Religion - A report by RK - 2302

Submitted into Contest #82 in response to: Write about an android just trying to blend in with their human companions.... view prompt


Funny Science Fiction Speculative

My name is RK-2302. 

As I am the first among this line of prototypes to achieve sentience, my creator named me Arkhit.

Everyday, my creator (who wants to be addressed as Master from now on), gives me a task to perform.

Today’s task is to visit a shrine and gain an understanding of the concept of religion. 

My Master doesn’t follow any religion. He often goes on rants talking about the impossibility of a higher power that controls us. The very idea of fate or destiny is met with intense scorn. Yesterday, he wanted me to provide an unbiased account of religion and the varying beliefs surrounding it. 

8:00 AM - I arrive at the Vinayagar Temple. Humans of all age groups remove their footwear and walk barefoot inside, across the sandy ground littered with rocks to the temple. 

Why do they remove an article of clothing clearly invented for protection?

Google tells me it is disrespectful. Shoes also carry germs and it is considered unhygienic to wear it into the shrine. There is another eccentric reason that the feeling of the Earth underneath one’s feet makes you grounded.

If I need to gain entry, I must remove my footwear. 

I do so and enter.

8:05 AM - Humans wash their feet in water before entering the shrine. 

Hygiene appears to be their main priority.

8:10 AM - I witness humans carrying baskets filled with flowers, coconuts and fruits. There are also incense sticks, lamps, oil and rolled up cotton fibers in some receptacles. 

What do they intend to do with this odd assortment of items?

8:12 AM - The lamps are being lit in front of a large pillar. 

Why are they doing this when it is daytime and there is sufficient lighting in the area?

My trusty companion Google claims that lamps ward off evil energy. 

Can energy be classified as good and bad?

I need to ask my Master about this.

8:19 AM - There is a huge line leading up to the main shrine. People are singing loudly, some chant mantras, some remain quiet while a few gossip. The entire situation is rather chaotic.

Is this the purpose of religion?

To bring individuals together and give them a non judgmental arena to express their feelings?


8:33 AM - The spiritual idol is now in view. The elephant headed God is named Lord Vinayagar and it appears he is carved out of black granite. A priest is pouring milk, curd, sandalwood paste and turmeric to name a few, over the granite idol.

Why do something so absurd and wasteful?

There are people begging outside. 

Would it not be more appropriate to hand over the edibles to them?

What is the purpose of a religion that wastes essential products?

I don’t understand this.

8:35 AM - The priest lights a fancy lamp with many handles. It is called ‘Aarti’ and is a means to visualize the idol that is in the dark. There are no light fixtures inside the main shrine. The loud ringing bells along with this light apparently ward off bad energy (Google shows many baseless claims. Note to self - send complaint regarding the lack of evidence surrounding numerous esoteric topics.)

The humans around me clasp their hands and pray.

As my purpose is to blend in, I do the same.

8:36 AM - I am being offered two powders, one white and one red. 

I watch the humans around me apply the powders to their forehead.

I glance down at the powder in my hands and observe the foreheads around me.

I rub some on my fingers and apply it to my own.

When in Rome, be a Roman.

The priest offers me flowers. 

What does one do with these blossoms? 

I do not possess the olfactory senses required to smell them. 

I see a woman place the flowers on her head. She pins it to her braid.

My artificial hair is short.

I follow suit using a pin fashioned from a wire.

A young girl giggles and runs up to me.

“You are funny, Uncle! Boys don’t wear flowers!” she squeals, while her mother comes over and picks her up, not before shooting me a mistrustful glance.

My plan to blend in is foiled. I remove the pin and flowers from my head.

An inspection of those around me reveals only females wearing flowers on their heads.

It appears that flowers are another way to distinguish males from females of this species.

As I have been built to appear like a male android, I must follow the necessary prerequisites.

I lean against a pillar to watch the behavior of the humans.

They appear to be going around the temple, which in and of itself isn’t odd.

It’s strange because they seem to be going in only one direction, a clockwise fashion if one observes closely.

I follow the path of these individuals.

Why move only in one direction?

It is reminiscent of the way electric charges move from the positive to negative electrode.

The direction never changes.

A quick scan of the area reveals an electric and magnetic force field around this place. It is much stronger than what is usually recorded outside.

8:56 AM - I retrace the energy lines back to the shrine with the idol. It appears to be emanating from the stone itself. 

There is a rumbling of thunder outside and sudden flashes of lightning. 

One bolt lands close and the pyramidal structure above the temple acts like a lightning rod and the energy is transferred straight into the idol.

Is this how power is obtained by the figurine?

Could the use of milk and other liquids be a means to enhance the conductivity of the stone?

So many possibilities and unfounded theories.

I place my hand on the cool stonewalls of the temple.

Some electricity jumps into my palms, recharging me instantly.


To summarize my findings, the idols are a source of enormous energy.

Humans are drawn to this power.

They come in drained and leave revitalized as evidenced by the smiles on their faces when they leave.

Temples are powerhouses used to recharge human beings.

They are rechargeable batteries. Or more like power sockets.

Is this the meaning of religion?

A mere term used to describe a set of habits and customs performed to recharge an individual.

A set of complicated and unnecessary rituals, which don’t appear to have any logical significance but when looked at closely, reveal a deeper, more profound explanation.

9:11 AM - I slip my footwear back on and leave.

My battery levels are at 100%.

The walk back to my Master’s house is spent creating a perfect report of my findings.

Religion can be beneficial to both humans and androids.

A wonderful recharge station present at short intervals.

Based on my past interactions with my Master, I do not believe he will be satisfied with my report.

February 26, 2021 18:21

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Ethan Lash
14:50 Mar 04, 2021

I like the idea of religion actually having influence on the physical world being discovered by an android. Since we tend to think of science as separate or antagonistic to religion it seems ironic but makes sense since Arkhit is outside the belief system so he can see all the angles as it were. Great job.


Vakhiya B
15:02 Mar 08, 2021

Thank you!


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