldn't have made it out there if it wasn't for this blessing in disguise that happened to be out for a drive that very same day they broke down. Luck was definitely on their side that day.  They will forever be grateful for the kindness of this stranger, whom they now call a friend. 

June 01, 2021 03:08

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1 comment

John Matthews
00:00 Jun 02, 2024

Interesting story, isn't it Ironic that the characters names were Johnny and Sharon. I like how the story started out with conversation. It's a good a story but I think some more imagery would make it more interesting. You could say that car broke down on a deserted road on a cold wet rainy day. A car flew up like a speeding bullet and suddenly slammed the brakes. I man gets out in a dark wet trench coat. His long brown hair hid his face. He surrentipously walked up to drivers side door and began bagging on the window. Sharon jumps frant...


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