Fantasy Fiction Horror

The day my life changed forever was the day I went to the library. It was after school, and well I was what you would call a geek, a nerd, or what I was called, a weirdo. I had one good friend but my day changed that day.

I was not that much of a nerd. I was shy, petite, and just easy to pick on. As a sophomore girl with no self-esteem, I and my friend were the only ones we had.

We have known each other since daycare and that has been years of sleepovers, boy crushes, and pool parties. But today seemed different. I couldn't put my finger on it but, I just knew everything would change.

My mother had driven us to the library so we can start early on our group project for history. Ugh. We had to research, write an essay, and present on a subject of civil rights movements like women's rights, rights for races, the right for demographics, right for religions, rights for gender, sex, or sexual orientation, and so on.

We decided to discuss the gay rights movement as my friend, Allison Spears water, my best friend is gay. I am not, but I support her as we have gone through everything, training bras, breaking the same foot together, and both getting food poisoning at Champion Charlie's pizza joint.

My mom waved us off as she drove off, probably to go and play with the next-door neighbor while my father is out of town on a business trip. I know what is happening, but my father is doing the same thing. What great role models I have.

I sighed as we walked into the eerily quiet dungeon that was the library.

"You okay Luna?" Allison asked me as the sliding doors slid open for us.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be with two people in my lives that feel that their marriage is an open relationship for the receptionist and the next-door neighbor's father," I said cattily.

"Yeah, well at least we had you're named legally changed from Amaretto." She replied with shivering a bit.

"Just awful parents, I had my grandmother help me with that one, and wait is this the same library?" I asked finally realizing where we were.

It was spooky, cold, and had a faint smell of old books to it. There was no light coming in from either corner or no librarian to greet us.

I stared at the walls that once held posters and pictures from famous books and movies. There were no little kids' insight and also even more eerily no computers to use.

"Where are we?" She finally asked, mouth agape staring at the world around us.

"We're at the library, I think, but I think we should leave," I said shaking a bit as a chill went down my spine shaking me to my core.

I rolled my eyes as we slowly stepped forward staring at the icy chilling walls. Cobwebs were sticking to the mantels, candelabras hanging on loose threads, and torches stuck to the walls. it looked like a dungeon from a 1950's monster movie. I stared at the books that were in various languages, symbols, and such but it was creepy nonetheless.

"Stop being a baby. We have that presentation due next week, and I need to find the perfect book to trump Collins Port-Worth that idiot has it coming to him. If he wants to do an immaculate presentation on gay rights, I am going to make ours better, and we need the right book for that." Allison spoke triumphantly about it.

"Okay, you take the right I will take the left," I mumbled going down the left corridor as she went towards the right corridor.

I started to look at the titles of the books, and I got an eery feeling about them. There were books in Latin, books with weird smells to them as I went by, and books with symbols that I somehow recognized.

I stopped on a book with spells in them, it was a witches book. In our little mountain farm town with Christian values but rights advocation with our prominent history teacher trying to change things up. But at our local and only library, we had no spellbooks or anything out of the ordinary. I'm really surprised if we did have a book about rights as my community hated the very idea of it. Allison was not of their values and nor was I.

I stared at it looking at the old thick pages, written with old ink that our little town did not carry. I stared at it for a while when Allison came overall depressed and mad.

I kept on staring at the book as spells after spells lifted off the page, it was eery but also cool in a way.

"Not one darn book on what we need, hay what do you get." She muttered under her breath.

"Did you look at the titles?" I asked not looking up at her as I read through spells and spells of stuff that was peculiar but interesting.

She slowly guided her fingers along the edges of books that seemed to shiver and shudder at her touch.

"Yes, they're all in Latin and all in weird languages some even look as old as greek times. What the heck is this place?" She asked, a bit of a scared tone to her voice maybe even confusion as well.

"I don't know, but look at this, it is a spellbook," I answered smiling at it as I flipped the page over.

"And you're holding that thing." She asserted stepping back from me.

"Well just look at it," I assured her holding it up to her.

"Fine." She replied snottily as she came closer to me.

She looked at it confused and then looked up at me. She kept on looking at it confused and a bit scared.

"You know that book is blank right?" She stuttered as I looked at her cross.

"No, it isn't, see look at this: 

sea waves crashing against the night,

cliffs topple from the sky,

days of rivers seething rain, 

lust pulling the pain,

shadows dancing across the forest bed, 

shining ocean 

will pull forth in the motion, 

seashells casting the powers within me, 

make me see, the truth that lies, within me." I said as a book from my right by a god awful window with no light fell from the shelf. 

I slowly looked down and picked it up as Allison grabbed me back, trying to pull me away from the book.

"I don't know what voodoo you just said I just know that all of this is creepy and bad. We need to cut our losses and go home." She sobbed.

"What did you tell me, stop being a baby earlier?" I recalled.

"Luna, listen to me I was wrong, dead wrong now I think whatever this place is it is evil to listen to me." She snarled.

"Let me just look at it," I exclaimed, walking closer to the fallen book. 

I slowly bent down as I picked up this old library book that seemed normal. It was barren, no title, as I opened it and my world changed. It started to read off scary things, symbols, and titles as I felt burning all around me, the world drifting away from me, pulling me away from Allison as I started to scream. I tried to close the book, but it then swallowed me whole. 

Allison's perspective~

"Luna, where did you go," I screamed calling her name as the book fell to the floor.

I slowly picked it up, I opened it to blank pages, sobs as my tears were absorbed by this witch book. Luna was gone, absorbed by this book. I took it with me and ran out of there. I had to find someone to help me. I had to go and get help.

I knew I had to get the police or someone to help me. I had to do something.

It has been a year since Luna disappeared. The minute I left the library, it turned back to normal. I screamed in agony as I found our local police officer. He called me an idiot and to go home. No one believed me that she disappeared in that book. I have kept it, hoping she would come back, but I don't know if she ever will. I have prayed to her, tried witchcraft myself to try to find her. Her parents finally got a divorce, and her mother blames me for her disappearance. I was cast off at my school and had to go on homeschooling, but I know the truth. I will go to the ends of the earth to get Luna back.

I wrote down every detail I had of that library. I went every day to it standing outside, measuring it, taking pictures, and trying to find clues but every time I get something the police show up. I am alone and my own parent's have turned on me. My own girlfriend broke up with me and now I have nothing except for my husky puppy and my kitten.

Luna is out there somewhere. I can feel her. She is in my dreams every night. And I will keep that mysterious book till I can get her back.

April 25, 2021 17:52

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